The Great Martian War 1913–1917
The Great Martian War 1913–1917
| 08 December 2013 (USA)
The Great Martian War 1913–1917 Trailers

Documentary-drama recounting the Martian War of 1913–1917. Europe was on tenterhooks in the 2nd decade of the 20th century, everyone was expecting a Great War between the major European powers. But then, in 1913, something crashed into the forests of SW Germany. Troops were sent to investigate but were wiped out. Martian fighting machines began making their way across Western Europe and the countries of Europe combined forces to resist them. With aspects taken from ‘The War of the Worlds’ by H.G. Wells and from WWI itself, this dramatisation presents a documentary style look at events as they unfolded and the effect they had of our world today. Lots of references to real events including the mass attacks and defeats as men were thrown against machines on the Western front, the Christmas truce and the Angel of Mons, America's isolationism and late entry into the conflict, the worldwide Spanish flu epidemic that killed more people than the war, and many other things.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
jfthomas Very imaginative and well executed, plays like a genuine History Channel documentary. This "mockumentary" is not for laughs, but a fascinating vehicle for science fiction. I have long wished that someone would make a movie based on "War of the Worlds," and keep the setting in H. G. Wells' era when the concept of alien technology would be beyond the imagination of the people of those times. While this is not that story, this film comes closest to fulfilling my wish.
jamieedgecycles How could anybody use WWI footage and make a mockery of it with Alians. It s very disrespectful
Marcwolf-2 We all have to suspend belief when alternate history is the subject, and it's often a fun intellectual curiosity. Like what would America be like of JFK did not die. Or that Hitler has not been born. Or the great library of Alexandria survived. These are all key crossroads in our history that forever altered the future. In this case it is current day historians looking back at The Great Martian War. The Martians have landed in Germany in 1913 and the world mobilizes to fight them. Archival footage of that time is used and CGI seamlessly spliced in to give it an authenticated look and feel of that time. Various experts talk and show their displays - all with the reverence that real artifacts of that time deserve. Even veteran's of that time tell of their experiences. Various viewpoints are offered on different arguments, and prospects for the future. All in all what one would expect from a detailed and well crafted documentary. Except. It never happened :)
spotter-2 I thought this is a well executed program. At first I thought I was going to hate it due to the recycled footage. Then I remembered that WWI documentaries are stuck with the same problem. Movie cameras were bulky, finicky and needed the right light, etc. Th interviews were pretty good. I like the use of lighting techniques to make the interviews look "old". Good performances all. I did like the two buddies from the American Frontiersmen.As a long time alternate history buff, I liked it. Though I did see what I believe are flaws. Such as, where are the Russians? I don't think Tsar Nicky II would sit idly by while France is invaded and most of Germany destroyed. The late entry of the U.S.? An alien invasion has taken place, even Wilson would see there is no time to lose. The American Frontiersman was a nice touch. Though I think Teddie Roosevelt would have led it, health conditions not withstanding. A good effort.