Moving McAllister
Moving McAllister
PG-13 | 13 September 2007 (USA)
Moving McAllister Trailers

Rick Robinson, a law intern, is scheduled to take the bar exam in just four days. Anxious to score points with his boss Mr. McAllister, Rick unwisely agrees to help the man move. The next day, Rick finds himself in a moving van from Miami to Los Angeles, accompanied by McAllister's spoiled niece and her pet pig.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
dean CANE Simply put this movies is without any substance whatsoever. Just take my word for it and save yourself the time it is a complete DUD!! I would say the characters are one dimensional but that would imply there was some sort of character development. I thought Eric Roberts was going to jump out any second it was so close to B-Movie status. The girl from That 70's is beautiful...but unless you are a stalker type fan of hers this movie has nothing for anyone. Avoid..Avoid...AvoidThis movie was straight to DVD for a reason...that is a train wreck!!!
aajl-1 I just happened on this movie and rented it. I did not hear too much ahead of time about this movie - and it was surprisingly good! Although the plot seemed like it was predictable, it took so many twists and turns that it was good. I liked two things about this movie - the characters - three characters in this movie were quite likable/unlikeable. The actors were great and portrayed their characters perfectly. I also liked the filmography. The angles, the lighting, the dream sequences were really well done! I found it refreshing that this movie was good, clean, fun - no violence, no sex, only characters that you grow on you.
srthompson-1 This movie had so much potential to be hilarious yet moving but fell way short of either. It had a great story line, it just was not executed as good as it could have been. The weird "hallucinations" during his sleep scenes made absolutely no sense and definitely was not needed, they made no impact nor did they enhance or lend any understanding of what was to come or happen.Jon Heder's character was OK but could have been expanded upon more. He played the crappy part he was given at his best. The character was funny, but again, it fell short of what could have been.Mila's character was perfect and her performance was spot on.In closing, the writing was horrible and more often than not, made no sense and his hallucinations did not fit with the movie at all. This movie, with better scripting and directing, could have been a contender to National Lampoon's Vacation as far as funny, bad things happening to a person on a trip across America.Instead, it was only worthy of a second "flush". If I would have seen this at the theater, I would have demanded my money back and boycotted the film.The only thing that this film did was waste an hour and a half of my life. It also managed to make all those involved in the movie look bad, simply because the movie was a stinker.I do not recommend this movie to anyone! Ever!
TheFilmBabes I absolutely LOVED this movie!! If you are looking for something entertaining watch this!!! I found myself laughing my butt off more than once. The road trip scene was great.I never take the time to write these kind of things, but I felt this movie really deserved it! I might have to go as far as to say.............. one of the best movies I've seen to date!I thought I might like it, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much I really did enjoy watching itDon't miss this one, it's definitely worth your time :) Watch it and enjoy!!!