My Father, Die
My Father, Die
| 12 March 2016 (USA)
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Deaf and mute since having his hearing knocked out at the age of 12, Asher has been training for almost two decades to avenge himself on Ivan, the man that killed his older brother, 21 years ago. And now that his nemesis is out of prison, he gets his chance. But Asher's target also happens to be his father.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Michael Ledo Not since "John Dies at the End" have I been able to figure out the ending of a film from the title. Ivan (Gary Stretch) is terrible. He kills his one son Chester (Chester Rushing) and hits the other one in the side of the head so he can't hear out of both ears. Asher (Joe Anderson) grows up deaf and decides to be a mute because he would talk funny. When dad is released early from prison, Asher is out for revenge. And there is a girl (Candace Smith) involved.The film won a number of awards for being the best indie out of Louisiana. It was professionally shot, however there were a number of things I didn't like. The first was the metaphoric and poetic language monologue that was fitted into the script by someone with less than the education to speak/write that way. Good writing, but didn't fit the character. Now for a deaf guy, I assumed he could read lips and sometimes read lips when he wasn't looking at them. And how did a deaf guy know to turn around when a gun was fired? I guess no one caught it in post or didn't care. The whole situation seemed like over reaction. I am sure grindhouse zealots might find a gem here. It seemed a bit tedious to me.Guide: F-word. Sex, rape, nudity (Frances Reagan James + uncredited)
Tom Dooley Asher is deaf and mute, but he wasn't always it was his abusive father that caused it to him when he was twelve, around the same time that his pops killed his brother for reasons of a sexual jealousy nature.Ivan – the father then has to do his time in the State Pen etc. We join them on Ivan's release and how Asher now all grown up, and bursting for revenge, has decided that his daddykins is a boil that needs lancing.Now that is a brief synopsis and this is essentially a violent thriller that did well at Frightfest. I thought it was excellent, some have complained it to being a bit 'arty', never a problem in my book and it is violent and depraved and dirty and even existentialist but all in a contextual way.This is written, directed and has a bit part for Sean Brosnan (son of Pierce) but this is no vanity project. I found the cinematography to be well thought through and the timing of the 'action' just spot on. The actors all do a brilliant job and the story itself is as griping as it can be repulsive, so all in all some feat to have made so many differing aspects work together and work so well – one I can recommend completely.
Joshua H. When I think of revenge in cinema I think of "Oldboy" (2003), "Dead Man's Shoes" (2004), "Blue Ruin" (2014), "Lady Vengeance" (2004), "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance" (2002), "Django Unchained" (2012), "Kill Bill" (2003;2004) "Gangs of New York" (2002), and even "John Wick" (2014). Now after seeing this masterpiece of revenge, "My Father Die" is now on that list."My Father Die" is as you already know, a deep southern Gothic revenge film, and is the directorial debut of Sean Brosnan. The film starts off with two brothers (Asher and Chester) walking around talking about sex and meeting up with a girl (Nana) so that Chester can have sex with her. As Asher keeps on watch for the two his father (Ivan) pounces when he's not looking and hits him so hard upside the head that he ruptures his eardrums. Ivan then confronts Chester and beats him to death in a fit of rage while the recently deaf Asher watches. Jump twenty years later where Asher is taking care of his overly obese mother who does nothing but sit on her bed and watch the local church sermon. Ivan is recently released from prison and Asher plans to exact his revenge upon his fallen brother. And so ensues one of the best revenge films I've seen.The film is so well acted by the entire cast, mostly the three main stars Joe Anderson (Asher), Candace Smith (Nana), and Gary Stretch (Ivan). These three actors did a magnificent job bringing their characters to life. Joe Anderson was magnificent as he never said a word in the film and yet you could empathize with his character so much. Gary Stretch was unbelievable, if you thought he was bad in "Dead Man's Shoes", you have no idea how much more bad he is in this film. Stretch is just absolutely brutal and brings so much tension and suspense in every scene he is in.Brosnan's direction is fantastic, he never loses control of the brutal and religious aspects the movie brings. He developed the characters so well and took time to really make them feel real. The cinematography is overall very good, when it comes down to the cinematography of a very low budget film I'm not so harsh on it considering that money is not very abundant, but the film looks beautiful either way. Throughout the film I couldn't help but see Brosnan's satire on Southern religion. I am not completely sure if it was intentional, but if it was good job. Periodically in the film a painting of Saturn eating his children is seen, which not only symbolizes the characters in the film but also gives the film a religious quality to it which I thought was interesting.I honestly don't know what else to say, this is a great revenge film with unique characters that we empathize and despise, a great story, acting, and direction. Sean Brosnan debuted with a powerhouse of a film and I will without a doubt be looking forward to what he has in store next.
Leftbanker Spoilers Ahead!!!This movie was not rated but deserves a XXX rating for the seriously over-the-top violence, torture, and gore. I've never understood those ratings because any hint of sex and you'll get an R rating which generally hurts at the box office but something like this will probably fly in with P-13 or whatever. I don't have kids but I would rather they watch hard-core porn than sick filth like this.This is basically a revenge movie. The kid's brother is killed by their father. The kid grows up and puts on a dog suit to track down his evil dad. No biggie and this is wrapped up soon enough...but not so fast because we have another hour of violence to go. Take a wild guess as to who ends up dead.I'm through giving this horrible bloodbath the time of day so just let me reiterate by saying that this is sick, completely unimaginative trash.