NR | 12 February 2005 (USA)
Pervert! Trailers

While visiting his Bible-thumping yet lecherous father in the desert, randy college student James tries everything he can to hook up with the local curvaceous cuties, but his sex quest stalls when a bloodthirsty killer targets every buxom beauty in sight.

WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
gavin6942 A word. What is the pervert? Sex freak, deranged degenerate, disturbed diabolical psychotic subversive embracer of things both erotic and erratic.If you have no interest in seeing Mary Carey and other large-chested ladies naked, this film is probably not for you. Personally, I do not find Carey attractive and am not really into voluptuous women. Nude women, sure, but just not of this body type.I liked the meat sculptures. I wish they played a bigger role, but it just was not meant to be.Is this film the successor to Russ Meyer? At least one reviewer thinks so, but I say that either gives this film too much credit or is just downright insulting to Meyer. I would say the sensibility is closer to the films of John Waters, but even that is giving this film an undeserved comparison.The movie is very cheesy, but has a few humorous moments. For some reason, Netflix lists this as a horror film. I would call that a bit of a stretch. I mean, yeah, there is blood and murder, but not until the second half. (I guess you cannot be a half-horror film, though.)
merklekranz When you consider that Russ Meyer's films weren't that great to begin with, then this "tribute" easily becomes forgettable. Mercifully, "Pervert" has a run time of only 81 minutes, and yet it still wears out it's welcome early on. A son who is dumb as the post holes his father has him digging in the desert, is constantly chasing around bare breasted women. All of this becomes redundant and numbing. Throw in endless weak double entendre's , porno quality acting, and a claymation killer penis, and it's easy to see why "Pervert" has little to offer other than trying too hard to be bizarre. Not recommended............. - MERK
EVOL666 Watched PERVERT! about a year ago and although I enjoyed it-I hadn't thought much about it until a friend mentioned it the other day. I originally added this one to my Netflix queue quite a while back, where it sat for a long time until I finally got around to it. Gotta say-I liked this one quite a bit more than I would've expected. James goes to stay the summer with his grizzled old meat-sculpting father at his desert ranch. James ain't apparently too good with the ladies, and Dad's girlfriend is a hot piece of ass (in the form of porn-star Mary Carey) who spends most of her time around the ranch (and the film in general) in various stages of nekkidness. James and the slut eventually start f!cking, and when the ol' man finds out-Mary mysteriously disappears. James thinks his dad has something to do with her disappearance-especially when other sluts who come around to help take care of pops start disappearing too. The real culprit turns out to be far more bizarre though, as James will eventually find out...If you're looking for any sort of heady, meaningful, or otherwise 'enlightening' film-you will not find it in PERVERT!. But if you want a lot of tits-and-ass and soft-core sex, silly acting and ridiculous scenarios, a Nazi-redneck-wigger (no lie...), a voodoo- possessed female detachable penis (again-not even kidding...), and a bit of splatter to round things out-then PERVERT! delivers. I honestly had a lot more fun with this film than I would've ever expected-and it's obvious not only from the 'dedication' of the film- but of the overall whimsical style that the director's been studying his Russ Meyer films and was out to make the same sort of female-obsessed sexploit silliness. For my vote-he succeeded rather well. 8/10
Paul Andrews Pervert! starts as James (Sean Andrews) arrives at his father's ranch after a term in college, he plans to stay there for the summer. His father Hezekiah (Darrell Sandeen) has shacked up with the ample chested young girl Cheryl (Mary Carey) who happens to be young enough to be his daughter, James & Cheryl quickly fall for each other & have sex, lots of it. Hezekiah finds out, the next morning & Cheryl has mysteriously disappeared. Hezekiah quickly finds another young girl Alisha (Sally Jean), she to falls for his son James & she too disappears although both her's & Cheryl's dead bodies eventually turn up much to Hezekiah's & James' surprise. Who, or what killed them & why?Co-produced & directed by Jonathan Yudis who also appears in the film as the greasy gay car mechanic this is an unashamed homage, or rip-off whichever way you look at it, of the exploitation/sexploitation films of the 70's & 80's & I can see how some might like it but I personally didn't think much of it. The script by co-producer Mike Davis certainly tries to pack in as many bad taste gags, bare breasts, nudity, sex, cheap looking gore & silly plot twists in it's slight 80 odd minute duration as it can which in a way makes it watchable on a stupid juvenile level. If you think the idea of seeing a pretty girl torturing a man by sticking her bum in his face & farting, watching a big burly man (played by director Yudis) literally drop kick his young son like he was a football or seeing an evil stop-motion animated penis with a face trying to murder people sounds funny then you'll love Pervert!, if however you like your entertainment with a little more class then this is not the film for you. At just over 80 minutes it moves along at a fast pace, I will admit there's always something happening as it's pretty successful at what it sets out to do. Unfortunately I didn't like the pre pubescent jokes which are a naughty school boys dream come true, I have to say I didn't laugh once during Pervert! & in fact I didn't even smile either. Take away all the silliness & homages the actual story is terrible with some awful plot twists & character's.Director Yudis shoots this on what looks like a camcorder, it's certainly not shot on film. There are loads of naked female breasts although no full frontal nudity. The blood & gore isn't anything to shout about, there's a decapitated head & some very watery looking blood. The film is quite annoying to watch at times, there's loads of comedy sound effects, stupid editing, random shots of naked women that have nothing to do with anything & pretty low production values.I'd have thought this was pretty low budget, no one of any note is in it & it looks cheap with a terrible looking sop-motion animated penis. I kid you not. The acting is rubbish, I didn't recognise anyone in it although I wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls in this were better know for porn film.Pervert! can be quite fun in a really low brow juvenile camp sort of way, as a dramatic film it's absolutely worthless though & apart from the exploitation/bad movie crowd this isn't going to really appeal to anyone. I thought it was worth a one off watch but I doubt I'll want to see it again.