R | 31 December 1982 (USA)
Midnight Trailers

A young woman fleeing her sexually abusive stepfather hitches a ride with two young men, but the three soon find themselves at the mercy of a backwoods Satanic cult.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Wordiezett So much average
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Leofwine_draca John Russo is nowadays largely derided for his efforts to 'repackage' NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD – a film on which he served as editor – for a 30th anniversary audience. This involved shooting ridiculous new footage and generally attempting to change the film for the better, but what happened? He created a travesty instead. Anyway, the wannabe-director was also involved in some rural Pennysylvanian horror flicks back in the 1980s, producing the ultra-cheesy slasher THE MAJORETTES and directing this, a bleak black magic thriller that surprisingly manages to recreate some of the sleazy atmosphere of those '70s grindhouse flicks where bad things happen to young people.Of course, MIDNIGHT is put together on a shoe-string budget, so technically it's not very accomplished. The storyline is meandering and slow in places, and there are some stupid or unbelievable moments. Still, it managed to hold my interest for the entire run time. Where the film is effective, however, is in the landscape: there's an isolated backwoods setting for this film, a setting of desolate fields, abandoned farmhouses, and small towns where the locals are either racists or out-and-out psycho killers. Imagine the same kind of creepiness you saw in the likes of DELIVERANCE and SOUTHERN COMFORT and you'll have a general idea of the 'feel' of this film.Russo's budget meant that he could only afford one 'Hollywood' actor, legendary tough guy Lawrence Tierney. This actor plays the role of a perverted policeman with designs on his own step daughter! I admit, I've only seen Tierney in the likes of RESERVOIR DOGS, where he didn't get the chance to do much, but he shines here – a real class act. The rest of the cast are amateurish, but the central trio of Verlin, Hall, and Jackson aren't bad at all, and I actually found myself warming to these youths as they ride around in their van. Watch out for a minor appearance from John Amplas, who essayed the titular role of George Romero's MARTIN.When the horror eventually kicks in, we're left with a film detailing yet another family of hillbilly psychos, with an added black magic element. Yes, it's been done to death countless times before, and there's even a rip-off plot strand straight out of PSYCHO – and about a dozen other similarly-themed movies made in the 1970s. The good news is that Tom Savini's on hand to supply the gore effects, although they're limited and strained here and someone expecting the inventive nastiness of MANIAC or DAWN OF THE DEAD will be disappointed. Again, lack of money is a problem. Still, MIDNIGHT held my attention, and I was left feeling quite warm towards it once it was over. It's no masterpiece, and it's far from original, but even Russo's technical shortcomings can't disguise the heavy, oppressive atmosphere running throughout this minor effort.
slayrrr666 "Midnight" is a decent enough if mildly unspectacular slasher.**SPOILERS**Running away from home, teenager Nancy Johnson, (Melanie Verlin) runs into friends John, (John Hall) and Hank, (Charles Jackson) on their way to Florida. As they spend more time traveling together, the more they become friends until they make a stop over in rural Georgia. When confronted with crooked police officers Cyrus, (David Marchick) and Luke, (Greg Besnak) for an innocent charge, they are captured and brought back to their house, along with their brother Abraham, (John Amplas) and Cynthia, (Robin Walsh) who turn out to be an inbred redneck family that was taught the Satanic arts by their deceased mother. When her policeman stepfather Bert Johnson, (Lawrence Tierney) becomes worried about her being gone, he gets wind of what's going on and races to get her away from the psycho clan.The Good News: While not terrible, this one does have some good points to it. The main one is that it really does something new and original with the Satanic Cult genre, and here it's mixed in nicely with the slasher genre. It puts them together into something that resembles originality, and by using the opening the way it is into a rather traditional slasher setting makes for a fun time to be had during those scene. In fact, those are the main reasons for this one to get any sort of enjoyment, as watching them partake in the ceremonies is a little chilling, and by recalling what's already been done with them beforehand, there's a little more to be had from these kinds of scenes that there normally would. The few kills in here aren't that bad, restricted to some gory gunshots, an axe in the back, knives slitting throat, a sacrificial sword stabbed in the chest and another is set on fire. Most of these occur in the grand finale, as there's a lot more excitement and action here than anywhere else in the film and it makes for some great times. The only other part that works is the relatively interesting proposal that the film offers in the middle, where it handles the heroes that have been around for most of the film in a rather smart and refreshing manner that aren't seen in most other films. It's also a great scene in the film that has some really great parts to get some really chilling moments to it. These here are the film's best parts.The Bad News: This one does have a couple of rather big flaws. The most obvious is that there's so much time spent with the three friends that