The Innkeepers
The Innkeepers
R | 30 December 2011 (USA)
The Innkeepers Trailers

During the final days at the Yankee Pedlar Inn, two employees determined to reveal the hotel's haunted past begin to experience disturbing events as old guests check in for a stay.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
WisdomsHammer I can see why some people like this movie and why some people don't. I'm not here to slam either group, I'm just here to give my personal opinion and try to let people know what they're in for if they decide to give this a chance.There ARE unexplained happenings in the movie and some decent scares, but frankly, throughout most of the movie you will be watching two terrible hotel employees while one avoids doing his job and is an unapologetic jerk, and the other goes into guests rooms and annoys them. Later, they both get half drunk and make a bunch of noise, putting on a skit of sorts that really takes the wind out of the middle of the movie.Throughout the movie, tension is built, then collapses with inane banter, jump scares, or hysteria. It's kind of like driving with someone who hits the gas, then the brake, then the gas, then the brake - and it's about as annoying.Here's the meat of the story, with spoilers:Kelly McGillis plays a once-famous actress named Leanne who is now a sort of psychic. She warns the girl working at the hotel not to go in the basement.The girl goes in the basement. She gets freaked out, then goes down again with the guy who works with her and a recorder while they're half drunk. She freaks him out by calling to the spirit of the woman supposedly haunting the place and then pointing out that there's a draft. The guy gets so scared that he runs out of the hotel and drives off, leaving her alone. Now she's scared, too. She goes and wakes up Leanne because she's scared and doesn't know what to do. They go back down into the basement, and suddenly Leanne senses danger and says they must leave immediately. The girl suddenly remember that there's a guy who checked in and insisted on staying in a room on the third floor and decides to warn him, too. She lets herself in his room and finds him dead and bloody from suicide in the tub. Now she's really freaked out. Is that why she completely forgot about the other 2 guests she had in the hotel? We never find out. The guy comes back and apologizes for leaving the girl, then leaves her again to go get Leanne. The girl hears noises that lead her to the basement again, and even though she desperately wants to leave the hotel and no on is stopping her, she goes back down into the basement. Because she heard a noise. Really?Most of this happens in roughly the last fifteen minutes of the movie.We do see ghosts, but they're always from the girl's point of view, and we're never sure if she's really seeing them or if she's imagining it all. There are some other weird things that happen, but nothing conclusive enough to be as scary for the audience as it is for the characters, and I found myself so unsympathetic towards them that I didn't care to put myself in their shoes and didn't really care about what happened to them, either.Major major spoiler:I only want to give the ending away because of how unsatisfying it is and because it's not a "twist" ending, but it is what the whole movie is building up to: The girl never comes out of the basement alive. She dies, but we don't know whether it was because of a fall, or because of a deadly asthma attack, if it was the "ghosts," or if she just scared herself to death. In the very last scene, we see a door slam by itself. Oooh, spooky. But satisfying? NO.The ending might have been okay if the ride leading up to it had been more effective and entertaining. Again, my opinion.
Rainey Dawn I was hoping for a good ghost story but it failed to deliver. I was rather bored half way into the film. Mainly the two innkeepers are friends and flirt with each other. I think they like each other in "that way" but neither wants to make the first move - that's what I got out of it for the most part. OH then we have our ghost or spirit that is hardly focused on for most of the flick. Towards the end of the film they finally get to the ghost but by then I really didn't care, I just wanted the movie over with. It's true that about the time you think the movie is going to get good then it drops back down to more scenes of friends flirting again or other mundane things. 3/10
FountainPen Please heed my words and avoid this TRASH at all costs. I kept hoping that something would come along to save it, but I was continually disappointed, all the way through to the asinine ending. I can only presume that Kelly McGillis, a generally well-respected actress, direly needed money, to agree to appear in this garbage. There was plenty of POTENTIAL in this film, but it was not realised. The director clearly enjoys stretching out scenes, to make particularly BORING. This was done time after time, ad nauseum. I should have given up on the flick after a half hour, but, owing to the potentials I saw, I hung on in there, waiting for a valuable turn in the "plot", some development. The young girl either is a DOPE or has dutifully followed the director's instruction to act like a DOPE... she certainly comes across as a DOPE, and most of the time looks like a 12-year old girl OR boy. I had noted the relatively high IMDb rating for this flick, but from me it gets only a 1. Lousy movie, tiring, dull, nothing to redeem it.
Stevy Claire's acting is so bad, the worst i have ever seen. I almost fell asleep when i watched this with my husband, he even fell asleep .. I think the movie is not as scary as it supposed to be because of the actress. This movie would be much better, not boring with better actress because the actress acts like its a parody film. The plot is not brilliant, so slow, nothing happened in the first one hour,and it is ridiculous that Claire as the innkeeper is so lousy, irresponsible (no wonder the hotel is closing down because of bad service) The ghosts look scary, the suicide part is good. Last 15-20 mins is better but again not much happened and the actress' act is annoying, fake. Good thing about this movie is it has the real thing in reality, such as the hotel which still exist til now.