Mirrors 2
Mirrors 2
R | 19 October 2010 (USA)
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When Max, who is recovering from a traumatic accident, takes a job as a nighttime security guard, he begins to see visions of a young mysterious woman in the store's mirror.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
BA_Harrison I was drawn to Mirrors 2 by an amazingly gory animated gif that showed a woman being decapitated by a broken piece of shower screen glass: this jaw-dropping scene is easily the highpoint of the film, delivering both gratuitous nudity (from a silicon chested bimbo) and outrageous splatter, but the rest of the film is surprisingly entertaining given that it is a sequel to a not particularly memorable original.The film stars Nick Stahl as Max, who is recovering from trauma after a traffic accident that claimed the life of his fiancé. When his father offers him a job as a night watchman at a new shopping complex, Max accepts the position, but comes to believe that he is suffering a relapse after seeing visions of a mysterious woman in the store's mirrors. When two of the complex's employees die in freak accidents, Max starts to think that they are somehow connected to the disappearance of a young woman two months earlier.Atmospheric, occasionally scary, with solid central performances from Stahl and Emmanuelle Vaugier as the missing girl's sister Elizabeth, Mirrors 2 doesn't do anything particularly new, its vengeful ghost story merely a collection of well worn tropes, but director Víctor García keeps things brisk, bloody, and fun, which is more than enough for a good time. Special effects are impressive, with the aforementioned decapitation (one of the best I have seen) and a nasty moment in which a guy has his achilles tendons slashed before being eviscerated.
Nitzan Havoc After watching the first feature of this rare mainstream Horror duology, I've had very little expectations. If there's one thing I believe all of us Horror fans learnt from The Ring, is that high expectations for a sequel are doomed to come crashing down. Then again, lowered expectation leave room for some nice surprises and a better viewing experience.Knowing that, I sat down to watch Mirrors 2. The first thing I was glad about was seeing the incredible Nick Stahl, one of the most outrageously underrated actors in Hollywood, staring in his own Horror film, and one that is pretty high budget and mainstream (this is not to sat that mainstream is always good, only that it's nice that when Horror finally gets another mainstream feature, it's Nick Stahl who stars in it). Absolutely magnificent in Terminator 3, Sin City and On the Inside (you probably haven't seen it, I recommend you do), Stahl brought his absolute A game to work. Again. The slightly awkward ever struggling facial expressions, the friendly relatable body language, all the fine acting that make Stahl the perfect tragic hero and everyone's best friend is all here. Simply a pleasure! Having said that, I must say the rest of the cast (Emmanuelle Vaugier and Larence Turner in particular) did a fine job as well, and it's difficult to get recognized for good acting when you're hopelessly overshadowed by an actor of Stahl's proportions.The story is not half bad, yet not that impressive. Pretty much the same as in the first film. On one hand it means that there's nothing breathtaking, special or unusually good about it, on the other hand, it's not a complete fall compared to the first. Always nice to see the rules of Horror sequels broken. As in Mirrors, Mirrors 2's story lacked any substantial plot twists, and the direction it took towards the ending felt very out of place to me. Not to give any spoilers, but when it comes to ghosts haunting mirrors - attempting to reinvent the wheel in regards to their motivations is slightly off putting.Effects are of course Hollywood-level impressive, which means all the blood and gore you fans of all things revolting and nauseating could want. I, personally, am not a fan of these, and so I find these affects to be redundant to the point of being a nuisance. Unnecessary. You hear me, Hollywood? Unnecessary. It's high time we separated Horror from Gore, they are two completely different genres, and making an audience sick to their stomach is a million miles away from making them terrified.All in all, Mirrors 2 is nothing special, nor does it need to be. Mirrors 1 was nothing special, and only specific points of the story and Kiefer Sutherland's acting made it above average. Mirrors 2 is about the same, with Stahl having no problems in filling Sutherland's shoes. A good sequel, fun to watch, scary at times, definitely worthy of your time.
Vomitron_G "Mirrors 2" is pretty okay as a stand-alone feature, but it pales in comparison with Alexandre Aja's first film (which on its term was a re-make of an Asain film). This time, the film isn't exactly what the first one was about. Instead they turned it into a 'vengeful ghost' story. Not bad, really, but pretty standard stuff. Nevertheless, we get a couple of bloody death scenes, a bit of nice atmosphere, a dash of mystery (which isn't too hard to figure out) and some okay performances (though no Oscar worthy material, naturally). The over-all end result is just about decent enough. You could do a lot worse with other stuff that's being cranked out on DVD nowadays, especially when it comes to (loose) sequels. Teaming up "Mirrors 2" as a double bill with something like "White Noise 2: The Light" wouldn't be a bad way to spend a straight-to-DVD horror sequel night with your girlfriend.
FlashCallahan While driving on the road with his fiancée Kayla, Max Matheson has a serious car accident and they both die. However, Max is resuscitated and one year later he is an emotionally disturbed man with the guilty complex for the murder of his beloved fiancée and under psychological treatment with Dr. Beaumont.When his father Jack Matheson reopens the Mayflower Department Store in New Orleans, his security guard Henry Schow has an accident and Jack invites Max to be his replacement to help in his cure.Max has visions of a dead woman and he foresees death in the mirror.Soon Max finds that he has the ability to see Eleanor Reigns, an employee that is missing, and he contacts her sister Elizabeth Reigns to know details of her disappearance....Not counting the back-story of this,the movie is a virtual remake of the first. John Connor looks ill in this, and his acting isn't very good either.But if you liked the first,there is a lot of fun to be had here. It's not scary in the slightest, and the reflections are more camp than threatening, but it's still a fun direct to blu ray sequel.It's all very predictable with the revelation at the end, and for some reason it turns into the grudge, with the penultimate kill.It's another sequel that isn't necessary, but will get a lot of viewers just because of the title.