Jamesy Boy
Jamesy Boy
NR | 03 January 2014 (USA)
Jamesy Boy Trailers

Based on the true story of teenager James Burns who goes from a suburban street gang to a maximum-security prison cell surrounded by hardened criminals. He turns his life around in prison thanks to the unexpected friendship he forms with a convicted murderer who becomes his mentor.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kenard_joy I give this movie a 9 out of 10 because this movie delivers!! Well at least for me it did! It kept me on the edge of my seat, not literally but it kept me guessing. Jamesy Boy in my opinion is considered to be a "real movie" involving sex, drugs, and money, it goes to the streets, and shows you what the life of drug dealers is, not only does it show you but this movie isn't biased. It has the good and the bad about the drug deals. The money, it shows how you can make a lot of movie but also lose it because "dirty money" isn't good money but as they say not all "dirty money" is bad. Then you have the sex which in this case the sex is just sex to these people, but at certain points its not just about the sex it's about love "making love" and all three of these things in one movie makes the movie much more interesting because, unlike all Hollywood movies, this movie shows the good and bad not just the good.
Peter Pluymers Now you keep writing. It don't matter about what, it don't even matter if it's good or not.Yet another moralizing "boy-on-bad-path-comes-to-reflection" story. There are probably several such individuals of whom a story could be told. Despite the fact that this is a story based on true events, it is a film stuffed with cliché elements. It will be an inspiration for some, but that was the movie "Life of a King" with Cuba Gooding Jr.. too. Only the latter was more convincing and credible. James Burns looks more like a member of "The Backstreet Boys" or a modern parody of James Dean, with his clean-shaven appearance and perfect hairstyle. Hopefully the air conditioners worked on maximum in the cinema, so that they didn't need to evacuate massively fainted teenage girls.James Burns ( Spencer Lofranco ) is a troubled boy who has spent most of his youth in institutions and already running around with an ankle strap at the age of 14. He has an impressive long criminal record, including threatening his mother's boyfriend with a knife. His single mother Tracy (Mary - Louise Parker) does everything to get him back on a by society accepted track. Only James feels misunderstood, and he lacks the will to tackle his life in a different way. As a result, he derails soon and begins again with loitering, truancy, smoking joints and eventually participate in robbing a local store. There he meets Crystal (Rosa Salazar), the local mattress of the neighborhood, who introduced him to Roc (Michael Trotter), a local gang leader and drug trafficker. Because of his sturdy and apparently fearless attitude, James gets more respect from Roc who is promoting him to his right hand after a certain period of time. Yet James tries to get his life back in order and he meets Sarah (Taissa Farmiga), the daughter of the owner of the local store they have previously robbed. Eventually it goes wrong anyway and James ends up in jail. His tough and self-destructive attitude crumbles there slowly. Partly caused by Conrad (Ving Rhames) who's been sentenced to life and tries to convince James not to end up in the same way.Besides the cliché content, also the implausible performance of Lofranco is a setback. He doesn't look like a self-destructive and menacing mobster. Several times I found it a bit ridiculous as this good-looking teen idol waves around with a heavy gun at a fierce looking gangster. Immediately I associated it with the arrest pictures of "Justin Bieber". Also such an angelic face. In general, the acting performance of Lofranco wasn't that bad. Just his looks didn't fit. Obviously we have a mother who'll never give up and still has a little hope that her son will still come to his senses, but eventually realises it's hopeless. Also a girlfriend appears and naturally she introduces him to the wrong friends and drags him into his downfall. Prison life is of course a battleground with different rival gangs and a rather impressive tough gang leader (Taboo from The Black Eyed Peas) of whom, how is it possible, James isn't impressed. That makes that they end up in a fight regularly. The pathetic newcomer also has to be present. Again it's someone who looks like he wouldn't even hurt a fly and the tough guys start harassing him. James of course comes to the rescue for this weakling. And then there's the savior in the form of Ving Rhames. A figure that looks like a steamroller who would crush you effortless to serve as fillings between his sandwich, but repentance came while in prison and he dreams of Rio de Janeiro and the huge statue with spread arms on top of a mountain ... sigh . Eventually, he manages to convince James to change gear. So James subsequently emerge as a future poet and he starts to write down deeply human rhymes. We get the well-known images of someone writing down something diligently, then thoughtfully looking into infinity for a few seconds and then writing enthusiastically again."Jamesy Boy" is a typical story. You start wondering if it really was necessary to make a movie about it. There are so many other like James in the world. The only beautiful moments were the quiet and fragile ones with James and Sarah. Tomorrow I'll forget all this and in the future as it is broad-casted once again on some television channel, I will think deeply whether I've seen it or not. More reviews here : http://opinion-as-a-moviefreak.blogspot.be/
MC Dee Lusional (deelusionalmusic) I have to disagree with the other reviews here. Before deciding to watch this film, I took a sneak peak on a youtube trailer. It looked decent so I gave it a go. Maybe for snobby upper class people, this movie would not be that great. Truth is, it's a very realistic look into the life of a troubled young man. I can relate due to the events that have taken place in my life as well. If you are a fan of "Baby Boy" , "Boys N The Hood" , "Dog Pound", "Felon" etc, then you will probably enjoy this film as well. It's more of a modern day teenage gangster movie which depicts the reality of a 14 year old violent, drug dealing, stick up kid, hard ass who weaves his way in and out of jail. The acting was up to par with any other Hollywood movies, and was most definitely not "terrible", as stated in other reviews. I rated this movie 8 stars due to the fact that I had expected very little from this film, and yet it delivered a true, gritty, grimy, feel of the life of a teenage gangster. Paired up with average acting and nicely shot camera angles. I would suggest this movie to anyone who enjoys this genre of film. Take a chance, you won't regret it!
badger-eastwood Watched this film knowing nothing about it at all. Sometimes this can be the best thing to do I feel as you have no expectations. Well I still left disappointed. James played by Spencer Lofranco is a troubled kid in America, who has a single mother Mary played by Mary-Louise Parker, thats about it. This kid leaves school, fights and is a idiot gets involved with drugs and goes to jail. In jail he has about 2 scenes with an old man (Ving Rhames) and James is let out of prison and goes straight. I have just told you everything in this film. Honestly nothing happens. This could be about 1,000,000 peoples story in America. Its not interesting and the acting is horrible. During the film the do these cut scenes from his prison to his arrest so I'm waiting for this huge turn of events, or something shocking happen, like he kills his mum or his girl. Nope he just gets jacked by the police and put in jail. The bad part is if you read the movie description it says how he is a young boy befriending an older inmate, they hardly have a scene together and when they do its not very good no chemistry or powerful words of wisdom. This is horrible from start to finish, avoid at all costs but Mary Lousie Parker is still super sexy.