R | 01 March 2013 (USA)
Phantom Trailers

The haunted Captain of a Soviet submarine holds the fate of the world in his hands. Forced to leave his family behind, he is charged with leading a covert mission cloaked in mystery.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
PodBill Just what I expected
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
RKorday Overall, this was a good movie. The only real problem I had was that this was a Russian submarine with dozens of Russian crew members and not one of them had a Russian accent. For me, that took away a substantial amount of credibility in the movie. I found myself frequently wondering what was going on here. Were these Americans that hi- jacked a Russian sub? But, no, they were supposed to be Russian's. Took a lot of the believability out of the movie.
sfinancing ...but enjoyable.A reasonably well put together script makes for a strong watch that is made even stronger by a great cast. Harris and Fichtner put in excellent performances and Duchovny is strong as well.The story itself is engaging and ultimately would have worked well without the whole "true events" fact definitely works better without it. Not especially accurate historically and honestly could have done without a couple of the blatant plot devices they threw in.Cinematography was decent, as were the limited special effects.Directing was sound.Overall a gem on Netflix and a good way to spend a couple hours.
Scott LeBrun The always rock solid Ed Harris shines as Demi, a veteran officer in the Russian Navy. His comrade Markov (Lance Henriksen, in a much too brief cameo role) sends him out to sea, as commander of a sub, and some last minute passengers tag along. One of them is Bruni (David Duchovny), a rogue KGB agent, and you just KNOW that his agenda is going to be dubious and scary. Tensions run high above the sub as the men are forced to confront the idea of going to war with America.First, let's get to the debits. Going by other IMDb reviews here, it's clear that writer / director Todd Robinson either didn't do much research, or else he just didn't give a damn. There are a bunch of inaccuracies. We could start with the fact that we've got a largely accent-free American cast playing supposed Russian characters, but that's just stating the obvious. The special effects, admittedly, could have been better. Thankfully, they don't detract too much from the experience.The story is set up as being inspired by a real life incident which could indeed have begun a nuclear war; to this day the facts of the matter are apparently kept under wraps by both the Americans and Russians. This does make for some reasonably watchable drama, action, suspense, and excitement, along with the appeal of a classic submarine thriller in the Hollywood tradition.While almost everybody here is completely unconvincing as a Russian, you can see that the performances are still quite engaging - for the most part. Duchovny isn't enough of an actor to bring a lot of gravitas to his villainous role, but Harris and William Fichtner (as Harris' reliable XO) pick up the slack. Harris projects perfect authority and you do believe him as a leader of men. Johnathon Schaech, Jason Beghe, Derek Magyar, Sean Patrick Flanery, Jason Gray-Stanford, Julian Adams, Kip Pardue, and Jordan Bridges (son of Beau B.) co-star. By the way, Adams plays a character named Bavenod, which is close enough to (Boris) Badenov that you can't help but smirk every time his name is uttered.Overall, a decent and enjoyable flick with a fairly clever ending. Just be prepared to suspend a sizable amount of disbelief.Seven out of 10.
Vignesh Hegde this movie is totally based on cold war between USA and ussr and how humanity was displayed by the Russian army , in other words its specifically about a submarine which was assigned for some covert mission and you get a twist in the story .... i would not like to destroy your suspense, basically what i felt about it is a good movie for the people who love documentary type of movies and also action based type. but the action was not up to what i expected by seeing the tag lines though they have described the story clearly but still more action was required and English actors without Russian acsent ..overall its good and a must watch movie.. you may like it !!!