R | 01 January 1975 (USA)
Vampyres Trailers

A duo of bisexual female vampires prey on passing motorists, whom they seduce and murder in the English countryside.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Dave Thompson Now then, before watching this movie, I had never heard of it, let alone discovering that it is apparently a cult classic. So, cult status aside, I will endeavour to add to all of the reviews from people that undoubtedly know more about the film than I do. Therefore, I am just reviewing as I saw it....nothing else. It certainly wasn't a bad movie at all and didn't have me reaching for the stop button for one moment. It was intriguing without having a mind-blowing plot. And despite other reviewers saying how good some of the acting was, I myself found that the only decent acting performances to speak of were from Brian Deacon and the unrecognisable (well it was 1974) Michael Byrne. Yes, there was a certain degree of nudity, but not really any more than the amount rearing its head in the Hammer films of the time. And yes, I can see why it was 'butchered repeatedly' (as it mentions on the case of the DVD) when released. So, I can only guess that it is the titillation, the gore and the censors that resulted in this receiving much higher praise than it deserves. In fact, some of the acting is very wooden, particularly from its main male star Murray Brown and the two leading lady Vampyres, Marianne Morris and Anulka. As I have already said though, this wasn't bad enough for me switch is still worth a watch, just to see what all the fuss was about at the time of release.** As an afterthought, I thought that I would add that I only discovered the film in a box of DVD's that I was given. having read the background of the it's various releases, the version that I saw was the Blue Underground American DVD, that I was very surprised to find worked in my DVD player. The extras contain an excellent and more up to date interview with the two leading ladies. Though their memory of where the main location was is completely wrong.
Nigel P An attractive young lesbian couple are gunned down in the mansion where they live and, for some reason, then become vampiric creatures who seduce passers-by from the nearby road.Husky, busty Marianne Morris and blond Anulka Dziubinska (billed as Anulka) as Fran and Miriam seem very at ease with the plentiful nude/sex scenes – even though the DVD extras refute this. Both actresses' voices are also dubbed, much to their chagrin, and while such a practice seems unnecessary, the dubbing is more convincing than is often the case. They really do represent a kind of other-worldly sensuality that is essential for this kind of role. Whether stalking the misty, dewy countryside or the corridors of their magnificent home in their velvet capes, they look exactly like the spooky sirens they are meant to be. Other, sundry characters are deliberately dressed down to make the main couple look comparatively more exotic.It's hinted that Ted (Murray Brown), who is enticed to the country house and tormented throughout, is the man who originally 'murdered' the girls, although this is never really explained. Neither is the fact that he fails to recognise the house he is brought back to.And yet the plot is not particularly high on the agenda. The endless discussions on the sophistication of wine and the charming attributes of the ladies could have been spent on making things clearer, but it seems there was an artistic decision to leave things enigmatic – which I have no problem with, as it fuels the Jean Rollin-esque dream-like atmospherics of the film. Equally, the nature of Fran and Miriam is muddy; the (rushed) ending of 'Vampyres' speculates they may have been ghosts all along, although the trail of bloodied destruction they leave proves them too tangible for that!
christopher-underwood One of the few Larraz movies available in a decent print, this is a vigorous outing and what is lacking in story is more than made up for in full on naked and bloody action. The guys are all OK and the house plays a big part in keeping a reasonably creepy atmosphere but it is the two girls, Marianne Morris and Playboy model, Anulka who provide that little something extra. Whether it is running awkwardly through misty graveyards Jean Rollin style, cloaks a blowing or the bloody bed scenes, they seem completely convincing as the most ruthless of sex and blood seeking vampires. The quite couple in the nearby caravan provide contrast and the regular hitch hike pose provides action but it is the most visceral, gory action that captures the imagination.
dbborroughs Lesbian vampire film about a couple on holiday who are staying on the grounds of what they think is an empty manor house but is really being used as a pair of lesbian vampires. As the vampires bring in the occasional victim the couple go about their business until the two groups come crashing together.Great looking film with two very sexy women as the vampires there is nothing beyond the eye candy that they provide to recommend this cult film. Yes its a sexy vampire story. No it is not remotely interesting beyond the women. To be honest there is a reason that I've been seeing stills of this film in horror books and magazines it looks great, but other than that...For those who want to see sexy vampires only.