Ilsa, the Tigress of Siberia
Ilsa, the Tigress of Siberia
| 29 September 1977 (USA)
Ilsa, the Tigress of Siberia Trailers

Siberia 1953: Ilsa is now working in a Gulag prison camp. Her mission is to "retrain the minds" of those who don't agree with the communists.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
alexx668 This film tries to hard to be more than it can be, and fails miserably. It starts with the the usual exploitation fare, with Ilsa this time serving as mistress of a Stalinist USSR-era Siberian gulag, indulging in prisoner torture and sexual deviations, ho-hum. Then inexplicably, the film moves forward in time in 70's Canada (with a completely un-aged Ilsa, duh), with Ilsa as leader of a prostitution cartel, and the film turning to a sort-of adventure crossover, replete with ninja acrobatics and machine-gun firepower. Duh, duh and duh some more. The worst part has to be the laughable ending, with Ilsa being left stranded in some icy desolate landscape, just outside Montreal? Lol.
Johann This is part of the Ilsa series (I think it's number 3). Apparently, the owners of this film would not sell the rights when the rest of the Ilsa movies were re-released on DVD a while ago. As a matter of fact, the only reason I have it is a friend of mine gave me a VHS copy of it that seems to be vintage (I don't even know if it has been released on DVD or another VHS run in a long time. Finding it may be kind of rare). It has its moments, but isn't as good as the rest of the Ilsa movies. It's basically the same type of story (Ilsa is sadistic and has sex a lot), and wasn't as coherent as the Ilsa stories (which sends it down in my opinion). I think that the writers put two different Ilsa stories they were working on together and decided to release it to make a quick buck.The plot is that Ilsa is the Commandant of a Gulag in Siberia during the tail end of the Stalinist period. Ilsa enjoys two things, torture and sex (for those of you who have seen the other Ilsa movies, this should come as no surprise). She sets out on "re-educating" an author who has been sentenced there for writing criticisms of the Bolsheviks, but finds that he is a tough nut to crack. All hell breaks loose after Stalin dies and the guards have to destroy the gulag and escape. After this, things get goofy. Fast forward to 1976. The writer is now working as a security guard for the Soviet men's hockey team while they're at the Montreal Olympics. He is recognized at a brothel by Ilsa (who is now the head of an organized crime syndicate) and kidnapped. Ilsa decides to go through round two with the torture, but uses some new technology.All in all, it was kind of lack luster. The biggest problem was that the script was really weak (the major weakness should have come out through the description of the movie). I also learned from this film that there are two identical lakes in Siberia and Quebec (they used the same damn hole in the ice in two separate scenes). Dyanne Thorne's performance is pretty much the same as in her other Ilsa movies, but this film just didn't live up to the rest. Sure, there's a lot of sex and torture, but somehow it really doesn't soothe the palate. I gave it a 3 because it did have some fun parts.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT*Ilsa. Sweet, voluptuous Ilsa. Large breasted, woman of my dreams Ilsa. She's been a Nazi, a Harem Keeper, and a Wicked Warden. Now she is a Tigress of Siberia...and Montreal? Welcome to the weakest of the Ilsa movies. It's a sad, sad day. I still love her though.Ilsa runs a gulag in the middle of Siberia. This time she tries to break male prisoners for Mother Russia. My favorite scene was having the two prisoners arm wrestle with two chainsaws on either side of them. Whoever is weakest will lose a hand. That was deliciously gruesome. At the movie's midway point, it shifts gears and moves to Montreal. Now Ilsa is Madam Ilsa, running a prostitution ring. Her past catches up to her in a big battle at the end.This movie has two big, obvious problems. One, the Ilsa movies are based around Ilsa dishing out torture to FEMALE prisoners. Obviously that allows for more delirious exploitation. The prisoners can be naked most of the time and Ilsa can rip off her clothes as well for the cherry on top. Here, she's running a MALE prison camp and no one wants to see these guys naked. Except maybe Ilsa. This is the movie's fatal mistake right from the get go. The other problem is sticking a prison movie in freezing winter weather. Ilsa is wearing a fur coat through most of the first half and no one wants that. I think the movie realized both of these errors too late. The movie shifts locations to Montreal in the second half so Ilsa can get some naked prostitutes working in the movie immediately. The fact that the second half of the movie isn't even a prison movie anymore is another letdown.So is there anything good? Yes. Her name is ILSA. She gets naked about three or four times. She also has three short sex scenes. Nothing to get too worked up over but they're still nice. There are a few interesting exploitation scenes along the way too. Worth a look if you love ILSA movies. If they're not your bag, don't bother.Ilsa is great. The movie is a disappointment.
Thom-P Tigress starts out promising enough with Ilsa as the kommie kommander of a Siberian gulag. Between torturing political prisoners and feeding them to her tiger, the buxom goddess still finds time for some nightly romps with her rowdy guards and the results are often hilarious. Alas, proceedings take a turn for the worse when the scene shifts to a bordello in Montreal. I mean, when you think of all the gruesome settings in the Ilsa series: a Nazi P.O.W. camp, a Middle Eastern slave harem, an asylum in South America and said gulag, a Montreal bordello really pales in comparison. Furthermore, Ilsa's torture techniques are now performed via a (yawn...) mind control chamber. Instead of physically tormenting her victims, she inflicts psychological torture which results in several highly forgettable hallucinatory sequences. But the producers really missed the boat when they decided to play the latter half as a straight action drama with very little of the campy flair which made the series (and the first part of the movie) so entertaining. Another big mistake was to forego Ilsa's classic transformation from cold-hearted vixen to vulnerable lust-bunny. One of the most appealing (and humorous) aspects of her character was the fact that this femme fatale could be brought to her knees and made a love slave when the right "stud" came along. In Tigress, she's just a one-dimensional sadist from beginning to end. Also missing in action are Ilsa's prerequisite pair of lesbian henchwomen, which makes one wonder if the producers even bothered to watch the first two movies! Even the ending, when Ilsa gets her usual comeuppance, seems largely uninspired and comes across as if they simply ran out of ideas. All in all, Tigress is worthwhile viewing only for true fans of the series. To the uninitiated, I'd suggest Harem Keeper or She Wolf for your first taste of Ilsa's whip.