Morgan Stewart's Coming Home
Morgan Stewart's Coming Home
PG-13 | 20 February 1987 (USA)
Morgan Stewart's Coming Home Trailers

Eccentric 17-year-old Morgan Stewart (Cryer) can't seem to get his conservative parents to notice him - even though Morgan's been thrown out of 10 prep schools in 7 years! But when a sleazy campaign manager threatens Morgan's father's senatorial bid, Morgan comes home to clean up the mess... and creates hilarious havoc! by the time Morgan is finished, Washington politics will never be the same.

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Dugaru I appeared in this movie as an extra, along with a number of my college friends. It was primarily filmed in and near Charlottesville, VA (I'm guessing it was the spring of 1986) and a bunch of the extras were U.Va. students like myself. I got a check for $50 and also got to chat with (and appear on screen with) Cryer for a bit. He actually was a really nice guy.I think the mall scenes were filmed at the beautiful Fashion Square Mall north of Charlottesville. But note I said I got a check for $50 -- I didn't get PAID the $50 because the bastards bounced my check. After all these years, I'm still bitter. :)
MilB12 I keep seeing this film compared to Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and I don't see why. The plots have nothing in common, and the characters are not at all similar. Ferris Bueller's Day Off is about a very cool and clever kid who fools his parents into thinking he is sick, and goes on an adventure in the city. Morgan Stewart's Coming Home is more of a family story. A not so cool kid (Cryer) who was shipped off to boarding school at a young age is brought home to help with his fathers campaign to be elected to the senate and tries to win the affection of his very cold mother and dim-witted father. So why are these two films compared to one another? I see some of the comparison comes from the idea that this film was sold to the public as a Bueller-esque film, but it wasn't. I remember the commercials for this film from way back in the day, and they in no way tried to capitalize on the success of Ferris Bueller. This film is it's own film, as good or bad as it may be. It isn't a Ferris Bueller rip off. Morgan Stewart's Coming Home has it's moments, but it is more suited to a younger audience.
MorbidMorgan ' Morgan Stewart's Coming Home ' is great fun, a delightful 80's teen comedy unduly criticized because of it being credited to pseudonym Alan Smithee and not co-directors Paul Aaron and Terry Winsor. Infact it is an incredibly funny, sharply scripted Washington-based tale of a young man's attempts to seek the attention of strangers, his always far too busy parents Tom and Nancy - Tom is running for the U.S. senate and Nancy is the driving force behind Tom's campaign. Morgan is misguided in bringing his family closer together, relying on reruns of tv's ' The Brady Bunch ' but gains a true friend in fellow horror movie fan Emily, the two stumbling upon a plot to bring down his father! Jon Cryer and Viveka Davis are immensely likeable as the movie's teenage leads and they are wonderfully supported by the likes of Lynn Redgrave, Nicholas Pryor and Paul Gleason. Full of terrific one liners and crazy characters, it is a movie that can be watched time and time again.
Mister-6 Okay, see: Jon Cryer looks a lot like Matthew Broderick. Matthew Broderick made "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" a year earlier. So, Cryer made a movie with a similar title. Clever, huh?If you said yes, you must have missed this one."Morgan Stewart's Coming Home" is about as slap-dash as it gets, throwing in odd bits of "humor" in place of a plot. Whenever there's a slow spot, just show Cryer waxing the floor with one of those industrial floor waxers or admitting to free-basing Clearasil, toss in a chase every so often or pop in the old stand-by: two guys sharing a shower.You can't say much for a movie where Lynn Redgrave looks like she's planning thorough revenge on her agent all the way through. Lynn, give me his number and I'll do it for nothin'.Oh, and even Gleason shows up to make us think that we're watching a John Hughes movie. Very subliminal, guys. BUT, this isn't a Hughes. It's a Smithee. Know the rules and go from there.One star. Cryer's good for a laugh (A laugh - singular).And remember: home is where the heart is (yuk, yuk, yuk).
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