NR | 11 June 2018 (USA)
Native Trailers

Two scientists are selected to travel across the universe to the source of a distant transmission and potential life.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
itchyme Marxist trash. It's clear as daylight. Sick. Terrible acting. Terrible story. Pure propaganda.
nowego It is rare that I sit through such a boring and totally bland movie just to write an honest review after reading 3 totally dishonest reviews.Cheap sets, absolute rubbish graphics, and very little plot. I have no idea why an actor of the caliber of Rupert Graves would take on this project. I had almost fallen asleep by the 10 minute mark, but forced myself to stay awake and keep watching in the hope that something interesting might happen. By the 30 minute mark nothing of significant had happened, but I was committed to see it through to the end.It took me until about the 60 minute mark for the penny to drop, but I blame the boredom for it taking me so long to work out what the end result of this movie was going to be.The acting gets this movie 2 stars, both actors, Rupert Graves and Ellie Kendrick do an OK job with what they had.I highly recommend that if you are going to pay to see this movie, do your self a favour and find a nice cup of coffee or two to waste your money on instead.
amallassi Quality cast and incredible atmosphere. What starts as a fairly simple premise soon morphs into a myriad of twists and thought provoking concepts. As with all great Sci-fi it takes a very current issue and explores it in a magnified future. Very refreshingly compared to some predictable modern storytelling I genuinely had no idea where the characters were going to go next. A beautifully unhurried pace and mood that harks back to 70s and early 80s film making. Native leaves you thinking about its questions about modern society for a long time after. Very recommended.
pdensham As a lifelong fan and creator of the genre, I consider 'Native' to be a Sci-Fi film of the highest calibre. Beautifully crafted, tense, atmospheric and original"John Watson, Executive Producer of 'The Outer Limits' & 'The Twilght Zone'.