My Favorite Five
My Favorite Five
| 06 January 2015 (USA)
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Hailey is a conceited, professional woman and self-proclaimed serial dater with no interest in marriage. She believes no one man can possess all five of her most coveted qualities. She dates different men who possess diverse qualities, until she meets the one guy who seemingly has it all.

Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Jessica Mashael Bordelon I hated that the ending betrayed what was developing as such a great film. The concept was a creative twist on the "love that started wrong" story line. The script and acting built the right amount of tension and draws the audience in to really caring about the future of the characters, but then the way it all resolves was too fabricated and phony to make all the build up worth it. All in all, the message about love and life is interesting, the actors were great and the dialogue was fun and realistic. Just a dry and failure of the closing scenes.
cheyennadoll I just so happened to run across this movie on a Friday night . I have to say, My Favorite Five turned out to be an excellent movie to wind down to after a long and hectic work week. I enjoyed every minute of it. The cast (as beautiful as they all were) did an awesome job in their characterization and it was nice to see some familiar faces. They played out their roles in a way that others could relate to with real life situations. The love story was predictable but served as icing on the cake. It gave a message of being able to reflect change in self and forgiveness in others. I would definitely recommend this movie as a must see and I hoping there will be a part 2.
ronald gray (myproviderproductions) This movie was not what I expected it to be, it was much better. The plot and character development was emotionally drawing. As you watch this movie even if you may think you know the ending, you will keep watching. If you believe or don't believe in love this movie will still touch your heart. It felt real and for me that says a lot. This movie proves that having a big budget for a project is not necessary to always be good. Quality is much better and having characters that possess the right chemistry to make a well written script come alive. Watch this movie and you will see how it will affect you in various ways. There needs to be more movies like this especially in the times that we are living in now, when so many people get hurt in relationships and never fully get healed or delivered from their pain. They are the walking wounded.
mlturner-12987 Excellent movie! The storyline was amazing and kept me captivated. I love watching a good, romantic and a tear-drop movie. I was born on a small-city island and having a scene with the water and sunset, just took me back. I remembered those days growing up and taking a companion out on the shores just to watch the sunset and appreciate the time we shared. Thanks for taking me back home. It was great to see that each character was able to be flexible with their emotions in every aspect of their relationships. Although the movie was very entertaining, I was very emotional and drawn to the main characters (Chris & Halley) Great job to the cast, writers and the producers. Michelle, Houston Texas