R | 13 March 2015 (USA)
NH10 Trailers

Meera and Arjun are professionals living in Gurgaon. On their way to a luxurious desert holiday they stop on a Highway dhaba for dinner, where they witness a young girl being picked up by a bunch of hoodlums. Arjun chooses to step in, unmindful of the danger ahead.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
tongebwin Out of a thousands movies i watch never would i thought i will make a review for this majestic movie. There will be many good films out there eventually you will forget, but not this one. Flawless acting, top notched storyline. It is similar to eden lake but it is much better. Every Emotion is portrayed in this beautiful movie. This is one of the movies i will never forget. I wish there were more revenge flicks like this. The rest of the cast has done an exceptional job and full points to all the people involved in the making of this film. I would definitely recommend this movie if you have a liking for revenge flicks.Thank you Naveep Singh, for making such a resplendent movie.
cprotima This movie truly reflects 2 different Indias - educated/cosmo vs the rest of India. We, educated and well to do Indian westerners (not to be confused with MID WESTERNERS in US) forget about where we are living. Anushka sharma is by far one of the best actresses of her time. In this role, she truly depicts a new age woman who uses her wits. She goes from a 21st century wife to a cold blooded killer. Kudos to bollywood for thinking about more than hero and heroine singing and dancing around a tree. we need more steven spielberg's in bollywood. Since IMDb is making me write more, i also want to give a thumbs up to Anushka for her role in PK. Even though her hair cut in the movie was RIDICULOUS, she was very impressive as an actress. I am sure working opposite to Aamir was a tall order for her.
mukherjeesubham93 A film like NH10 is quite an achievement in bollywood.Thrillers like these are rarely seen in bollywood,so i want to really thank its makers (especially Anushka Sharma, i will later mention why). I have heard numerous people talking that it is a remake of Hollywood film Eden Lake.In my opinion, you shall get the same feeling when you watch Eden lake because it also borrows elements from other slasher thrillers.So, it is not really about elements. In genres like horror and slasher, the elements more or less remain same in all movies, but however good are those which ably involves the audience in it, which NH10 does, so you have the scriptwriters and the director to thank for this.Performances wise, as i had mentioned earlier i want to thank Anushka Sharma, a mainstream actress, who not only agreed to produce it, but also star in it, ensuring this movie does not go unwatched.It is also one of her most memorable and emotionally draining performances, and she does a very rare thing, carries the film on her own shoulders.The cinematography and locations are another big reasons why you relate to the film. Overall it is a rare thriller from bollywood which is intense and gripping.Absolutely recommended. Rating: 8/10
TheDennisBergkampFan This is one of those movies that I honestly wanted to like. Unfortunately it turns out to be an extremely poor attempt at replicating one of those many Hollywood chase-thrillers. Kudos to Anushka though for backing something different. The thing about this type of genre is that if you are going to make a movie it is better to stick to the tried and tested formula which is, creepy locations, creepy music, average actors, lot of gore, lot of violence, revenge and lots of shock value. The fact that NH10 is a half hearted attempt at the genre makes it pretty much unwatchable. The success of movies like Gangs of Wasseypur is evidence enough that there is a market for mature content. If you make a good movie then mature audience will come. They will leave their kids at home and come but they will come. One of the biggest let-downs of the movie is the extremely poor directing. I am not someone with the pedigree to judge directing but even I could just look at the movie and say.......God that is just bad directing. Its like someone made a lot of fragments and stuck them together in a haphazard manner. What makes movies like Jeepers Creepers, The Hills have Eyes, Wrong Turn interesting is that you will find it riveting if you like that particular type of genre. NH10 is so poorly directed that at no stage do you really get into it. A lot of the locations look like stages.NH10 is supposed to be inspired from Eden Lake. Lets be honest, Eden Lake itself is not a great movie. When it came out I don't think anyone bothered to watch it. Then Fassbender became a cult actor of sorts and a lot of people watched Eden Lake just to figure out if Fassbender always had brilliance written all over him. In case you are not aware Fassbender has very little screen time in Eden Lake. Its all about the female lead and the main villain who has since gone on to star in movies like Unbroken. What makes this particular type of genre appealing is that at some stage the victim, repeatedly pushed against the wall , decides to fight back. In Eden Lake there is no fight back. Fassbender and the girl run for all of 90 minutes and then surrender without a fight. Fortunately in NH10 at some stage Anuskha says..........Screw it........I am going to fight back. So there are some sequences in the movie which are quite watchable. There is one scene near the end when Anushka picks up a kid and threatens to throw him in a well. For the movie to have been any good every scene should have been elevated to that level. The acting is nothing to write home either. The best actor in the cast is probably Deepti Naval in her blink and you will miss it role. Anushka Sharma is not a bad actor but she is not in the same league as the Richa Chadda's and the Divya Dutta's. I don't think she was the best fit for the movie. Some of Anushka's scenes were laughably bad. The scene when she decides to fight back near the end and then tries to laugh and cry at the same time. God...... that was bad acting. A better director, better actors, better storyline, more gore, more satisfying revenge and it could have been really good.The violence is too mellowed down for the genre and there are far too many plot holes even for a Bollywood movie. It kind of reminds you of Bollywoods first attempt at Zombie-Comedy, Go Goa Gone. Good attempt but falls miserably short of the mark.