Now Is Good
Now Is Good
PG-13 | 19 September 2012 (USA)
Now Is Good Trailers

A girl dying of leukemia compiles a list of things she'd like to do before passing away. Topping the list is her desire to lose her virginity.

Micitype Pretty Good
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
mc_croucher While this movie was interesting to watch the whole plot was predictable and had a lack of twists. The only thing I would say I enjoyed about the film was that it followed a similar path of Fault In Our Stars. Aside from the lack of twists, the movie had little pull to keep you interest through the film. If watching this kind of film is something you are into then go for it, but if you'd like something that takes you to a path you didn't expect then don't watch this. No plot twists, not deviation to somewhere you didn't expect, and there will be no epic romance. I would go for Fault In Our Stars any day over this movie.
Eddie_weinbauer The acting is wooden and the actors look bored.Oh yeah.And the dad overplays so much, you start laughing.Dakota does an barley OK job here,dunno where it fails really. I juts feel she should've had more to work with.I like some of her her movies,this one wasn't really bad either,just ended feeling it lacked something.Like the best material ended up on the cutting room floor.I kind of felt it was alike a sketch of the fault is in our stars.Where as the fault is in our stars was good, and you ended up caring for the characters and what choices they took.Here you sort of end up just sitting on the sideline watching it all take place,just waiting for the end credits.Don't get me wrong.This isn't a bad movie.It just could've been so much more,if they've bothered to develop a little more of the character we see
capone666 Now Is Good The good thing about dying young is that you die with all of your hair.However, that won't be the case with the ailing adolescent in this drama.When her cancer returns, Tessa (Dakota Fanning) formulates a bucket list comprised of high-risk activities.Despite her death sentence, her parents (Paddy Considine, Olivia Williams) still cannot condom her hazardous behaviour, urging her to mind her health.It's not until she encounters her kindhearted neighbour (Jeremy Irvine) that Tessa begins to feel her first glint of love.Adapted from the Teen Lit book Before I Die, this British based love story is an emotional and frank exposition on the final days of a debilitating disease, and the people and moments that make them memorable. Heart wrenching performances throughout, Now is Good is not only believable but also beneficial. Incidentally, the one unchecked item on all sick kids' bucket lists is: cure cancer.Green
violet salvetore i'm not going to lie. i usually cry during movies, especially ones about cancer but this one really landed like a stone in the pit of my stomach. by the end of this film i had red eyes, a red nose twice its normal size and i had this ache in my chest. and i usually hate movies that can make me cry because i am proud and i never cry in front of people. but this movie is a master piece, not just because it had this effect on me but because you fall in love with every single one of the characters ; spoiler alert!!! the cancer obsessed dad, the absent mum, the passionate Tessa and a very brave young man indeed! you really never want this movie to end !