No Contest
No Contest
R | 02 March 1995 (USA)
No Contest Trailers

A beauty contest turns into a hostage situation, when the Miss Galaxy competition is taken over by a gang, demanding a ransom of diamonds. Sharon, a kick-boxing actress, is the host of the show, and the thorn in the terrorists side.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
subxerogravity At first I was surprise that I never saw this Shannon Tweed flick during the Skinemax days, than I realized that there's no nudity in it. My lost, as the movie was entertaining to watch.It's Die Hard at a beauty pageant as Shannon Tweed plays an once popular action star hosting the Ms. Galaxy pageant when a crew of kidnappers take the place hostage.I've seen Shannon Tweed do a few kicks in her movies before, but she goes all out in this one trying to be Dolph Lundgren only with smaller boobs. She kicks some ass, she fires the gun and she goes after the bad guy. However you feel about female action stars (I'm definitely all for it), I thought the movie did a spectacular job with it and it was nothing but fun to watch. Another highlight of the flick was Andrew Dice Clay who lead the kidnappers. It's like he took the clichés of all best movie villains and rolled it into one. He was the ultimate bad ass and the ultimate parody all at the same time, and it just put a huge grin on my face watching him. It's a low budget b-action flick plan and simple, and it works for your amusement. You can catch the film on you tube like I did.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews Just look at the cast for this film; Andrew Dice Clay as main villain, Robert Davi as mystical bodyguard, Roddy Piper as a henchmen... do I need to go on? Yes, the stage is definitely set for a cheesy, campy and thoroughly corny action-film... but it falls short. The dialog is cheesy, but not cheesy enough... there are too few one-liners, and some of them are a little lame as well(which they shouldn't be; they should be bad-ass and deadpan, instead they are tame and poorly delivered). The plot is pretty good, but it's too obvious a rip-off of Die Hard(arguably the best of this action sub-genre; the important-people-trapped-in-building-with-hero sub-genre) and the pacing is not very good. The film just doesn't have enough campy qualities to keep it entertaining, and you're left with mediocre action and poor one-liners. The acting isn't great, but that's, of course, not the point; this is clear for anyone who knows the names I dropped in the first line of this review. However, it's not good in it's own way, either. The characters are (purposefully, of course) clichés and stereotypes; however, they don't work as well as you'd expect, in a purposefully campy film... they just seem flat and empty. All in all, the only real reason for watching this film is if you're interested in seeing the failed experiment at making a campy action-flick that it is. It's fun to see the various B-list actors, recognizing them from either cameos from big productions(like Dice Clay in One Night At McCool's) or big roles in other small productions(like Piper in They Live) or even small roles from other small productions(like Davi in various flicks), but that's it. I recommend it only to big fans of campy movies, and/or of the actors. Otherwise, just skip this one. 2/10
skuhl This movie had no readily apparent redeeming qualities. I watched it for a quite a while and did not manage to endure the entire thing. I hung on for as long as I did simply to try to put a name to some of the actors on screen :John Calicos and Andrew Dice Clay.The only positive thing I could say about the movie was that it had some nice exterior shots of buildings.That's about all.S.
Wizard-8 Shannon Tweed as a heroine? Andrew Dice Clay and Roddy Piper as bad guys? All three in a DIE HARD rip-off taking place at a beauty pagent? Hey, this isn't going to be a masterpiece, but it sounds like it would be great fun as a trashy movie!I said "sounds like". But I was sorely disappointed. Tweed doesn't get naked. The action scenes aren't that great. Clay and Piper aren't that campy, and don't seem to be that enthusiastic.Not the worst DIE HARD rip-off out there. But _nowhere_ the great movie it could have been. I know the premise sounds great, especially with those actors, but trust me, it's disappointing.
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