Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland
G | 28 July 1951 (USA)
Alice in Wonderland Trailers

On a golden afternoon, young Alice follows a White Rabbit, who disappears down a nearby rabbit hole. Quickly following him, she tumbles into the burrow - and enters the merry, topsy-turvy world of Wonderland! Memorable songs and whimsical escapades highlight Alice's journey, which culminates in a madcap encounter with the Queen of Hearts - and her army of playing cards!

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Jesper Brun While there may not be an exact story in the adaption of Alice in Wonderland it just throws so much delightful nonsense and madness at us that you can tell the effort made for it. Alice is trying to imagine how a world of her own would be and we get along for the ride of many really weird characters in her search for the white rabbit which is the only thing vaguely resembling a plot. So there is no exact plot, but more like a travel through different environments meeting different fantasy creatures which mostly come off as memorable. I dare say we all know the White Rabbit, Chesire Cat, Mad Hatter, March Hare, Tweedle Dee and Dum and Queen of Hearts. The rest is up for debate whether they are memorable not. Definitely the weirdest Disney movie, but I love it for that reason. The kind of aimless direction it has to it may turn some people off, but I think it's nice with a little trippy animation to play with the wonderful thing called imagination.
SlyGuy21 The movie might not have much of a conflict, or story, but it still manages to have a lot of energy to it. You could sort of say that this movie is a bunch of little shorts, and Alice just moves from one to the next. Sure the movie might be a dream, but it at least makes sense given how crazy everything is. Never having read the books it's based off of, I always considered the story to be about someone going slowly insane. Desperate to escape her mundane life, Alice creates a world where nothing makes sense, and gets lost in her own creation. I know the theory I have has been explored before by numerous click-bait articles titled "Top 69 Dark Disney Theories That Will Destroy Your Existence (#35 Will Make You Divorce Your Wife)" or something like that, but I think it's a neat theory. The movie's surreal, but it still manages to hold your attention and makes you want to see what happens next. I don't like it as much compared to other Disney movies, but I still liked it and I suggest giving it a shot.
grantss Alice is a daydreaming young girl. She finds learning poems and listening to literature boring. She prefers stories with pictures and to live inside her imagination. One day, while enduring just such a poetry reading, she spots a large white rabbit...dressed in a jacket and carrying a large watch. He scurries off, saying he's late, for a very important date. She follows him through the forest. He then disappears down a rabbit hole. Alice follows, leading her to all manner of discoveries, characters and adventures.A wonderful, imaginative adaptation of Lew Carroll's famous novel. Captures well the sheer randomness, weirdness and wonder of Alice's adventures in Wonderland.Great animation, even by today's standards. But, then again, this is a Walt Disney production, so that is a given.Voices are spot-on. Kathryn Beaumont, at 12/13 years old, shines as Alice. Disney must have liked her performance too - she provided the voice of Wendy in Peter Pan, two years later.The quintessential adaptation.
Gustavo Schroeder A Alice in Wonderland is still an amazing experience. From the visual standpoint to to the experience of seeing Wonderland with your own eyes is simply breathtaking. This is actually I think my second favorite Disney movie, right after The Lion King and with good reason. This is a really crazy ride and it is one of those rare animated movies that (in my case at least) can make you feel sad and delighted almost at the same time. Alice in Wonderland is crazy, dark (but at the same time colorful), beautiful, sad (and also at the same time an amazing) experience that definitely deserves its status as a Disney Classic. A must own for any Disney Movie Collection!