A Warrior's Heart
A Warrior's Heart
PG | 02 December 2011 (USA)
A Warrior's Heart Trailers

Unable to cope with his military father's sudden death in combat, quick-tempered teen, Conor, starts getting into serious trouble. During an intense lacrosse camp, his father's old friend challenges Conor to get his life on track and become a man.

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
hiseyannieannie This review is quite late but since I did happen to like the movie, I am reviewing this. Basically the story is about a cocky lacrosse player who lost his dad due to an accident while serving for the navy. Since then, Conner (played by Kellen lutz) sort of rebelled and decided to go lone wolf. He moved from his home town to a new one (One I forgot the name of) and joined the lacrosse team. He was disappointed to learn though that the couch of his new school's team did in fact value team sportsmanship, something Conner did not have. Conner has a few breakdowns, breaks the school's trophy case, and gets suspended from school and kicked off the lacrosse team. From there, he gets help from a friend of his father who teaches Conner sportsmanship and team leading through tedious labor. Conner learns the history of lacrosse as well.Although the movie is enjoyable and somewhat informational (lacrosse was portrayed somewhat wrong in the movie then how it is in real life), it is very predictable for lacrosse fans and oplayers. During the middle, the movie gets boring with all the scenes of Conner finding himself and whatnot. Towards the end though, it does get more enjoyable with the ending game scene that was pretty cool to see. When I say predictable, I mean that in the sense that people who know a lot about lacrosse will most likely figure out how Conner gets back on the team and what would happen in the game scene during the end of the movie. The checking/slashing in the movie was pretty spot on, although the moves made in the movie were a lot less practiced and were made with a lot less precision then a skilled lacrosse player in real life.Overall, I gave those movie 5/10 stars because like I said, it was enjoyable but very predictable and eventually boring for me. Hope that helped for anyone wondering about the movie, even in 2018
skfla500 OMG. Usually I can laugh during bad movies. Or sometimes we'll make a drinking game & drink at every cliché, etc. This was so bad, we just drank. & we didn't laugh. Even the girls didn't like it. But I do have to admit that ever since Greene broke out a little- I've thought she is a Hottie. And that did go into the mix when selecting this one. So maybe we were asking for what we got. But watching this I can see why Greene got 2nd billing (Or maybe she's 3rd billing? or maybe even "Cameo plus"?)in the Twilight series. I guess youthful cuteness will only carry you so far. Don't get me wrong, she's still a Hottie but seeing her in a school girl outfit kinda makes it hard to remember she's 25 and I kinda felt bad for thinking that she's sexy. BUT anyway, in her defense-maybe she can act, you just couldn't tell in this thing. My advice-AVOID this one. If you need any help deciding, Xenon Pictures is apparently the only studio that would make this straight-to-DVD production. & Xenon films are, on the whole, best avoided.*if your wondering why I gave it 4 stars* 2 reasons: 1. because we didn't really watch the movie after about a quarter/third of the way thru the movie. It may have gotten better but if it did, we never noticed.2. The actors are young & the screenplay, direction & editing were pretty poor. ALL young actors do the coming of age, bittersweet movie. It's expected. So I hate to hold it totally against the two Twilight starlets just because someone made a bad choice of films...
nzstalion Hmmmm. Well I love Lacrosse so that was my only reason for not turning it off after 10mins. And this is the only lax film out at the moment unfortunately.Just very cliché and unfortunate plot. hard to tell how bad the acting is due to the terrible screenplay. This film has almost no worth. The depiction of lacrosse was way off. I don't even think that adaptive purposes for film could pass as an excuse. They're all scrubs. there is hitting/checking in lacrosse but its far more skilled and brutal than the bs in this. I don't really know what else to say. This is basically a film designed for twilight fans with a bit of lacrosse riding on the side, and I struggle to even call it lacrosse. This movie feels like it was made by a bunch of high school kids with some fancy equipment. Its not even really funny bad... just badI'll be waiting for crooked arrows, can't be worse than this.
nishant ekka The movie should have come with the warning sign,or may be it was there with the starting lines "this is the story of the guy I fell for",common!!! I should have kept off when I saw the twilight cast was there and of course lacrosse you could identify the importance of the game with the crowd gathered to watch it throughout the film.Story was bad and dialog's cliché.It was an amateur attempt to create a sports flick which I believe to be intriguing by itself with all the energy available. A lot seem to be out of place the story,direction,acting and the small budget clearly showed.Overall I think the movie failed cause I wasn't interested in the game before and now I'm pretty sure I'll never try.