Oklahoma Crude
Oklahoma Crude
PG | 03 July 1973 (USA)
Oklahoma Crude Trailers

In 1913, in Oklahoma, oil derrick owner Lena Doyle, aided by her father and a hobo, is stubbornly drilling for oil despite the pressure from major oil companies to sell her land.

Ploydsge just watch it!
Executscan Expected more
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
ChampDavSlim The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
ArmsAndMan I saw this movie in high school and have been waiting for a video release ever since. The screenwriter, Marc Norman, created a masterpiece, and Stanley Kramer directs one of his best movies ever. A great mix of intelligent dialogue, social critique, and sexual politics.If you're a fan of David Mamet or HBO's "Deadwood," then you'll love this vulgar and profane bit of Americana. The leads play against type and pull off some really great performances. Scott and Dunaway are terrific together; too bad they never paired up again.If you think this is a one-off, consider this: Marc Norman would go on to win an Oscar for "Shakespeare in Love." Mr. Norman, can you use your clout to get a DVD release?This is a great little allegory about the constant struggle between artistic filmmakers (drilling for oil) and the finance people who stand around the edge of the set, taking pot shots, while waiting for the gusher to pay off.
sol- A strange, downbeat western that is just simply dull at times, it nevertheless has a few amusing moments and exciting bits in the mix. George C. Scott does quite a decent job with a charismatic, interesting character, yet all the characters come off as cold and hard to like, particularly the feminist played by Dunaway, who is only angry for most of the time. What occurs between the characters is pretty easy to predict, as is most of the plot, despite its unusualness. Henry Mancini's bouncing score is perhaps the film's strongest point. His music is fitted in a bit awkwardly at times, but it generally provides a western feel quite well. While I cannot think of a large number of reasons to recommend this film, Kramer does not do too poor a job with the material, so perhaps the film is worth a look.
ptb-8 For some bizarre reason, this excellent comedy drama was not released where I live in in Australia in 1975. As a drama with an interesting cast and spectacular visuals OKLAHOMA CRUDE is definitely an improved taste, rather like Mc Cabe and Mrs Miller or even Paint Your Wagon. Muddy Wild West and very grubby even sexually, this essentially three hander is essentially a sex farce with oil power play interwoven. Kramer films are always interesting, even if failures and for some reason beyond me, this film was not as gusher. The scene where Scott literally pees in Palance' pocket is genuinely funny, as is the hilarious scene where Dunaway explains her 'self reliance' sexually. This film deserves a re appraisal and a new audience.
rwint Director Kramer was always much maligned by the critics (he and Pauline Kael never traded Christmas gifts). His 'important' films were considered placid, threadbare, and manipulative. His films on race relations like THE DEFIANT ONES and GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER treated the issue in a very simplistic and tasteful way. Giving one the impression that he was more interested in not offending anyone and being acceptable than actually making a real movie. However this one, which is one of his later and least known efforts, tends to break that mold. For Kramer it is actually quite edgy. He still tries to tackle the issue of the day, in this case feminism and a womens place in a mans world, but he does it in a much more sophisticated way. He looks at the issue from different angles and surrounds it with a sense of fun and irreverence. Things aren't quite as obvious as with his other films and the characters are more interesting and quirky. Basically it is a revisionist western with strong willed Dunaway hiring drifter Scott to help protect her property from greedy land baron Palance who wants the land for it's oil. Really though that is all just an excuse to show how although both sexes deserve equal rights there are still many differences between them and how one really does need to other because of this. It also shows the little intricacies that come about when a man and women work together compared to when two men or two women work together. The two leads are perfect. Both have always had very strong on screen personas, yet here Scott deftly underplays his, which makes for a very interesting on screen chemistry. Palance however as the heavy is completely wasted simply because he is not given enough screen time. Overall this is a fun picture that is well paced and should, if anything, keep you entertained. It doesn't really push the limits enough to be a classic, but it does have a few memorable moments. A few of those moments come with some snappy exchanges. At one point Dunaway softens a bit and tries to explain to Scott why she has been so cold to him. She says "I know I have been a bitch, but this world can be very hard place for a women." Then Scott without missing a beat says "Well it can be a hard place for a man too." There's also a conversation where Dunaway explains why she would like to have both the male and female sex organs. Her answer to how she would go about satisfying herself is a good one.