Money Movers
Money Movers
R | 01 August 1979 (USA)

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A group of crooks plan a heist to steal twenty million dollars from a Security Firm counting house.

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
paulwatts The opening credit sequences show an armoured van on Gladesville bridge in Sydney (not Sydney Harbour Bridge as an earlier review states), then at White Bay above the Rozelle freight yard with all its huge billboards, then Pyrmont Bridge (now a public walkway) very close to the heart of Sydney. The Cahill Expressway above Circular Quay Railway Station (which signage can clearly be seen) also appears in the opening minutes. However, the scene depicting the robbery of an armoured van by masked villains and the subsequent getaway was certainly shot in Adelaide. It is unclear why this film was made in two different cities 1200km apart.The basic story of an insider robbery of a counting house is fairly simple but the subplots get quite complex, and as someone indicated earlier it is sometimes hard to know who is double crossing whom. The director Beresford is obviously a student of film and appears to have gone to great lengths to give this film a tough "noir" edge. I think really he has over-compressed things a little too much. It is fairly short at barely 90 minutes and could have been fleshed out more in places. The final reel gets quite out of control, and its very difficult to discern which of the major players survive to the end of the film. To say the least, the film is extremely tough and violent, sort of like an Aussie cop show of the era with huge helpings of gore. I get the feeling from the "making of" that comes on the DVD, that Beresford might have played the final reel rather differently if he were remaking this film.Many of the lead actors here had achieved fame in Australian television. Ed Devereaux, Tony Bonner, Charles Tingwell, Lucky Grills, Candy Raymond and Frank Wilson were all well known to Australian audiences of the day. Alan Cassell plays a very similar smarmy character to that he later portrayed in The Club (1980). Candy Raymond was a stylish, attractive actress whose main drawback appears to have been a rather small bustline (the actress's own words in the accompanying interviews). It didn't stop her reprising her nude scenes from Dons Party (1976) in this film. Nonetheless, I feel she is underutilised here.The funeral procession scene shot in central Sydney involving numerous Datsun 120Y's and equally numerous armoured vans (all of them white), shot with a very long lens, presents a striking scene, which may have been a nod to the famous motorcycle funeral procession in Stone (1974), made four years earlier in the very same city.I believe Money Movers is some sort of slightly flawed but unique piece of art, not really held in high esteem by its director these days, and certainly not perfect, and extremely hard to find, but well worth tracking down.
romarblanc First time i watched this move i was fifteen..., i found in money movers action, shootouts, angry people and violent scenes..., this movie concerns a guy called Jackson who works in a security company and wants to rob it..., he is helped by his brother(brown) and his friend, played by Ray Marshall; unfortunately for them, a local mafia gang discovers their intentions and wants to be in the mix..., the movie concerns some nowadays problems as violence, angry, unhappiness..., by the way i have to point the final scene, in which the violence level rises to the top: fist fights, chairs broken in a guys back..., there is a guy called geronimo who exhibits a crude brutality in his actions..., this actor, although secondary cast offers a high range performing..., only you have to see how he uses his gun and his fist..., if antibody knows something about him, send me a pd here in IMDb..., his name is rick hart i give it nine star from ten
Ezekiel Steiner Money Movers really shows what can happen when greed and temptation come together. The money movers of the title handle millions of dollars each day in armored vans completely ready for an outside attack. But what happens when the danger comes from the inside? The answer is everything: Murder, double-cross of thieves, rival gangs, intrigue, suspicion, and the list goes on. This movie is packed with testosterone and has all the action you could ask for. Bruce Beresford directed who would latter come to America and did the Oscar winner Driving Miss Daisy. Based on the book of the same title by Devon Minchin this movie boasts one of the best robberies ever filmed – climaxing in the bloodiest, fastest, hottest shootouts ever put to film. This movie is hard to find in the US but if you come across a copy watch it!
goatsby One of the most under-rated Oz films of all time!, Brilliantly directed by Beresford it was superbly cast and scripted.Ray Marshall appeared in every scene with a cigarette, and lucky Grills appeared in his normal quota of beer drinking scenes. Not to mention the use of profanity which is normally associated in the workplace which gave the natural realism. Also the plot which assumed that OZ coppers are completely bent really added to the authenticity.And not to mention half the cast of Skippy the Bush Kangaroo being involved in a climatic shootout, BRILLIANT!!!!
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