Oh My God
Oh My God
PG | 13 November 2009 (USA)
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"Oh My God" asks people from all walks of life, from celebrities, to the religious, to atheists and the common Man - the question - "What is God?"

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Janet N I don't know why the rating for "Oh My God" is so low on IMDb, it shouldn't be.What Peter Rodger has created is a beautiful documentary about humanity and our beliefs. He travels from India to England to Israel/Palestine asking everyone "What is God?" There are breathtaking scenes and moments; the gorgeous mountains of 'Little Tibet' to inspiring dances by the indigenous to cancer patients being so selfless. All taking place with great dialogue and a magnificent musical score comprised from moments within the film itself.This movie is not anti-religious or a converting film, its all about self-discovery, what do YOU believe? Its to allow viewers to experience what others believe, to hear their story and discover their religion.If you want to be inspired and moved and learn about humanity, religion and yourself definitely watch this film.
ecarter_33 Just watched the film and I must say Peter Rodger did an excellent job on this movie. It was enlightening to see how all the different believers of various religions interpreted just what is the "Almighty God." From start to finish Rodgers explores the world's religions and gives each believer a chance to explain what is God to them. He is fair to all and rather than press each figure with condescending questions, Rodgers lets each person make their case and all did quite well, albeit one...Some may say there was no solid direction by the film maker and that a perfect conclusion could not be drawn from the film. Don't expect to get a definitive answer to the ever-so-pestering question of what is God? Rather, keep an open-mind and hopefully you'll better understand why God may or may not exist and how it may not even matter!
deblod The summaries and the plots I read about this "documentary" made me expect something better; I was not expecting a nice anti-religious movie such as "Religulous" or "Zeitgeist" but I think there should at least be a main idea in a movie; it could have been more respectful to the above-the-average watcher to give a thesis such as god is there or it's all fake.Instead, the movie consists of some people answering what is god such as "God is love", "God is money". Most of these "interviews" look real fake and not sincere. Especially the religious officials look as if they memorized their part and their faces gives the impression they don't believe what they say. The fact of Hinduism with many gods is neglected where a Hindu girl is saying "God is one". I feel like "Come on man, just Google it before you direct a movie!" The last part is the double-standard of the movie against Islam. Even though, it shows respect to all the religions when it's Islam, there is attacks against it trying to show it as an aggressive and wild religion where Mohammed is the worst of all prophets. Personally, I really wouldn't mind but it really looks quite unfair when the director's perspective to even tribal religions are fair and earnest.To sum it up, it's a terrible movie. The only good part is the nicely shot scenes from different countries. Stay away unless you have an hour and a half to waste.
Gavin Saldanha I have been an atheist for quite some time and when I looked at the documentary and its question of what is God, it got me quite interested. However, this movie was truly remarkable: it discussed the notion of God as well as complications of who God is and yet, tells what God may be.The one thing that truly amazed me was the scenery and the serene atmosphere. It captivated me beyond my wildest dreams, be it the extreme snow-covered mountains of the Himalayas, or the lush, mountainside areas of North America. The documentary explores many countries and we are given a basic knowledge of who God really is in different cultures. For some it may be offering a sacrifice to please a deity and for some, it is a "guidance from above", as stated by a Mexican. The whole Israel-Palestine issue and the concerning fact of the whole Muslim-extremists issue, which was quite interesting, are also mentioned here. The cancer segment gave tears to my eyes. For those who don't believe in a God may feel outraged-- it may influence the person into believing something that doesn't exist. However, we are encouraged to make our own opinion of God: he could very well "represent that which we all are."In the end, the documentary tries to convey one thing to us: we should all be united as one. We can't be divided by boundaries if we are to live in an utopia society. If you're religious, then you should use God as that uniting force and embrace one another as neighbors, not fear that calling God in some other religion is offensive. If you don't believe in a superior power, that's even better-- believe in peace and love if we are to achieve a harmonious world. "If a person did one kind act to another each day, the world would be a different place" - Chandhi Duke Heffner. That's what life should be about.