Living with Michael Jackson: A Tonight Special
Living with Michael Jackson: A Tonight Special
| 03 February 2003 (USA)
Living with Michael Jackson: A Tonight Special Trailers

Martin Bashir conducts a rare interview with Michael Jackson and is given unprecedented access to the reclusive performer's private life over a span of eight months, from May 2002 to January 2003.

Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
karltanner-56660 Watch The Michael Jackson Interview: The Footage You Were Never Meant to See. That tells you all about how badly edited and how disgusting Bashir is. Obviously he has a hidden agenda against Michael Jackson. Really a waste of time and Bashir should be ashamed of himself for treating him like that.
lluberesluz I've always hated hypocrisy. This guy pretended to be Michael's friend and complimented him off camera. None of this is seen in his documentary. I recommend that people watch a documentary that another reporter filmed showing all the footage of Michael's camera, which was filmed while this Bashir guy was doing the interviews but were removed from his documentary. Michael Jackson, Take two: The footage you were never meant to see.
michael_the_nermal In light of Mr. Jackson's recent death, it bears remembering this peculiar special, which aired on ABC and Vh1 about six years ago. This has to have been one of the largest PR disasters ever in the history of entertainment. It is my understanding that Michael Jackson wanted to use this special as an opportunity to rehabilitate his public image, in light of the accusations made against him of child molestation and his criticism of Sony for failing to promote his most recent album. It seems every rumor and criticism about Jackson has some basis in reality, according to what we see in this special. This ranges from his penchant for spending gobs of cash on art and luxury items, to making his children wear veils, ostensibly to protect their identities. He denies all accusations of extensive plastic surgery, but admits to letting children stay for sleepovers (he argues that the sleepovers are nothing more than benign slumber parties, like any children would have with one another). Jackson's personal idiosyncrasies are laid naked for all the world to see, and the result is nothing short of saddening and pitiable.Bashir seems kind of slimy, first trying to gain Jackson's trust then pouncing on him with questions about his plastic surgery, skin color, and the race of his children. It seems pretty clear Jackson would not at all be forthright in answering such questions. Still, one might admire Bashir for not going too easy or simply offering softball questions; still, I think he sometimes was a little hard on Jackson.It seems a bit sadistic to admit enjoying this special as a guilty pleasure; still, I won't lie about liking this special when it first aired. While it may have lifted the veil slightly as to revealing who Michael Jackson is, it does not succeed in telling the whole picture. Given Jackson's alleged shyness and reclusiveness, the public will never know who Michael Jackson was as a man. This special does not answer everything.
SHB_73 Watching this documentary on the life of an entertainer I liked as a kid It's sad to see what Michael has done to himself. His bizzare behavior coupled with the way he denys how much plastic surgery he had, Makes it clear the man needs help from a phsyciatrist. It was sickening the way he treated his youngest son by dangling him over a window balcony in Germany, along with other admissions that here horrific. Some people have criticized Martin Bashir because he was try to make Jackson look bad. He didn't have to, Jackson did it himself. When Bashir asks him how many surgeries he had, Michael says no more than two which is a flat out lie. You can't tell me by looking at him twenty years ago to today that he's only had two! Also his extravagent spending in Las Vegas makes me wonder where he gets his money? (I'm not sure owning the rights to the Beatles songbook covers everything.) Michael Jackson is sadly not even a shadow of his former self. From the time he was the young lead singer of the Jackson Five, to the early 80's when he was at his most popular, to finally what he is today.
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