Pippi Longstocking
Pippi Longstocking
G | 22 August 1997 (USA)
Pippi Longstocking Trailers

Pippi Longstocking is an extraordinary little girl who lives alone in her house, while her father sails the seven seas. Pippi's irrepressibly fun nature makes her easy to befriend, as neighbors Tommy and Annika find, but can also earn ire, especially from social worker Mrs. Prysselius.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
zombiefan89 I was expecting her to have at least SOME variation in her emotions, but she's just...happy all the time. Father lost at sea, no worries, he'll float! All the characters are flat, cardboard cut-outs. When Pippi does try to convey some other emotion, she just fails. The music kind of patches up some places, but bad writing is bad writing. The movie also had way too many songs. There's literally a song every five minutes. They could have spaced them out, but no, everyone sings. Not just Pippi, the useless side characters also sing. If this movie were made in the 60's or 70's, I would have be much more forgiving, but it's terrible for a late 90's movie. Don't waste your time.
joyci-1 When i was little, about 6 years old, this movie used to come on TV all the time (T_T *boo who* then it stopped). I never seen the TV show before then but i saw 1 episode. The Episodes and the movie were good. I love how the movie was like a full version of the episodes which is really good especially for the kids who never seen the shows. The songs were so catchy. If you didn't like them YOU'VE GOT SOME SERIOUS ISSUES! I especially loved Plutiflikation, What shall I do today, and Recipe for life. I still sing them now. This must be and amazing movie for me to remember them from so long ago. This movie is a wonderful children's movie. Point Blank. (I'm not a child anymore and i still love the songs)
Miles Husoy I was totally enjoying the animated TV show of "Pippi Longstocking" in the sixth grade (yes, my sister did talk me into it!). I thought the animation was flat but still colourful and that the voice actors did their job well (two of whom included Melissa Altro who does Muffy on "Arthur" and squeaky-voiced Wayne Robson who plays that hack Mike on "Red Green Show"), and so I thought I shouldn't miss the movie when it comes on TV. Now, I can see why it went directly to video.The stupid songs that underline this are atrocious, the animation is much flatter, the plots are recycled and it just goes nowhere! I don't think Gordon Pinsent or Catherine O'Hara were stupid enough to participate in this!!! My advice to you all is this: AVOID THIS TRASH ALL TOGETHER! How dare they butcher Astrid Lindgren's beloved red-headed character! Ever since I saw the movie, I can never watch the great animated TV show anymore! Thanks for nothing!