NR | 25 December 1944 (USA)
Nevada Trailers

Just as Nevada wins $7000 in yellowback bills, Ben Ide takes his $7000 and heads out to buy mining equipment. Burridge has his man Powell kill Ide and retrieve the money and Nevada finds Ide just as the posse arrives. Found with the money Nevada is arrested and Burridge now gets Powell to incite the local citizens to lynch Nevada.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
zardoz-13 Robert Mitchum plays an amiable cowpoke named Jim Lacy in Edward Killy's "Nevada" based on the Zane Grey novel of the same name. Lacy and his compadres Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin) and Dusty (Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams) hear about the sudden gold strike nearby in the Comstock Lode. Lacy wants to take a crack at it, while Dusty is hesitate. Chito is up for it, especially for the women. Speaking of women, a carriage with a runaway horse attracts Lacy's attention, and he stops the runaway. The lady in charge, Julie Dexter (Anne Jeffreys), thanks Lacy for his gallant gesture. Later, our trio get into a game of dice and Lacy wins over seven thousand dollars. The man who runs the gambling table tries to pulls a fast one on Lacy and slip him a pair of loaded dice. Fortunately, Lacy sees through the trick and wins more money before his compadres and he have to flee. Meantime, Julie learns from an assayer that it isn't gold that is showing up in the Comstock but silver. An old man racing to register his claim is bushwhacked by two riflemen. Lacy hears the shooting and rides to investigate. About the same time that he shows up so does a posse. They arrest Lacy because they found him at the scene of the crime and they dug seven thousand dollars out of his jeans. Lacy has to be resourceful to change the low opinion that most people around town have toward him. "Nevada" is strictly a B-western with a better than average scenario and a strong cast. It is interesting to watch Mitchum in his youth.
SnorrSm1989 To the casual viewer, this loose, low-budget adaptation of a Zane Grey-story may not appear to be worthy of any particular attention, but NEVADA did have a significant impact on the career of a young "Bob Mitchum," as billed in the opening credits. Prior to this, Mitchum's later so iconic figure could only be glimpsed here and there in bit parts, but after four years of struggle, he had apparently impressed RKO enough to be considered a valid replacement for their B-western star Tim Holt, who'd just enlisted in the army. It's not hard to grasp just why the company sought Mitchum. Though some of my impression may be colored by his later output, he's definitely got a certain "something" about him also at this early point, charismatic even when the main focus is not on him in a scene. In private, Mitchum was by this time was a married man and a father, and must have been relieved that his career was finally going somewhere.Even so, it shouldn't be illegal to note that NEVADA proved a limited opportunity for Mitchum as far as showcasing the range of his talent was concerned. Granted, Mitchum may not have been quite confident as a leading actor himself at this point, so a ginger debut as this western was, perhaps, fitting in a sense. But one is almost tempted to encourage Mitchum, while watching the film, to go further with the role; as noted, some of the unfailing charisma is definitely present, but one finds little of the dry, ironic wit (or simply "coolness") which was to become a vital part of Mitchum's style and image. Then again, the script, which does not seem to regard Grey's original novel as much more than bare bone material for a story, hardly calls for nuanced characterization (the inevitable brevity of the film certainly contributes to this as well).However, it would be ridiculous to judge NEVADA out of context; if accepted as what it is, a low-budget western telling the tale of a not supremely law-abiding but honest cowboy, who is wrongly accused of murder, it works just fine. There's a smooth interaction between the suspense and the more humorous bits, typical for westerns of the era. Guinn Williams and Richard Martin appear as a sort of sweet comedy team (possibly in part to emphasize Mitchum's masculine appeal), and the scene involving young Harry McKim doing a terrible job at faking that he's in pains actually had me laugh out loud. Robert Mitchum would go to much greater heights than this, both in and outside the western genre, but NEVADA remains an entertaining enough way to spend an hour on a rainy day.
bkoganbing It's always interesting to speculate on how different careers turn. RKO Pictures needed a new B western star because Tim Holt was going in the service. So this guy Mitchum was spotted in one of the Hopalong Cassidy films he played a bit role in and in fact Mitchum had done other parts like Thirty Second Over Tokyo, etc. So he got signed to a long term contract with RKO for this to be the first in a series of B Westerns.To show how much he was supposed to be a Tim Holt stand-in, Mitch was given Richard Martin who played Chito Rafferty the same part he played as Holt's sidekick. He also got a second sidekick in Guinn Williams. And the billing for Nevada read "introducing Robert Mitchum."The western itself is standard fare, nothing truly spectacular about it. It's source was a Zane Grey story which is a plus. But even then you could tell the camera loved Robert Mitchum. It's a must for Mitchum fans of which I'm one.The thing I wonder about though is if William Wellman hadn't spotted Mitchum and given him that career making part in The Story of GI Joe, would Mitch have continued as a B western star with his career petering out in the mid 50s or earlier. Food for thought.
The-Lonely-Londoner Apart from westerns, Robert Mitchum always looks slick in these black and white films, particularly in the 40's. He has an arched lip which sometimes has an evil curve when he's angry. He's usually pushed to his limit, but it's always the tall, broad shoulders that surfaces in every film he's in.