Mice Follies
Mice Follies
NR | 04 September 1954 (USA)
Mice Follies Trailers

Jerry and his diapered little mouse friend flood the kitchen, then use the freezer to turn it into a skating rink. Even though Tom finds a pair of ice skates, the mice have no problem outmaneuvering him.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
BA_Harrison Jerry and Tuffy flood the kitchen and use the freezer to turn the floor into a massive ice-rink. Tom discovers the pair of rodents sliding effortlessly around the room and tries to catch them, but isn't as steady on his feet—at least until he finds a pair of ice skates in a cupboard.The problem with watching a lot of Tom and Jerry cartoons in quick succession is that the action can all become a bit 'samey'; the benefit of watching a lot of Tom and Jerry cartoons in a row is that when you get a particularly good one it really stands out from the crowd.Mice Follies is a great example, the frozen setting making a welcome change from the usual housebound chaos and allowing for some superb gags. What also makes this one sparkle is the quality of the artwork and animation, with great attention to detail in the ice and the reflections of the characters as they skate along.
Foreverisacastironmess Yo! I know it's probably just a plain old take on "ice follies", but that title also sounds suspiciously like ice lollies to me!(They go by popsicles in the USA!) This is one of my all-time favourite offerings to feature the beloved duo. It may not have the destructive madcap action of "The Mouse Who Came to Dinner", or the distinctive fantasy weirdness of "The Cat and the Mermouse", but I've always just really loved it, it gives me an especially strong case of the warm and fuzzies inside that's quite different from all the other episodes that I love. Whenever I used to watch the shows as a kid, I'd always hope they'd show this one. It was always the ice, I always found it so utterly magical and enchanting when the flooded kitchen is instantly transformed into a sparkling frosty wonderland... What an ingenious idea for an episode. Now the cynical side of me can't help but think for a second that that's gotta be one powerful freezer(!) Wow, the ice looks so beautiful, the way it glitters, and that cool thing with the jelly they use to create the illusion of coloured lights. That's all the stuff I love about this one the best. I love the bit when Tom can't find his feet and the drum beats match his stumblings. What I find funny about that scene is the way Jerry and Nibbles stand to watch the spectacle! The sight gags in this one are pretty few and far between, but what there is is good. I love the impossibly cute 'lil snow-mice! I get a kick out of the comical way Tom daintily flicks off the snow! Again, more amazing animation with the snow when Tom manages to freeze himself at the end. And then the charming final scene that draws things to a close with the two dancing around a Tom ice sculpture to the delightful music, who can only glare out at them with his eyes! It would have been that much better if they'd have had him do a sighing motion with them eyes. I still get such a strong feeling when I watch this that goes way beyond nostalgia... What a sweet little lovely ice-dream-give it a whirl!!!
movieman_kev Jerry the Mouse and the little orphan Nibbles flood the kitchen to make a ghetto ice skating rink. Cue Tom and wacky ice cat and mouse hijinx.I don't know why, but this Tom and Jerry short didn't really do anything for me. It wasn't bad or anything like that, I just didn't laugh as much as I find myself doing while watching other Tom and Jerry cartoons. Sure some of the gags were kinda amusing and all. Maybe being a fairly new property owner myself I was thinking of how much the repair job would cost for something like that, coincidentally "the Amittyville Horror" affected me in pretty much the same way. Heh. This animated short can be found on disc 2 of Warner Brother's 2-DVD Spotlight Collection set.My Grade: C+
rbverhoef 'Mice Follies' is an entertaining short with Tom, Jerry and a second mouse. Jerry floods the kitchen together with another mouse. After this they use the freezer to change the flooded kitchen into an ice skating rink. When Jerry and the other mouse want to do some ice dancing Tom finds out what they are doing and is causing them some trouble. He even finds some ice skates to catch both the mice.This short is animated pretty well and never bored me. In fact, I found myself smiling constantly and there is one very big laugh. Tom on his ice skates knows how to pass a lot of furniture without hitting them, is very happy about that, but misses one little thing. This gag plays with perfect timing. The ending, although predictable, is quite good as well. Worth watching.