PG | 15 May 1992 (USA)
Munchie Trailers

No friends. The new school sucks. And Mom is in love with a sleazy research doctor. Pretty bleak. That’s how life looks to ten-year-old Gage when suddenly, into his world pops the magical Munchie. Munchie is the ever-hungry and hilarious mysterious creature from another world who delivers flying pizzas and brings on the parties! With the help of Munchie and loony Professor Cruikshank, Gage evens the score on his school’s bullies as well as his mom’s boyfriend and has the greatest summer ever!

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
yourmotheratemydog715 Alright, take a look at that box art. We've got a creepy puppet in a leather jacket riding a pizza above the heads of a guy with a sexual predator mustache and a kid desperately attempting and failing to be Macaulay Culkin. How awesome you find that box art will probably directly correlate to how much you'll like MUNCHIE.Which is to say MUNCHIE is not a very well-made movie, but it is quite entertaining when watched in the right state of mind (alcoholic beverages may help!). The acting is wooden across the board, the Munchie puppet looks like a dated, cheap children's toy that nobody bought because it was creepier than a Furby, and it's got a generic mom's-new-boyfriend character that rocks hideous '90s track-jackets. Everything feels slightly porn-y for a children's flick as well; there's much cleavage on display and one scene involving the school principal and his secretary feels distinctly softcore (tell me that actress isn't straight outta porn!). This is probably due to the director's seat being occupied by Jim Wynorski, a filmmaker much more at home directing exploitation and softcore flicks than children's movies.It all comes off as a low-rent creepy E.T. (not, like, BADI-level creepy but certainly not cute), sans the emotional depth and filmmaking skill. Bad movie fans will have some fun with it, and little kids might too, I guess (they might need some kid beer though). Look for a preteen Jennifer Love Hewitt in her feature film debut, though she's not given anything to do but smile and look cute.P.S. For those of you who greatly enjoyed 1987's MUNCHIES (anyone? anyone?) and are looking for a sequel, this is completely unrelated despite the trailer's claims. There is, however, a sequel to this one: 1994's MUNCHIE STRIKES BACK.
percehonson This film has everything. Flying pizzas, wacky humor, a fat guy in a sailor hat playing the drums. You won't find another film as magnificent as this unless you count G.I. Joe the Movie. It's about this kid named Gage who finds a magical creature named Munchie. Munchie ends up making Gage's life perfect. Seriously, there is pizza in his life and everything. This film will also teach you and your kids valuable lessons. Yes, it is OK to throw away food in your bedroom. Whoever made up that rule is obviously wrong cause Gage does it in this movie. It will also teach you that it is OK to hijack an airplane as long as it's for fun. Most importantly it teaches you not to crash your car into the donut shop cause there are cops in there. Watching this film is one thing everyone should do in their lifetime. It's easily more important than graduating high school.
stalinsays While the film Munchie is on it's surface a below average practical effects driven family comedy and allegory for acceptance and overcoming the challenges of puberty, below one veil lies a heart of darkness, and an interesting dissertation on the esoteric. Trying to stab at this moving target with one pithy summation is difficult, but as a reviewer, it is my duty. Essentially the bizarre and repulsive "Munchie" shows us the true meaning of 'monstrous.' Rather than recognize his freakishness and retreat in to some dark faery land of seclusion, Munchie parades himself about, attempting to use a thin layer of humor as a social lubricant. More grotesquely still, Munchie seeks the company of children.How sinister this practice is lies in the viewpoint of the err... viewer. My personal take, is that highlighting how 'ugly' society is using his own ugliness is Munchie's attempt at destroying the juvenile leads' innocence. This psychic affront disturbs me more than any banal, physical transgressions that are / were to occur, being that we are all blinded gray whales crashing about in the pitch seas of the cosmos.Munchie really likes pizza. ;-)
russ-210 Too bad I can not assign a 0.This mind-bending garbage has Loni Anderson, Dom Deluise, and Jennifer Love Hewitt in a steaming pile of a kids movie. The pitch was clearly "ET meets Gremlins, but without the scary gremlins." They even stole the scene where ET flies in front of a full moon.Munchie is ancient, grants wishes, but doesn't really do anything cool besides fly a pizza into the kids room when he is denied dinner. Loni Anderson shows off fine plastic surgery work, there is the requisite mad scientist neighbor, and the evil stepdad figure and "i wish my dead dad was here to see this" type writing.What I love about this movie is that there are all these C-List actors in what is just a totally botched Z-grade kids movie. The writing is terrible, the puppet is literally a teddy ruxpin rip off with no facial expressions, mouth that just opens and closes, and eyes that only move horizontally. Mystery Science would have had a field day with this vomit. Truly terrible.