PG-13 | 23 August 1989 (USA)
Nightlife Trailers

At a museum of Mexico City arrives a perfectly conservated mumie. It is a vampire who has died years ago and who returns to life in search of his lost love Angelique. But unfortunately for him the young woman has met a doctor and fallen in love with him who supplies her with the blood she needs to resist the vampire attacks.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Uriah43 Maryam d'Abo plays a female vampire name "Angelique" who is buried in a casket on the outskirts of Mexico City 100 years ago. When her coffin is opened she finds herself in a new age in which she is unaccustomed. "Vlad" (played by Ben Cross) is another vampire who has been looking for her during this entire time and (much to her dismay) finds her within a day or two of her awakening. Meanwhile, desperately needing blood, Angelique goes to a blood bank to make a withdrawal. While waiting, she faints from anemic shock and is taken to a local hospital. There she is given 4 pints of blood by "Dr. David Zuckerman" (Keith Szarbajka) who is fascinated by what he believes is a newly-discovered "virus" that is responsible for her condition. Somewhat recovered, she begins to fall in love with Dr. Zuckerman which angers "Vlad" when he finds out. As the film progresses Dr. Zuckerman grudgingly becomes aware of her vampire nature and has to deal with "Vlad" as well. At any rate, this movie had the potential to be a very good horror film. Unfortunately, rather than having a horror film with some isolated humor it was decided to make this a comedy with sporadic horror. And in my opinion it doesn't work out too well. For example, Ben Cross fit the role of an evil vampire almost perfectly--for a horror film. But rather than play to that strength he was painfully miscast in a comedy. Same thing with Maryam d'Abo. Now, that is not to say that there was no humor at all in this movie. Camille Saviola was exceptionally funny as the housemaid, "Rosa Mercedes". Likewise, Keith Szarbajka had his moments too. But it just wasn't enough. In short, this could have been an excellent vampire film. Or at least an average one. Instead the producers decided to make a low-level spoof. What a pity.
Tina Thomas I don't like this movie...I LOVE IT! It (to me) was funnier than "Love At First Bite" and "The Fearless Vampire Killers". This is a well written script that isn't over the top--even though the character of Vlad is in more of a need of a psychiatrist than a bride (sort of like Barnabas Collins--which Ben Cross also played later--but couldn't use wicked humor in that show)! The housekeeper pumps more life into this movie also! Her interaction with Cross when he's ringing the doorbell repeatedly will leave you in stitches! I won't give the ending and all that away so I really don't consider this a spoiler but I warned you in case you haven't seen it. That scene seriously rocks! The cast as a whole was a great ensemble. Despite what others rated this as, it was well done, well executed and deserves praise and not too much criticism. This is a movie I'll watch again and again.
gdancer1 OK, I don't know who wrote that plot outline, but they had clearly NEVER seen the movie.Yes, a perfectly preserved mummy is discovered outside Mexico City and sent to a museum there. But it was not a "dead" vampire who was looking for "his" lost love. It was, rather, a female vampire who'd buried herself in an effort to escape her sire/lover, Vlad.She then discovers blood banks, TV, radio, recorded music and, finally that her attempt at escape didn't work, since Vlad had still been searching for her.Having said all that--I really think that my favorite line in the entire movie is when Vlad's 2 fledglings are standing at the back of the car that they are transporting him in which has just been stopped by a traffic cop. As the trunk opens, showing that its full of dirt, a hand shoots out of the dirt, grabbing the cop by the throat and dragging him down. The 2 fledglings are then standing there shaking their heads and one says to the other, "He just is not a morning person." Its a totally funny movie, with Ben Cross doing a great job as a psycho Vlad.
sm789 Nightlife has some of the most literate dialogue I've encountered in a movie in a long time. From beginning to end, the scenes are clever and funny. The writers have a very droll sense of humour and do a great job of spoofing the vampire genre. The casting was excellent, and Maryam d'Abo and Ben Cross with their British accents in a movie set in Mexico only adds to the funny quality of the film; Camille Saviola as Rosa the maid is hilarious.