Nora Roberts’ Montana Sky
Nora Roberts’ Montana Sky
| 05 February 2007 (USA)
Nora Roberts’ Montana Sky Trailers

The wealthy stock dealer bequeaths his Montana farm to the three daughters provided they would live there together at least for a year.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
theraptor-2 **** Spoilers ****Nice little movie, but I have several issues with it.* Mixing a chick-flick and a thriller does not work. Obviously too little time to in depth develop both plots. * Two psychopathic killers are a little too much and way too implausible for a movie that is primarily a female buddy movie. * The family pet gets killed. I knew Charlie was toast when I saw that first cattle killed by a psycho and that over-long dog-human thing between him and Lily. I would finally love to see a thriller again where the family pet ain't killed. It is predictable and boring. * Both whackos are disposed of in exactly the same way. They should have come up with something better. But why 2 independently acting psychopaths in the first place??? * Character development implausible and forced. Why exactly is Willa all a sudden falling in love with this Ben guy? And why is the strumpet-sister interested in the wooden Sheriff? * Characters chlichéd. * Behavior implausible: For three women who are beset by two psychopathic killers, have employees and pets killed and find their remains, are abducted etc. the characters are extremely unconcerned. Willa finds the corpse of the slain farmhand and in the next scene's just looking neutral or slightly smiling.???? * Another plot-hole as an example: Psychopathic killers roam the property and nobody arms himself (Willa occasionally carries a lever action gun, Ben doesn't until the plot needs it and drops it into his hands from heaven) or hires security guards or obtains direct protection by law enforcement. All they do is tell each other to be careful while they sit around on an outlying farm, waiting for the next victim to discover. Sheesh ...The movie is not bad, but it ain't worth your time when you're short of it. I continued watching only because Ashley Williams looks cute with a cowboy hat. But they finally lost me when that second psycho half-brother popped up out of nowhere.
dusk9877 I am a Huge Nora Robert's fan. I have read just about all her books over and over. I liked the movies, but like others disappointed in stuff that was left out and how things were changed. I also understand that a movie made from a book is never going to be the same, or give the same affect. But There was some important stuff left out in the relationships that the sister's were having with each other and with the guys in there lives. Wish they could have taken better care in the way they filmed some of the important clues/crimes that were committed. I would watch this again but highly prefer the book for a more in depth look into the whole story.
Mitiori Charlotte Ross and John Corbett saved this movie. So did the character Nate the Sheriff. This movie was more enjoyable than Angels Falls (the first Nora Roberts movie by Lifetime) - it's overall a better story, a better executed adaptation and has better casting. I might even watch this again for the fun of it. Especially for Charlotte Ross's saucy part.What was off with this movie was the casting of one of the main characters and the need to adapt a longer, more involved story with so many characters to fit a two hour movie. This should have been a two-part serial, at least, to do it all justice. Still, not a bad job for a TV movie.Lily was just horrid. They actually could have and should have left her character and storyline out completely. It would have enabled a better adaptation of the rest of the story. Her character was bland - the acting without depth - and the storyline rushed and silly so she never had a chance to portray anything else (I might be being too charitable). There was even a plot hole at the beginning - how did the ex happen to end up being a mechanic in Montana just where she ended up? Well, the story would have been just fine without Lily or the half-brother and that entire storyline. The removal of 1 sister from the plot wouldn't have been so criminal in light of the short-shrift keeping it in did to the rest of the movie. If not cut her out entirely, keep her only as an occasional catalyst for the two interesting sisters and cut out the separate storyline.The other sister, Willa, was okay. The little Williams sister was good, she just didn't evoke a lot of sympathy with her one-note portrayal. Some of that could be put down to the adaptation - we only knew about her loss and suffering from other characters talking about it, she never looked like she was having a struggle. Her work with John Corbett made her the most interesting she could be. So did her work with CR. It doesn't hurt that she's cute.JC didn't seem cowboy to me - actually, he seemed more cowboy at Aidan on SITC.The scenery, lighting, sets and costume were all well done, unlike in Angels Falls. This time around the lovely hair and make up didn't detract from the story, the women are all lovely enough to carry it off without being distracting (as in the waitress in AF).This is a 7 out of 10.
rsoranno First, I have to say I am a HUGE Nora Roberts fan. I have read every one of her books at least twice, and most more than that. That being said, if you've never read Montana Sky and you like typical Lifetime movies, then this is for you. However, if you love the book then don't waste your time on this film; you'll just end up angry at how far from the book it strays. I know it's almost impossible to make a movie as good as a book, but this movie could have done a MUCH better job of at least staying true to the story. Some of the most important parts that make the book so great were completely left out or changed. I guess it's just too hard to fit a 500 page book into a two hour time span (including commercials). I for one am very disappointed in this movie.