One on One
One on One
PG | 28 June 1977 (USA)
One on One Trailers

Henry Steele is a basketball phenom at his small town high school, but when he matriculates to a big city university on a scholarship, soon realizes that he has few skills outside the sport. Expected by his coach to contribute significantly to the team, Henry is overwhelmed by the demands on his time, the "big business" aspect of college sports, and the fact that he never fully learned to read. Things look bleak for Henry when Janet Hays, a pretty graduate student, is assigned as Henry's tutor. Her intellect and strength lift Henry out of his doldrums just in time to battle the coach, who attempts to rescind Henry's scholarship.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
imbluzclooby What can I remember about "One on One". I was like 10 years old. I think I saw it as a double-feature with another sports movie called "Take Down". That is when double-features existed and they usually had movies with similar themes. Anyhow, One on One is a pretty cool movie for anybody, let alone those who love basketball. I remember Robby Benson going to college and he is literally dwarfed by some of the other players. The center was 7'4", his new friend was like 6'6" and little Robby is only 5'11". But he still can dazzle us with his ball handling and great outside shots. He falls in love with a nice Freshman and the relationship is very sweet and tame. I think they may have kissed twice, one being just a simple short kiss. This is your typical underdog story told in a sport's theme while giving the audience the allure of young adults learning about life and love. The closing song and montage is also nice and reminiscent of the 70's.
rams_lakers Perfect? No. Rewatchable? Yes. I liked the movie when it came out and I can still watch it. Sure, Steele makes some bonehead mistakes and reacts to things awkwardly like a young inexperienced noob. I felt like this when I first joined the football team, some of those players were men! Yeah, I got head butted by a samoan during non-contact practice but I learned from that and dodged him the next time he came around but my inexperienced noob friend Gary wasn't as lucky as he got jacked off the ground by the same guy. Yeah, I blew it on a few girls when I didn't know what to do with them in my younger days. These are all why I feel this movie is real to me. Of course, the coach bloodying Steele's face is overdone but I remember my first coach calling me by the wrong name and showing a little disrespect. Steele's roommate reminds me of my friend George Devaney, who helped me while I was trying to make the team (No he didn't give me drugs). He ended up starting while I quit (but I ended up starting both ways the next year elsewhere). This movie hits close to home for me. And didn't we all just hate that snooty hippie and enjoy it as Steele finally stood up to him. Some of the lines in this movie are corny but that's how the 70s were. "Justice" by Seales and Croft adds some nice emotion to the film. BTW, in Spike Lee's opinion this is the worst sport movie ever. Spike who? I've seen much worse.
driftrss2 The movie is dated, but I still enjoy it. I guess I remember watching it the first time. The whole coming of age thing, growing up, etc.What has really impressed me is Robby Benson's development over the years. He must be a good athlete: basketball, hockey, running, all seem to come naturally to him. I don't see the telltale back shots of doubles.I enjoyed his acting and would like to see more. The last I heard he was teaching at USC. No not that one! The first one! The real one! The University of South Carolina in Columbia.I would like to see what he could do with a mature role now.
tombeaman While Robby Benson and his girlfriend depict simple, two- dimensional characters in this movie, the supporting cast isactually quite convincing. The story is interesting and told prettywell, so the movie keeps up a good pace. While the end of themovie is rather predictable, it is hard to not root for David to againslay Goliath; this time using a Red Hot Poker as his only weapon.Keep in mind that this movie came out in 1977, long before thecurrent crop of athletic and recruiting scandals, including a teammate being charged with homicide at a major college. Thisfictional tale (One on One) does not vary much from the reality thatsome of these kids go through when they leave home for the firsttime and enter the Big Business of college athletics.