Night Watcher
Night Watcher
R | 31 October 2008 (USA)
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Following the unexpected suicide of her mother, Angela finds comfort in her new friendship with Brian. One day she receives a terrifying package containing a voyeuristic tape. The tape chronicles her mother’sfinal days and reveals that someone had been following…watching…stalking her. As the death toll around town rises, it becomes clear that this is no mere coincidence. The deaths were thought to be suicides, but the truth is far worse....

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
GL84 Thinking herself over her mother's suicide, a teen finds herself involved in a deadly rampage through town of others who have also supposedly committed suicide and must stop the madman from striking more she loves.Frankly, this was a truly wretched and utterly abysmal slasher effort that really has little discernible value. What really undoes this one is the fact that there's just nothing at all that manages to be interesting here since the plot for this one is so predictable from the outset that sitting through this is just indeterminably boring and lifeless. The film manages to telegraph everything with the subtlety of a sledgehammer through glass by announcing the killer and his rampage the second they appear on-screen no matter how much it wants to try to play up the use of multiple red herrings throughout the course of the film which in the end makes those scenes truly boring and lifeless. Likewise, the fact that the film resorts to having everyone cry and whimper and moan about everything that happens here tends to cause this one just incredibly long stretches of time where nothing happens and it's low-key nature to everything around it causes numerous scenes to feel as if they're not important or scary enough since it really has nothing special about it to make those scenes really scary or terrifying and thus become part of the general boredom surrounding this. Finally, the killer itself here is just such a total joke that it really saps the rest of the life out of this one with a myriad of faults that pop up here. The biggest issue is the cause for the rampage here which is just plain ridiculous and never once manages to feel logical or worthy of instigating a rampage due to the inherent lameness of the concept which is simply stupid on various levels. Beyond that, the fact that this killer resorts to leaving VHS tapes of his crimes is quite lame as the ability to gloat over his crimes on an outdated source that he can't possibly be certain would be available for the couple to be able to view isn't all that suggestive of what he's capable of doing and really throws a lot of his scare-factor out the window. As well, the gimmick of turning everything into supposed suicides really strains credibility on the kills due to the enhanced amount of work that causes them to be overdone and quite clumsy causes them to feel contrived and set-up rather than realistic and logical, and overall these here hurt this film massively. There's a few moments where this one does become something sort of watchable where it features a few tense stalking moments of her friends around town, and the main sequence of the two having to elude detection at a suspect's house in order to find evidence of his wrong-doing is far better than anything else in this film, but otherwise that's all that works here.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity and a shadowy sex scene.
baileysuep Yeah maybe the "characters" didn't actually commit suicide, but if they had to sit through this movie they may just have done it themselves anyway. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE acting, bad writing, plot-line predictable from the beginning....just not worth the time and effort at all. I rented it for a $1 through a blockbuster kiosk and am seriously considering asking for my $1 back. Yes it was not worth the $1.05 I paid for it, it was not worth the time I spent watching it. I knew from the beginning the acting was junk but held through the movie hoping there'd be some redemption with the plot or something. But hey if you're in it for a gratuitous boob shot there's a couple. Just really not worth the time and effort and I saw that the estimated budget for this film was $100,000. I'm thinking that's about $99,000 too much.
luke_is_kool let me say right off the bat this movie sucks! the characters are complete idiots!,they never at any point decide to call the police! there's a scene where they find a dead body in someones trunk so what do they do, NOTHING they just go and sleep on the beach!!, the acting is really bad, you never feel like these people are taking anything seriously and the lines are just plain stupid!, there's a lot of scenes that are poorly edited so you have no idea why something is happening. I actually think if someone was to re-do this movie with better actors and a better script and edited it properly it could be a good movie. But the movie as it is, isn't worth your time, just skip this one.
dbborroughs Girl who's mother killed herself finds solace in the arms of a nice young man. She also gets a package in the mail with a disturbing video that shows that there was more to her mothers end. This is a voyeuristic horror film set in todays film everything age though hearkening back to Powell's Peeping Tom. What might have been a good little horror film is considerably lessened film by a by the numbers plot which telegraphs everything that's going to happen. If you don't know what's happening and can't guess the ending then you've not been watching enough of these horror films. If you like well done but well worn films give this a shot, other wise steer clear.
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