| 11 June 1984 (USA)
Nadia Trailers

Story about gymnast Nadia Comaneci from her childhood beginning as a gymnast and how she was discovered by Belya Karolyi. Nadia received 7 perfect 10's in the Montreal Olympics.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Brooklynn There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Wokkai Nadia Comaneci is without a doubt one of the most influential people I have ever discovered in my life. She became a source of inspiration very early in my life and continues to inspire me to this day. Now to the point.To all those who think this movie portrays Nadia attempting suicide, watch it again.It clearly show that she picks up the wrong cup (with her foot, mind you), by mistake, as she had two cups right next to each other on the table, one with bleach, and the other with juice.Having read her autobiography as well, I can report that this is also well documented in there. So there are no "fake" contents in this movie. I actually found it was a thoroughly accurate account of the life of Nadia up until the after the 1980 Moscow Olympics.Having cleared that up , this is a brilliant movie, which I have watched time and time again, and it never gets old. All those with even a passing fancy of gymnastics should see it, and those who are fans of Nadia should definitely see it. There are not many movies about gymnastics out there, and apart from "Stick It", this is probably the only other decent one I have ever seen.
shobha aradhya I had seen this movie when it was released in India first time. I was studying in school. The whole school went to the theater by walk around 5-6 kilometer to watch this movie. Though I do not remember the whole story, its an excellent and inspirational movie. I just remember the climax and a few scene from this movie, Recently one of my friend was talking about our school days and this movie. We felt watching this movie and make our kids also see this movie. We enquired nearby shops but could not get the movie. We requested those persons also to check for the availability but still we could not. Is there any link where I can purchase this movie online or download this movie? Or torrent download?Regards, Aradhya
Meredith P. (Etoile) Filmed just after Nadia dropped out of international spotlight and defected to the United States, this movie is a real classic for gymnastics fans. It is extremely difficult to find but occasionally turns up on television or eBay.The film follows Nadia from childhood through the 1980 Olympics, and along the way chronicles her battles with her coaches, depression, suicide, and the lack of a "normal" childhood. There is also some perspective on the changes taking place in the Romanian government, and of course some wonderful gymnastics routines. Highlights include actual footage of Nadia at the Montreal Olympics (when she got the first perfect 10) and also great performances by Marcia Frederick.
smile_270 I really enjoyed the movie Nadia. I am 13 years old and have always wanted to be a gymnast. The movie Nadia really showed how hard and how much effort you had to put into gymnastics, and also how Nadia got to the top. It was a very informative and interesting movie