| 21 August 2015 (USA)
Operator Trailers

When the daughter of veteran 911 call center operator Pamela, and her estranged husband Jeremy, a Senior Police Officer, is kidnapped and held hostage, they are left desperate, with no choice but to follow the kidnapper's rules: send messages through dispatch for all police and fire units to scatter to remote locations throughout the city where they are met with chaos. Not knowing who or why, they must race against the clock to make the choice of their lives: save the city — or save their daughter.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
nealclover I am a huge fan of Mischa Barton and have been since I saw her in the O.C. and love her in films too. The Operator for me was one of the best performances I have seen Mischa do in a long time. She played Pamela Miller so good that I wish she was at the other end of any call you made to the police. Ving Rhames as the villain was a brilliant move. Luke Goss has made the move from pop-star to film- star and seems to have pulled it off. The film itself is really gripping and has a feel of an 80's or 90's action thriller which in those days would have starred Bruce Willis and maybe even Naomi Watts in the Mischa Barton role. Here's the spoiler part, the plot is a typical child abduction story-line where the father is a cop and the mother is the operator and she sends her husband to different locations were a crime is going to be committed. The action was good in the style of Die Hard and worth a watch without wasting any time. I would recommend this film to those who either enjoy action or like any of the cast members. No sex or nudity in this film but I think it didn't need either of those anyway. 10 out of 10 I gave it and I'd watch it again.
mounty78 There occasionally comes a film so mind numbingly bad that it brings me to tears of rage. Step forward 'Operator', a film that's only discernible feature is a quite well done explosion towards the end of the film, an explosion that presumably blew up the film budget as well as the building. This is my first ever review and, as I type through the tears of anger and despair, I question my very existence for subjecting myself to the entirety (88 minutes) of the film, watching in disbelief as the acting and transparent plot steadily deteriorated from its excruciatingly painful first half hour. I challenge anybody to find a film with worse acting than that which is contained within this tedious drivel.I sat open mouthed in a boredom induced coma, as the actors delivered their lines minus any form of emotion, which is quite bizarre given the centrepiece of the plot involves the daughter of two of the main characters. The acting is so bad that it has given me hope that a life in films awaits me, and so I have chosen the sensible option and quit my 9-5 job to head to Hollywood.This film gets 1/10 for the following reasons ;1. There is no 0/10 option 2. The aforementioned explosion was the most believable thing in the whole film
ainasihery Actors doesn't act naturally. They don't live the movie. So they don't make you living the movie. The 2 stars is only for the story, or maybe for the first 2 minutes. The rest is a waste of time. He never runs when knowing that his daughter is kidnapped. Talking to his friend about her kidnapped daughter, he talks without anger, same as declaring love.She knows that her daughter is in the car, she is still shooting with a rifle gun, and this with one hand even she said that she had never used a gun.All actors are good except the main one. Or the producer also. Waste of time and money for you and me
mgarland I actually thought the actors were okay, for the most part, but there were quite a few instances where the reactions to certain circumstances seemed way off base. There were so many, that I finally quit counting..or caring.I don't think I've ever given any other movie a 1-star rating, but this movie deserves it. There is no redeeming value to it whatsoever. It's sad to think that people spent time and money making this. I've seen better home movies.All sorts of fallacies in "action movie logic" and interactions written that just wouldn't happen in any world, real or imagined, completely destroyed any hope of this movie being worth anything more than a glob of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Just terrible and awful, and I couldn't even laugh at it enough to make it entertaining in the least.