Montana Belle
Montana Belle
| 11 November 1952 (USA)
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Oklahoma outlaw Belle Starr meets the Dalton gang when rescued from lynching by Bob Dalton, who falls for her. So do gang member Mac and wealthy saloon owner Tom Bradfield, who's enlisted in a bankers' scheme to trap the Daltons. Dissension among the gang and Bradfield's ambivalence complicate the plot, as Belle demonstrates her prowess with shootin' irons, horses, and as a surprisingly racy saloon entertainer. Written by Rod Crawford

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
classicsoncall A decade after Jane Russell made her film debut in Howard Hughes' "The Outlaw", she's back in a Western as an outlaw herself. The real Belle Starr was a horse thief and all around bad girl, but teaming her up in this picture with the Dalton Gang was a figment of Hollywood's imagination like so many other Western movie treatments. Even the composition of the Dalton Brothers was botched in this one, there was no Ben Dalton, as the brothers who rode together as outlaws were Emmett, Bob and Gratham, Grat for short.This is a curious story, as Belle Starr's allegiance to the Daltons, and particularly Bob (Scott Brady), is tested along the way through misunderstanding and duplicity. As the owner of the Bird Cage Saloon in Guthrie, Oklahoma, Tom Bradfield (George Brent) is enlisted by authorities to set up the Dalton Gang for arrest, but those plans go awry when the Dalton Brothers are beaten to the punch by Belle and the non-family members of the gang. Belle winds up half owner in The Bird Cage, and Bradfield begins courting the outlaw in what seemed like an ill fated romance, but as odd as it seems, Belle winds up siding with the saloon guy.As for Belle Starr's turn as a singer at the Bird Cage, well I don't know, it seemed like she stepped right out of character and frankly, Russell's performance seemed a little embarrassing to me. Don't get me wrong, she looked great in the outfits she wore but her body tempo seemed more suited for the 1950's than the 1880's. She did a much better job in another film that came out the same year, "Son of Paleface" opposite Bob Hope in a comedy Western. She cut quite the impressive sight in her all black outfit, adding significant nuance to the name of the Dirty Shame Saloon.In the final analysis, this picture either on purpose or inadvertently managed to portray the Daltons as the kind of bank robbers they were in real life, because as outlaws, they just weren't very good. They failed in their robbery attempt that closes out this story, which had some of the earmarks of the infamous Coffeyville, Oklahoma raid that ended their careers in 1892, leaving both Grat and Bob Dalton dead. What was kind of cool though was the closing subliminal tribute paid to Jane Russell's character from her very first picture. As the story ends she recreates her classic reclining pose from "The Outlaw" that's familiar to anyone who's seen that film. It's even used as the photo image for that movie right here on IMDb; check it out.
Panamint This is one of those movies where the actors all seem to have known it was not gonna turn out well while making it. The downside of an excellent cast of veteran actors is that you have seen them in other movies wherein they have been great, so you tend to compare those performances with the flat performances in "Montana Belle" and find this film doubly disappointing.Much of the action consists of actors riding fast on horses in long scenery shots, but all they are doing is just riding horses, not really doing anything. On the plus side, Jane Russell does some musical numbers displaying real talent and allure, and in these numbers her work is impressive.Overall, as I watched it I was thinking "wake me up when either (1)the actors and director wake up, or (2)when its over". The only reason I can think of to explain the poor results in this movie is that maybe it was extensively and badly re-edited, making it choppy and slightly disjointed at times. The overall structure of bad guys fighting another group of bad guys, and almost everybody is mean, seems to be a structure that leads to a lack of plot tension in this case.So I wouldn't recommend "Montana Belle".
gordonl56 Montana Belle - 1952Considering the cast and crew involved, I was very surprised just how bad this film was. We have Jane Russell, Forrest Tucker, Scott Brady, Ray Teal, George Brent, Andy Devine, John Litel and Jack Lambert in front of the camera. With the normally competent Alan Dwan and Jack Marta behind the camera, I was expecting a much better product.It is a real mishmash about Belle Starr running with the Dalton gang. It starts out silly and just gets worse as it goes. The cast just looks downright embarrassed. The actors do their best but the very silly story leaves them little room to shine. Jack Lambert as a Indian at least gave me a few chuckles.The film was shot in 1948 by Republic Pictures and shelved by them. That should have warned me right there. Four years later RKO bought it and gave it a release. They should of burned it.There are a few nice outdoor shots by veteran cinematographer, Marta. Marta did much better work on, FLYING TIGERS, THE PLUNDERERS, RIDE THE MAN DOWN, DUEL AT APACHE WELLS and CAT BALLOU.
Nazi_Fighter_David Jane Russell, in a modest performance, is cast as the West's most notorious female outlaw, a role previously played on screen by Gene Tierney in "Belle Starr" in 1941 and by Isabel Jewell in "Badman's Territory" in 1946... Director Allan Dwan could not take any interest into the unworthy storyline or the determinedly pedestrian cast... In addition, the harsh colors are no asset to the proceedings...Belle Starr (Russell), an outlaw's widow has a misunderstanding with Scott Brady and the three outlaw Dalton Brothers... She joins with Forrest Tucker and Jack Lambert in a holdup rampage, gaining an even more unpleasant reputation... Later she returns to her old favorite place of resort disguised sufficiently so that no one recognizes her...Because gambler-saloonkeeper George Brent has $50,000 in funds that Jane is longing to gain, she persuades him to take her as a partner at his saloon... As the new presiding mistress of the establishment, Jane finds time to sing "The Gilded Lily" and to understand that Brent is basically a good guy after all, even though he is determined on bringing the Dalton gang and Belle Starr to justice...