My Wife Is a Gangster
My Wife Is a Gangster
| 19 April 2001 (USA)
My Wife Is a Gangster Trailers

Eun-jin who is a living legend among the gangsters dominates the male-centered underworld wielding only a pair of her trademark blades. One day, Eun-jin finds her sister from whom she was separated at an orphanage during childhood, and her sister tells Eun-jin that her last dying wish is to see that Eun-jin gets married.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
kluseba I'm a big fan of Asian and South Korean cinema and I really dug some of their eccentric and humorous movies such as "Save The Green Planet!" or "Quick". "My Wife Is A Gangster" is though neither a good comedy nor a good gangster flick. The movie is quite overrated and had two unnecessary sequels.I must admit that the initial idea of the movie sounded promising. There were a couple of very good South Korean movies where a wife had some sort of a double identity and secret life as a special agent for example. "Shiri" is a great example and "My Girlfriend Is An Agent" also has its moments. That's why I have watched this movie. But the idea doesn't work very well on here. The two main actors don't have any chemistry. The weird situation of a female gangster married to a shy bourgeois husband could have been funny but the scenes in here are boring, the scenario isn't credible and the humour is very childish, predictable and superficial.The gangster side of the movie isn't any better. It feels as if it had been inspired by a few serious Yakuza movies by Takashi Miike or Takeshi Kitano and desperately wants to parody the genre. The whole thing doesn't work for two reasons. The actors are annoying, mostly bad and not credible at all. A naked gangster running after a punk through half a city isn't funny but more embarrassing than any bad Jackie Chan movie. Second, the characters are boring and you simply don't care about them.Then, there is the story of the movie. Well, what story? The gangster woman fulfills all wishes of her dying sisters and goes through a weird relationship with her husband. Meanwhile, her gangster clan beats up a few punks for any reason. When one of her guys gets killed, his friend suspects the wrong guy and his revenge fails horribly. When the gangster wife comes to save her gang, she loses but her life is spared. She later recovers from her injuries and her husband is ready to avenge her and become a gangster himself. That's it.The viewers have to accept that the stiff husband changed his mind and became a cool bad boy from one instant to the other because he loved his egoistic wife that never showed him any kind of appreciation so much. This rushed and silly story simply doesn't carry a film of almost two hours of running time.Is this scenario credible or original? No. Are there any surprising elements? No. Is there a coherent and gripping story line from the beginning to the end? Not really.Two or three scenes were at least a little bit interesting and slightly funny. That's why I gave three very generous points for this.I recommend you to avoid this movie if you are looking for intelligent humour, a few good gangster movie sequences and an original story. If you just feel like switching your brain off and enjoy some childish slapstick humour inspired by stereotypical Hongkong action comedy flicks and generic Japanese gangster films, go and waste your time.
refresh daemon This film was a critically panned hit from the peak days of Corean cinema. You can pretty much guess what it's about by the title. While it's not a revelation in any way and has major problems with story (it's a mess), I can easily see how the comedy and to a less extent, the action, could have carried audiences away.The strongest point of this film is the situational comedy that occurs between the protagonist Eun-jin and her patsy husband Su-il. Having a stone cold killer for a wife and a friendly, naive and somewhat awkward civil servant for a husband leads to all sorts of situations you could probably imagine. Both actors easily handle their rather simply defined characters and manage to even inject them with a little personality.The action set pieces really clash against the overall tone of the film, being quite violent and shot without any hint of humor. Although it's cut and uses hand-held camera work for maximum confusion/excitement/covering up the stunt persons, the actual choreography is pretty decent. But for a film of this nature, the action is a little excessive and unnecessary, so ultimately detracts from the strength of the film.The real issue with the film is the story--it relies on increasingly tired conceits to drive the comedy and melodrama. It's no spoiler that the only reason that the protagonist even bothers to get married is because of her (sigh) terminally ill sister. There is a lot of amusing and embarrassing comedy that's mined out of her desire to find a husband, both around her interactions with potential suitors and her own feeble attempts at feminine wiles, but the terminally ill sister is a wimpy and hardly believable conceit.There are also amusing pluses in her dealings with her underlings as well as in their own interactions and minor plot lines, but again, sledgehammer-like conceits are used to pummel these side stories into the main story leading to an ending that is difficult to really accept, especially as characters seem to change, not because of character development, but because the writers made them change. It's all too much really.For all its faults, My Wife Is A Gangster is still amusing enough to serve as an enjoyable and mindless film and I did find myself laughing because of some of the set-ups, but the film really works overtime to try to come up with reasons to convince its viewers to believe its yarn and doesn't always succeed. But for what it is, I suppose it could be worse. It's no "must see" and I would hesitate to even recommend it, but if the premise intrigues you and you're looking for a few laughs and can stomach the heavy-handed attempts at manipulation, there is enough to enjoy about this slick production. 6/10.
tylim28 Branded a comedy, the movie proves to be unfunny for most part. The main problem lies with the central character of the gangster wife, Eun-jin. She puts on a stern emotionless face for most of the movie. As if that were not enough, she speaks very few lines. It is unusual for such an important character to have so little dialogue and facial expression. This certainly distances her from the audience. The character of the unfortunate husband is not much better as most of the time he is looking sad and making futile complaints about her behaviour. The movie therefore has to depend a lot on physical comedy and here it again fails because of the predictability of the situations and the cliches employed. How many times must we watch Eun-jin threaten her meek husband? How many times must we endure the sight of her husband walking away sulking? Many potentially hilarious situations turn out to be rather unfunny thanks to the afore mentioned lack of dialogue and facial expression. Another problem is that the many subplots, which are just as unaffecting and unfunny, tend to make the movie drag. None of the supporting characters are interesting enough to make the audience care for them. The action sequences are well choreographed but they ultimately fail to save the movie.
dmuel In contrast to the glowing reviews from other viewers, I would give this film a 6, maybe a 7, out of 10. While the fight scenes are well choreographed and entertaining, the humor in this film fits awkwardly with its melodrama. Humor there is and, when dealing with the misfit gangsters working for the protagonist, it is genuinely funny. However, Ms. Eun-Kyung Shin, in the lead role as the gangster wife, has the difficult job of trying to portray a character we are intended to feel sympathetic toward, in some scenes, while in other settings she presents as a vicious and ruthless sociopath. Her relationship with her husband exhibits tenderness a little too late for a credible attachment to develop. Her husband's nebbish character seems to capitulate more for the script than any believable budding affection, particularly after the abuse he suffers from her. We are asked to sympathize with the gangsters even though there is little reason to feel any sympathy for them, they are either clowns or killers. The fumbling attempts at injecting soap opera-like themes in the film gives the movie an asymmetry, not a richer story.