Mermaids: The Body Found
Mermaids: The Body Found
| 19 March 2011 (USA)
Mermaids: The Body Found Trailers

A story that imagines how these real-world phenomena may be related. In this story, startling amateur video and photographic evidence, as well as additional audio recordings, suggests whales weren’t the only creatures affected by the Navy’s sonar. The film follows the two scientists who tracked the whale beachings for years and delivers first-hand, on-camera accounts of what they claim to have discovered in the aftermath of one particular beaching. Their story is nothing less than fantastical: they claim to have found the remains of a mermaid.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Amy-May Hunt The point of this film in my opinion is to engage the viewer and help us think ' anything is possible' it invokes a sense of wonder to the aquatic life, where do we come from? What did we do 6 million years ago? How did we evolve?Any negative views on this film are purely from people who didn't understand that they were all actors, However if these people had watched the program knowing we didn't evolve into mermaids they would have enjoyed the film for the comedic and engaging values it had.-Spoilers- I truly believed that this was a documentary, the film engages the viewer from early on by giving real life footage from real events involving the 2008-2009 whale beaching ,' government test bombings'. The film goes on to explain about a mysterious creature found at the beaching that was covered up by government officials, they found sound recordings portrayed by actors pretending to be scientists hiding from the government.Photos from mermaid equipment was shown and sound footage ( eerie and beautiful) is played and explained to be communication of a new creature.
jerezmjaime This morning, my eight year old son aboard me excited, and explained me that the Mermaids really exist, because what some scientists said, in their preferred channel of science. The problem I have now is how to explain him that he was deceived. This will be painful for me and also for the the kid, for now, I will remove the channel from the decoder to avoid such kind of problems. You are not Orson Welles and this is not 1938, nobody becomes famous, cheating kids in these days. The problem is that in 1938 the people made many things that are no longer acceptable, as electric chock to psychiatric patients, the racial abuse and the irresponsible destruction of the environment, yet today this things are not acceptable and what before could lead a man to the fame, today might well take him to the ruin.
robert-259-28954 This pseudo-documentary in the guise of a real life event literally destroys in one fale swoop any credibility this once "class" channel had to offer. It should NEVER have been put on a nature channel, it should have been a B-Movie on the Sci Fi Channel!!! It makes a mockery of real science, particularly the bogus portrayals faked by bogus actors. This is pure trickery, straight up. Remove it permanently from your lineup or lose yet anther fan like the one you've already permanently alienated by airing this phony crap. It's below you. Worse still, you evidently have forgotten the painful lesson apparently not learned when Orson Welles produced "War of the Worlds," with predictably bad results. The mass panic created by that radio dramatization near caused the death of many petrified Americans, who believed that this dramatization was actually true. So it was when I tuned into this piece of trash. I would have never believed that a respected wildlife channel like The Discovery Channel and by extension, Animal Planet could have even been persuaded to air such material. The Cartoon Channel, perhaps. But Discovery?? NOT.
pbuckler I think people are being to harsh on this film, I found it interesting and the thought that these may be true is simply too wonderful for words. Just enjoy the ride of what may be rather then only seeming that it may not be.This film also makes some very good points and it worth watching. The people who are just mad that this turned out to be a fake documentary need to learn to open your minds and just enjoy dreaming that we have some long lost brothers we have been dreaming of an telling stories of for eons. I adore this film, even if it isn't a real documentary. It may prove real someday.