Miss Minoes
Miss Minoes
| 06 December 2001 (USA)
Miss Minoes Trailers

A cat who turns into a young woman helps a journalist protect their town from a factory boss with an evil plan.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Charlotte Dwars Carice van Houten, now famous for her role in Zwartboek, is a great actress and knows how to get her audience's attention. In Minoes, she is a very sweet and fun girl and together with Theo Maassen she really put together a lovely movie. Though not more than 1 hour of entertainment, this movie is something you could watch over and over and over again. Why? It's lighthearted, very funny and brings out the genius that was Annie M.G. Schmidt, who wrote the story years ago. The power of this movies is also the voices of the cats. Famous Dutch people like Wim T. Schippers, a.k.a. Ernie (Bert and Ernie), and Hans Teeuwen, a renowed Dutch comedian make funny jokes all the time and besides it's really fun to hear someone be a cat. If you enjoyed this movie, I highly recommend Ja Zuster, Nee Zuster, which has a similar class and quality. Go ahead and watch them and have a great time!
Andres Salama I don't know a lot about dutch cinema, haven't even seen a lot of dutch movies, but a lot of the dutch films I have seen (specially comedies) seem to me to be consistently great, generally commercial but very entertaining and thought provoking (you can check my comments to see my opinion on a number of these movies). This is apparently based on a very popular children's book I haven't read. A cat turns into a woman after coming across some chemical stuff spilled from a barrel. She finds herself transformed into a woman on the rooftops of her small town. Eventually, she takes refuge in the apartment of a struggling but honest reporter, and through her ability to communicate with her fellow cats, she helps him expose a case of local corruption (a scoop that saves him from being fired from his newspaper). This movie wouldn't work as well as it does without the charming Carice Van Houten performance as the titular woman/cat. Theo Massen's performance as the shy reporter is also great.
Boba_Fett1138 This is a great movie for kids. The story is very simple and doesn't also make sense but therefor is perfectly easy and fun to follow for the young ones. Also cat lovers will simply adore this movie, the cats play quite a prominent role in the movie and the trained cats are mixed in well with the good and convincing looking puppet-doubles.The movie is very childish, so childless-adults beware! This probably isn't the right movie for you to watch. I can babble on about the technical aspects and acting in this movie but it don't think that's completely relevant for this movie. This movie is obviously made for young children, who don't care about any of the technical aspects of a movie. So parents simply stop reading now and just buy/rent this movie for your children already! They will have fun and be entertained by it.It isn't really a movie were an awful lot is wrong with, it's just a movie that is too simple in every way, to be considered a great and memorable movie. I also have to say that I wasn't exactly fond of the musical score by Peter Vermeersch. It's this typical simple musical score, were I can't quite put my finger on, or describe it to you. To put it short and simple (just like this movie), it was just terrible to listen to.The cast consists out of many well known Dutch actors and a famous voice cast for the cats. Pierre Bokma is on of the best Dutch actors at the moment and he plays a great and enjoyable villain role in this movie. This was Carice van Houten's big breakthrough movie and she is currently filming "Zwartboek" with Paul Verhoeven, in which she plays the main role. The voice cast has some recognizable voices in it, especially Wim T. Schippers, who is the Dutch voice for Kermit the Frog and Ernie for the Dutch "Sesame Street" and who believe it or not, actually used the live in the same street as I did, here in Groningen. And no, with the same street I don't mean that I lived in Sesame Street...I haven't read the book this movie is based on, written by Annie M.G. Schmidt, so unfortunately I can't comment on whether or not this movie is loyal enough, to the book its story and atmosphere.It isn't a great or remarkable movie but children will simply be entertained by it and that's the most important thing of course.6/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/
Steven (Doohickey) This was a fairly charming film, mostly because of the talking among the cats and good acting from the leading Lady (or should that be leading Cat?). I read the original a long time a go, but a friend of mine who had reread it recently said that a lot of elements had been changed and she couldn't quite see what the benefits were.Here's one for the GOOFS category, occurring during a scene in which mayor Ellemeet gets into a showdown with a cat in an alley. The guy is supposed to be alone, but a crew member can be seen quite clearly in a reflection in one of the windows of his car.