Monster Brawl
Monster Brawl
R | 30 September 2011 (USA)
Monster Brawl Trailers

Eight of the world's most legendary monsters, along with their diabolical managers, compete in a wrestling tournament deathmatch to determine the most powerful champion of all time. Interviews, pre-fight breakdowns, trash talking, and monster origin segments round out this ultimate fight of the living dead.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
KineticSeoul You know those movies that are so bad it's good. Well this one isn't it. It's a cool idea to have well known monsters fight in a ring. And in this case 8 but the thing is, it looks more fake than wrestling. Which would still have been alright if this movie was so darn dull. The announcers and bikini babes tries to hype the fights up. But they are just so boring to watch. It's like watching a couple of drunks from a Halloween costume party wrestling with one another. And there is almost no trademark monster moves. Or using the monster weaknesses as an advantage in a fight much. It tries to have a story by having back-story for each monsters but that is the weakest part about this movie. It's so darn boring to watch and I personally didn't care. I just wanted to see monsters throw down. If it was crazy and over the top with the fights it would have at least been watchable. The director basically is a fan of monster movies and wrestling and decided to combine the two. Without any experience and far from having enough production value. It may sound cool but this is a pass.2/10
Sorpse This movie is straight up garbage from the get go. I thought the idea of monsters battling WWE style would be pretty damn entertaining and although there are plenty reviewers out there warning people not to watch this, i still gave it a try. Normally i give movies a full chance if i feel they have potential but i got out of this one early and i don't regret it. The monster make it up is pretty terrible for a movie that looks like it had a decent enough budget to do something better. I'm talking mainly about the cyclops characters whose one and only eye never moves and you can see the slits where the actor looks through the mask. If this was done intentionally for laughs then im sure it would have been more obvious but it seems they tried to go for subtly and failed. When you go into a movie for the monster effects and they fail with the first monster then its probably not worth continuing. PS. there is no storyline to this movie so i think the only people who will get a kick out of it are big time wrestling fans.
colman01 "Monster Brawl" - 8 Classic monsters duking it out.Sounds AWESOME, but plays Awful.This movie caters to fans of wrestling more than monster fans - it's just as bad and fake as normal wrestling, but not in a cheesy good way. The humor is mostly devoid of humor and the same type of "joke" is used over and over. The movie looks good, the concept is solid - the script and execution is god awful.This movie would have been fun as a 7 min short... As is, it's unfathomably boring - I don't even know any children that have the attention span to sit through this inane garbage as essentially the action is not really action and in between the action it's just a lot of gibberish from the commentators.Do yourself a favor and watch a classic monster flick instead or "Elvira Mistress of the Dark" to get your cult monster flick fill.
poe426 How many times have you been primed to see a well-hyped "monster brawl," only to walk away afterward feeling cheated? One of the earliest disappointments for me would have to have been FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLF MAN: after a wearying week of school, I was looking forward to Saturday night, around Midnight, when SHOCK THEATER, hosted by "The Bowman Body," promised viewers a slug-fest to end all slug-fests: Frankenstein's Monster would be going toe-to-toe with The Wolf Man. What kid worth his or her FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND collection wouldn't be fighting sleep to see THAT one...? A quarter of the way through, though, with far more talk than action, eyelids were already drooping; halfway through, they were at half mast; three-quarters of the way and the weaker members of the herd had succumbed. Those of us made of sterner stuff, who hung on to the very end... saw a quick back and forth that lasted mere moments before the castle was flooded and both combatants swept away. "The HELL...?" Sure, we lied to those who had slept through the final reel, telling them that the big brawl had been one for the ages, an epic struggle to rival the first Frazier-Ali fight. Opinions differed as to who had actually won the bout, but all were agreed that it was an epic never to be forgotten. Yeah... And then there were the GODZILLA movies, with ten or fifteen really cool minutes of giant monsters stomping Tokyo flat, padded with 90 or 100 minutes of people just sitting around talking about it. Fright filmmakers seemed to have a knack for NOT delivering the goods as promised. When first the title MONSTER BRAWL was whispered in the back alleys and dens of iniquity, interest was rekindled. Seeking out the underground caverns where such spectacles were staged, I took my seat next to a two-headed wrestler who called himself Janus and Anus and settled in for the duration. While MONSTER BRAWL would've been better served by a bit more storyline and a little less straight-laced "wrestling," the makeups are outstanding (and hold up remarkably well during the action) and the look of the movie is gorgeous. When it comes to monsters brawling and people talking about it, I guess it all really boils down to six of one or half-a-dozen of the other.