Nine Queens
Nine Queens
R | 19 April 2002 (USA)
Nine Queens Trailers

Two con artists try to swindle a stamp collector by selling him a sheet of counterfeit rare stamps (the "nine queens").

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
MartinHafer When the film begins, Marcos observes a young grifter, Juan, in action. The older and more experienced con-man likes the younger guy's style and offers to teach him the trade. Through much of the day that follows, the pair do a variety of relatively low value cons--nickle and diming unsuspecting folks here and there. However, later in the day Marcos gets word from his sister that there is a dying many asking to see him at her hotel. When Marcos (with Juan in tow) arrives, you can tell that she hates Marcos--and has had lots of reason over the years to feel this way. Regardless, Marcos and Juan visit the sickly man and learn that he's also a con-man-- and was prepared to make a bit killing by selling a nasty mobster some stamps nicknamed 'the 9 queens'. But because the guy is so sick, he wants Marcos to pull off the con--selling the mobster some forged stamps for a fortune. What's next? A lot, believe me...but I don't want to spoil the surprise.This is an excellent swindle and sting sort of picture. It's not as good or stylish as "The Sting", though it is very well made--with some nice acting and a finale that really pays off well. I'd say more but I don't want to ruin the surprises...and there are plenty.
FilmCriticLalitRao An intelligent thriller film is one which not only has ample elements of thrill but also has enough material to keep viewers glued to the edge of their seats. Nine Queens, a fast paced thriller by Argentinian director Fabián Bielinsky tackles the enviable theme of con men running after stamps having considerable monetary worth. Although it is not a new theme in the history of cinema as Polish author Kieslowski's Decalogue 10 was also about two brothers losing a valuable stamp, Nine Queens does make a mark as a different film as it is literally a training manual for crooks who would like to con gullible people. It is true that the film's main theme is revealed quite late, numerous con tricks by Nine Queens' main protagonists' facilitate the building of excitement in viewers' minds. This helps in the creation of enormous excitement for leading men Ricardo Darín and Gastón Pauls as they execute their plan without getting conned. The beauty of this film lies in its simplicity as despite a fair amount of crooks with guns not a single shot is fired. This would serve as a indispensable lesson for those directors who would like to bathe their films in human blood.
harihar90 This movie keeps throwing twists your way repeatedly. But the problem is, people who have seen too many of these 'heist/con' movies might guess each curve ball (including the ending) some time before it comes along, so the effect of the 'aha!' moment is slightly reduced. Be that as it may, the plot is smart enough to at least force us to be alert if we want to stay ahead of it. The entire movie becomes a game of whack-a-mole, where you see a twist coming up in some time, think you have a grasp of the plot in its entirety, only to notice small signals of another one coming right ahead. All the characters were really well played (especially Marcos(Ricardo Darin)), which is rare for a movie of this genre. On the whole this is a fun movie with a taut script.
kosmasp I haven't seen the Remake yet (I think, if I have it must really be dreadful), but either way I suggest you stay with this as your initial and maybe only choice. This movie is a little gem, unfortunately unknown to many people. It has a terrific script to start with, that will leave you wondering and guessing what will happen next. The twists and turns it takes are all believable in the realm the movie takes place and make it even more exciting.One of the main actors is starring in the current Oscar winner for best foreign movie. But he has a great partner to play off with. But as I said before, the script is the main star, with great dialog and a story worthy to see. There is so much tension and so many things happening, you will enjoy this. Just don't think about it as real life. This is a movie and of course a few things that happen there, could not really happen or that too many things are coincidences. This would spoil the fun you could have with this movie!