it begins to wear on after a while. It takes a while to get going out on the road as it deals with family issues, which it then completely ignores later on after a conversation detailing what's going on that changes the rules around significantly, and these here just take up time and energy away from the film when it had something other to do than the really weak beginning. Even worse is that it leaves these parts to focus on the traveling misadventures of the group and their ways, and this is even duller and more boring. When the crooked cops turn up, it gets a little better, but it's still relatively dull until it gets to the last part. This one is so short on action for a film as long as it is a huge crime, and it really takes away from the film for a big problem. The only other flaw is that there's way too many scenes that are dark beyond belief. There's a real problem where it's hard to tell what's going on in the few scenes that are supposed to provide the film's excitement. Trying to pick out what's going on when you're supposed to be enjoying the scene is a wrong reaction, and it would've helped to brighten it up a tad. Otherwise, this here is somewhat decent.The Final Verdict: This here is a really tough sell, as it's not spectacular but isn't that memorably bad either, falling more in the middle. Give it a shot if it sounds interesting, or have a predilection for these kinds of films, otherwise it won't be that memorable for others.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language, Brief Nudity and themes of incest
acidburn-10 Plot = Nancy runs away from home after her stepfather tries to rape her. She hitch-hikes with two nice boys who are headed for Florida and they get along really well right from the start. However, Nancy will soon regret her decision to run away from home as a satanic family kidnaps her in order to sacrifice her to the devil.Midnight is a wannabe slasher from the early 80s but with more of a 70s feel due to the poor condition of the film and plus it's just another bad "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" clone. I read some mixed reviews about this flick, but I've read mixed reviews for other slasher movies before and I was pleased with some of them, unfortunately not in this case. Don't get me wrong the storyline sounded really good but once Nancy gets kidnapped the movie slows down and we are left with an unoriginal "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" rip off. The beginning of the movie was quite interesting and I was even willing to pass the terrible acting but when Nancy's friends gets killed off that's when the movie starts to go downhill.All in all "Midnight" is a really terrible backwoods slasher, the beginning showed potential but the last half is rushed so I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
Scarecrow-88 Backwoods hillbilly Satanists murder locals and capture a runaway after dispatching of the two "grocery thieves" she was hitching a ride with. The reason our heroine run away in the first place was because of her alcoholic policeman step-father's trying to molest her. The hillbillies include this portly cackling menace who murders a black priest with a knife and, shortly after, strangles and drowns the man's daughter in her own bathtub. Romero vet, John Amplas(the "vampire" star of Martin)has a creepy role as one of the Satanists who shoots two men in cold blood..one black man point-blank in the forehead. The runaway is Nancy(Melanie Verlin)and her step-father, Bert Johnson, is played by the great Lawrence Tierney. An odd occurrence takes place in this film..Bert, the man who is quite a liar(he tells his wife, in a subtle way of course, that Nancy was trying to seduce him, for petesake), becomes the hero of this flick! He, through fine police work, will find Nancy's recent whereabouts and face-off with the Satanists in a bloody finale.This is a film from author of "Night of the Living Dead" John Russo, who I guess wanted to make his way into the horror genre. I've read that many feel Russo, at the very least, captures the aesthetic of Romero's "Night of the Living Dead." As I watched it again for the second time, it feels more akin to Wes Craven's "Last House on the Left." That feeling of hopelessness for several female sacrifices to Satan and how the villains have no regard for the human lives they destroy(in the backwoods where even the local police are afraid to enter)certainly reminded me of Craven's film. "Midnight" also felt as raw, sick, and exploitive(except for the lack of rape and nudity)as "Last House on the Left." And, also, the acting is about as lacking as Craven's film. In my mind, "Midnight" is about as backwoods and independent a horror picture as can be made. When someone mentions "Backwoods slasher", "Midnight" will probably stem to my mind for now on. One thing I can say positive about this is Russo's choice of location as the setting..the cold dead woods lend to the feeling of dread and there's a garbage-beauty this film has I came away with liking. It's the acting that causes me to ache. That and the CORNY theme song..the type you would find on a record titled, "AM GOLD". Damn thing is that title tune gets stuck in your head..to the point you'll just be chiming away realizing in horror what you humming to.I'm guessing that the reason the acting is less than stellar is because Russo uses local talent, shoots his film in local areas, and shoots as low-income as possible. I guess it could be viewed as a grindhouse flick. It looked like one to me. Most of the violence is blood splatter as large blades slash across throats.
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