Nitro Circus: The Movie
Nitro Circus: The Movie
PG-13 | 08 August 2012 (USA)
Nitro Circus: The Movie Trailers

You will see Travis Pastrana and the whole Nitro Circus crew perform some of the most ridiculous, awe-inspiring, and simply insane stunts ever caught on camera. Coming to you in three dimensional glory, it will feel like you are there sitting shotgun with the crew.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Micitype Pretty Good
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Nukey Pearce I have to say that I was somewhat intrigued when I first came across this docu-movie. I had mixed thoughts to begin with before I watched it - to be honest extreme sports and stunts have never really been my thing. But I thought - you know, why not - looks interesting.I absolutely loved it! It gives a good story of the crew, including their past, and has a lot of gob-smacking moments - stunts which will make you laugh, cringe, and admire. From start to finish it was thoroughly enjoyable, even if you aren't in to extreme sports to begin with.Before I came across this I never even knew who Nitro Circus was, or what they did. Now I know what they do, and how they do it. I simply have one word to describe them... Awesome.Definitely worth a watch - you won't be bored or disappointed. That's a promise! - Just keep an open mind. My only negative was that I never watched it in 3D to begin with. I wish I had have done, and if you can, maybe you should too. You might even enjoy it more than I did.
Big-Mumf This is the first time I have given a film a 10! OK, it's not an adaptation of a Steven King novel, or a special effects laden Sci-Fi epic, what it is, is a group of friends living the dream.Each 'character' is introduced in a witty and entertaining way, followed by insane stunts. Nitro Circus doesn't have the same cringe factor as Jackass and there's less of the mundane nut shots and basic jerking off that Jackass has, which makes it more appealing to Extreme sports enthusiasts as well as the general public who have grown weary of the Jackass boys trying to out do themselves.The story is a journey to the live show in Las Vegas, which is explained well enough to keep the viewer entertained and involves 'us' in the excitement and anticipation of the climax of the film.As mentioned in the title, this is the first film I have given a 10/10, I understand that if you're not into X Games or extreme sports this film may not appeal, but then, it might open your eyes to what some people are prepared to do for your entertainment as well as giving them the adrenalin rush some of 'us' need to live.My advice is to turn out the lights, grab a few cold beers and enjoy the lunacy.
Steve Pulaski Nitro Circus: The Movie will likely live on in the hearts of X-Games enthusiasts, who the film is directly geared for, and has likely be evaporated from the minds of the general public since it ended its small theatrical run. I've always managed to find something more interesting and substantial on TV when the X-Games are playing, yet always admire the drive and the heart of the young men that put their life on the line to pull off gravity-defying tricks on a bike.Before even stating a coherent opinion on this picture I'm issuing a common sense recommendation, as I did with Project X, saying that if the first sentence of the plot of the film appeals to you, then disregard everything I'm about to say. The film continues with the long-running series Nitro Circus, showing the gang of young bloods, lead by noted X-Games winner Travis Pastrana, perform extremely daring stunts such as jumping off a building on a mountain bike, slide along a huge ramp into the water, and so on.My personal favorite involved a new variation on the tiresome sport of golf. This involves one going down a large ramp, with a heavy slope and and ever-increasing velocity, to hit another ramp, fly off, and then attempt to land in a hole in an inflatable ball. If the person misses the whole, they will likely hit the ball and bounce off on to hard dirt and risk injury. What can I say? I was entertained by that sequence more-so than others.The entire film runs for about one-hundred and three minutes, including an eleven minute introduction which is just more of the same business. The project's main goal for existing is to show how Nitro Circus went from being small and under the radar to performing live in front of a sold out crowd at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This is partially why this film makes for a drab experience. I feel many fans of the series and fans of X-Games will be disheartened at the fact there are so many logos for Red Bull and Muscle Milk featured so prominently, without a doubt trying to grasp the attention of people of who will hopefully go out to purchase those products. They say the most upsetting part about watching something you love is watching it go corporate, and part of the reason Nitro Circus: The Movie feels a bit less enjoyable is we're almost seeing the dreaded mainstream path the series is seemingly taking.I'm instantly reminded of Jackass (creator Jeff Tremaine and known "Jackass" Johnny Knoxville" serve as producers of the film and creators of the Television programs), which aired on MTV, just like the Nitro Circus Television program, and am reminded of how much more fun and enjoyable that program was. The daredevils weren't just daredevils, but characters and comedians all the more, and had personalities to boot. The characters here are bland and uninteresting. Complete nobodies were no clear distinction. Pastrana seems to be pretty laidback and pleasingly chill, but there's little separating him from the other young faces in this film and, to be honest, the entire world of daredevil stunts.Watching people go off ramps several times over, challenge gravity, and completely discard logic and common sense (often in slow-motion) can get repetitive if you're not in the direct demographic. Nitro Circus: The Movie will be found and will be cherished by those who have an unquenchable thirst for dangerous human activity. To those with a thirst that's quenchable, this film will make sure you never reach dehydration.Starring: Travis Pastrana, Andy Bell, Jolene Van Vugt, Greg Powell, Jim DeChamp, Erik Roner, and Tommy Passemante. Directed by: Gregg Godfrey and Jeremy Rawle.
Kristin B THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!Travis Pastrana, and crew are amazing. I have been a fan on the "Nitro Circus" since the beginning. This film is compiled really well, and I was not bored for one minute.It really shows all their talents, and everyone has their time to shine. I've heard people say, this stuff is horrible, no it's not! it's their talent! Everyone does different things. I'm sure there are things that every single one of us do, that someone else doesn't like. To each is their own, so don't down this movie because it's not YOUR THING!Its humorous, daring, intriguing, fun, and a whole lot more. The 3D is very worth it! Please go see this movie, because it really is awesome! They put a lot into this, and to any fan, or anyone remotely interested, you won't be disappointed!