Helter Skelter
Helter Skelter
| 23 July 2004 (USA)
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The rise of Charles Manson and his "family," who are responsible for a series of famous murders in the late 1960s. Manson, a magnetic and mysterious man, attracts road-weary single mother Linda Kasabian to join his collection of outcasts on a ranch outside of Los Angeles. After murdering actress Sharon Tate, Manson and his followers are investigated by district attorney Vincent Bugliosi.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
John Atkins (Charlieluvsyou77) The best in depth depiction of Charlie. Jeremy Davies did an excellent job although..... I don't have time to go into how much I know the facts and certain people of the "real" Charlie and the criticism of NOT REALLY being related to him, so therefor....I think he portrayed him just coming off a much too arrogant and cocky, I think he tried to put to much emphasis n being sly and slick, so forth. Overall though, as of yet. I see NO ONE toping his performance. This one unlike the 76 version, concentrates more on the "family" itself as of the 76 is almost an narration page by page account of the perception of the D.A. Vincent Bugliosi which in my opinion is a complete blueprint for Americas public enemy number one scapegoat. You can feel the pressure boiling as it gets to the climax of the film. As a horror fan my whole life I would say not to gory or lack of. Personally I believe this film was very underrated and ignored for unknown reasons. The cast was at the time very unknown and they really come off as they need to be. I think all of the profound characters put a lot into their roles then now they should not have (lol). All and all, I probably watch this at least 4 times a year all the way threw.
Fred Vidal It was a great experience, a perfect director, I felt like if I was really in the office of Mr. Polanski when he received this terrible phone call. The actor is magnifique. This scene is a masterpiece and, for me, was a space-time travel and a success. The entire film is very interesting, I always think about The Beatles song when I hear or read this title. The actress is fantastic and make us forget that she is an actress. This is the best compliment to do to somebody in that industry, right? Otherwise, I appreciate that the DVD is well distributed in the Blockbuster network. Don't miss it if you want quality time about history and a good movie. Fred Vidal™
The_Naked_Kiss Helter Skelter is a remake of a 1976 TV movie. It is based on the true story of the Tate/Labianca murders committed by "The Manson Family". I will make my opinion clear; this is a tacky, tacky movie. It does not deserve the title of trashy or cult. It is pure tacky through and through, from the insane wigs to the over the top theatrical actor who plays Manson. Jeremy Davis was a convincing Manson, but went a little too far in some places. He got the accent and the body movements down well, unlike the actor in 'The Manson Family' (who came of more like Jesus to me). I felt this was the only redeeming quality of the movie, that and the 17 minute special feature of Jeremy's rehearsal footage, walking around trying to emulate Manson The look of this movie is all over the place, one moment it looks very gritty, the next a famous face appears and trippy camera effects are used and used badly. The news segments of the movie are horribly filmed, the effect used is over the top in an attempt to make the footage look real/old, the shots are unconvincing for news footage and resemble a shot you would see on MTV's head bangers ball, with the weird angles minus the zoom function. Whenever there is a killing scene in the movie the majority of it is shot in negative, to dramatize the event, but it comes off totally conceited, and seems as though they were too lazy to come up with their own experimental ideas.The film is an hour too long, it runs for 2 hours and 10 minutes and is rather drawn out and pieced together badly. The murder scenes are a little more brutal than that of the Manson family in regards to sound effects and the dramatization of the scenes. Some people think this film is so bad its good, but it's so bad its bad. Do yourself a favor and rent/buy 'The Manson Family'. Meanwhile I am going to sit here and curse the fact that I paid $20 for this DVD.
Alex-372 This is not a bad movie, considering it was made for TV and much of the story is already known. Charles Manson was a sociopath who spent most of his live in prison, and who hitched along on the hippie movement of the sixties. His long hair, guitar and "philosophy" were props he used to act out his messed up psyche.Having said that, while not a bad movie, it is just not particularly gripping, because most of their victims are innocent bystanders. Who are you going to root for? I think the acting was pretty good to reasonable. If you are interested in true crime, see it if is on TV, but don't pay money for it.