My Sweet Satan
My Sweet Satan
NR | 01 January 1994 (USA)
My Sweet Satan Trailers

A group of directionless, bored, drug-using teenagers get involved in a cult, resulting in a murder.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
EVOL666 MY SWEET Satan is a low-budget short directed by and starring Jim Van Bebber (DEADBEAT AT DAWN). This outing has atrocious acting, and is really only good for laughing at all the horrible haircuts on display...The story is about a Satan-loving jerk-off (Van Bebber)who kills one of his friends for stealing drug money from him. That's it. But I guess you're not gonna get TOO much plot in a 20 minute "film"...Other than a few decent gore scenes - which are really the ONLY reason for watching this one - MY LITTLE Satan is a dud. ALL of the characters are completely annoying, and the Satan "side-plot" is stupid and unnecessary as it's never really explained or built on. Give DEADBEAT AT DAWN a shot instead, or hopefully you already got the Synapse release of DEADBEAT AT DAWN, and MY LITTLE Satan was on the extras...4/10 - only for the head-stomp scene...
movieman_kev Jim Van Bebber's short about the true life story Gary Lauwers murder by Ricky Kasso. In the film Ricky (Van Bebber once again) is a devil worshiping drug dealing loser. But because he supplies acid to his "friends", he's the head of his particular group of equally feeble minded people. When Ricky feels Gary stole drugs from him, he along with another member of his crew kill him in a horrific, unsettling manner. I found this film to be a tad unsettling and pretty well put together for an amateur effort. I wish I''d have seen "Ricky 6:, so I could compare the two, but alas that film still alludes me.This 19 minute short film can be found on Side B of the Synapse Special edition DVD of "Deadbeat at Dawn". One interesting side note, I've found is the real life Ricky supposedly spent some time with his friends at the real life Amityville House. Now that's bizarre.My Grade: C
hauntme_666 I think this movie is awesome. It is pretty funny how they try so hard to keep the name of Satan respected when them themselves are doing disrespectful acts. I thought it had a very creative sick and twisted end to this film. But those kids have taken one to many drugs if they think that is what Satan really wants them to do. Free doses!!!!
hamburger I would consider myself pretty jaded when it comes to extremely violent/disturbing type films but when I watched MY SWEET SATAN today I was completely blown away. It's a short film (about 20 mins.) and stars underground horror-action director Jim Van Bebber as Ricky Kasslin who is a character based on a (supposedly) true incident. It's nothing more than doped up, heavy metal white trash kids who worship Satan and crucify chickens. Sounds like family entertainment, eh? The "stomp" ending really had me gagging and is quite possibly the most intense, sick, and disturbing scene I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of watching! Oh yeah, and talk about that up-close (real) nipple piercing! I was practically squirming in my chair! I don't think I'll be popping this back into the DVD for quite some time....
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