Officer Thirteen
Officer Thirteen
NR | 26 November 1932 (USA)
Officer Thirteen Trailers

A motorcycle policeman's partner is deliberately run off the road and killed by a member of a syndicate that controls the gambling--and much of the justice system--in his town. When the killer is freed because of perjured testimony and the corrupt legal system, the dead officer's partner quits the force and vows to bring the killer to justice.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
MartinHafer In this B-movie, you might notice that although Mickey Rooney is in the film that he's billed as 'Mickey McGuire'. This is because from the late 1920s into the mid-1930s, Rooney played Mickey McGuire in several dozen films.The story begins with two motorcycle policemen on the job. When I guy comes barreling down the road at 70 miles per hour, they cops give chase. One of them is deliberately knocked off the road and he's killed. When his surviving partner brings in the driver and his passenger, he expects justice....but due to some perjury, he's acquitted of manslaughter. And, not surprisingly, the cop is furious--his partner and best friend was killed....and no one seems too concerned that a known gambler and racketeer is responsible but won't be punished. What's next?This is a mildly enjoyable B-movie that is worth seeing but isn't exactly a must-see. Decent enough when it comes to acting and script, it's not bad...just not exactly inspired either.
mark.waltz "I find that I like my daughter", a powerful judge tells the police commissioner when she changes her testimony after clearing a ruthless gangster of manslaughter after the accidental death of a highway patrolman. Swift chase scenes through the Santa Monica mountains lead to the officer's death which lead to socialite Lila Lee plagiarizing herself out of fear. But upon seeing the dead officer's mother (Florence Roberts) and young son (Mickey "MacGuire") Rooney, Lee has a change in heart which leads to the possibility of political scandal as she tries to make amends with the dead man's partner (Monte Blue). While this gets a bit creaky in some of the dialog scenes and is at times sappy, this ranks as one of the better B programmers that have ended up in the public domain and easily available. An early scene has the two officers driving down Hollywood streets (long before it was built up) that results in a humorous sequence with a Spanish speaking truck driver. This is followed by the touching seen with young Rooney followed by the intense chase that leads down Sunset Boulevard and back into the hills right where the Pacific Coast Highway begins.This comments on the apathetic feelings of the upper-crust haves to flat feet cops (a popular term at the time) and the two timing gambler who is obviously using the rather naive Ms. Lee. Frances Rich is very amusing as the socialite pal of Lee's who takes delight at her drama, making light of it even in front of Lee who is obviously despondent. Robert Ellis is downright hissable as the playboy gambler while in a tinier part, Seena Owen is equally nasty as the unfeeling mistress. It's pretty predictable where this will end, but there's more than just a few moments that will make you take notice. The photography alone adds this to my top 100 films of 1932.
movingpicturegal Very creaky film about two motorcycle cops and best chums. While chasing down a speeding car one day, one of the cops is purposely knocked over an embankment that ends up being a hit and run murder case when the officer dies. His pal, "officer 13" Tom Burke (played by Monte Blue), chases down the car as it speeds away from the accident and arrests the driver, a gambler. Unfortunately, they can't get a conviction for the gambler, because his passenger in the car that day, Miss Dane (Lila Lee), commits perjury during the court trial saying it was all an accident. When Burke gets angry during the proceedings he is punished by being given officer duties in "the sticks". Interesting to see some of my silent era favorite actors in this, but as a whole, the film is very weak. There are two different scenes involving vehicles running off the road and the filming of theses scenes is pretty poorly done, not making it convincing enough that there was even a collision involved. It is fun to watch some of the scenes though, filmed on the sunny streets of early 1930's Hollywood. Lila Lee looks pretty and her acting is fine, but while I like Monte Blue a lot in his silent era films, his acting in this is just not up to snub. I enjoyed the performance of Frances Rich as Lila Lee's gal pal Joan, wisecracking and always seems to be on the lookout for getting herself another cocktail. A very young Mickey Rooney pretty much steals the show in this as the dead officer's grieving son.
Mike-764 Tom Burke and Sandy Malone are two best friends working as motorcycle traffic cops in California, living with Sandy's mother, his son Buddy, and Buddy's friend Sammy. Sandy is killed in a hit and run accident, caused by Blake, a notorious member of a gambling syndicate. The key witness in the murder trial is Doris Dane, Blake's passenger in the car, who tells Tom that Blake deliberately hit Sandy, but testifies in an affidavit that it was an accident. Tom objects to the procedure and is demoted to a beat in the sticks. Doris feels guilty of her actions and confesses to the police chief the true events of the murder, even though it will mean a perjury conviction for her. The chief won't reopen the Malone case since it will expose the police idleness in the murder trial, and Tom then turns in his badge saying he will go gunning after Blake. The chief, knowing his job will be taken away from his shortly in wake of these events, agrees to help him go after Burke. The film seems like an elongated version of the MGM Crime Does Not Pay series, but with less emotional impact, primarily since director Melford must have thought melodrama was still en vogue. Blue doesn't make a believable transition from happy go lucky cop to vengeful officer that convincingly, while the villains aren't that slimy enough. The film is still an interesting look at a film interpretation of corruption in high places. Rating, 6.