Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
| 07 September 2001 (USA)
Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 Trailers

Stone (the Antichrist) becomes President of the European Union and uses his seat of power to dissolve the United Nations and create a one world government called the World Union. Megiddo is a supernatural ride into a world teetering on the edge of the Apocalypse. It follows the rise of a Machiavellian leader bent on amassing the armies of the world for the battle of Armageddon while calamities of Biblical proportions pummel the Earth. Though both prequel and sequel to The Omega Code, Megiddo works also as a stand alone story for anyone who missed its predecessor. For at its emotional core, Megiddo is the Caine and Abel story of the two men enamored with the same woman, raised as brothers, who grew up to find themselves pitted against each other over the fate and souls of the entire world.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
H K Fauskanger Michael Biehn fighting the Antichrist! Remember 1984's The Terminator, where Mike was content with fighting a time-traveling killer robot with an Austrian accent? That plot of that movie seems SO much more plausible and realistic now that I've spent a very funny afternoon watching 'Omega Code 2'! Indeed, it was so funny that I had to write my first IMDb review ever! But what can I say that that other reviewers haven't said before? Here we truly have it all – a ludicrous ultra-Bible-literalist end-time scenario, unabashed American jingoism, patricide, a pathetic love triangle, cheesy CGI, and even lazy historical errors (the ignorant scriptwriters have Stone 'Satan' Alexander accepting a post in the European Union in 1976, a full seventeen years before the union even existed!) We follow Damien ... er, Stone from his childhood, when he is duly possessed by Satan and spends the rest of the movie (d)evolving into the Antichrist, the world dictator who finally establishes that perpetual dread of right-wing conspiracy theorists: The One World Government! Brrr! Luckily, the President of the 'God-blessed United States of America' (sic!) refuses to go along with the plan. Not-so-luckily, Stone quickly disposes of him with a supernaturally induced heart attack.Still, this allows Vice President Biehn to assume full authority, and a lot of screen time is wasted on setting him up as the great hero who will save the day in the end. You can call this a spoiler if you must: The time is indeed wasted, for ultimately Biehn's character does NOTHING of any significance! He is last seen staring stupidly into the sky when Armageddon comes and the 'Nazarene' abysses Stone-gone-silly-CGI-Satan. (Yes, we're talking horns and leathery wings here!) A devil so incompetent that he avails himself of the hammy Antichrist seen in this movie does deserve to lose the eschatological battle. In the off-chance that the fundamentalists are on to something, I would expect the real deal to be slightly more subtle than standing before thousands of people and declaring something to the effect: "Ahh-y am your GOD!!! Worship ME!" Three stars, every single one of them for unintended comedic value.
Boba_Fett1138 I watched this movie expecting to see an even worse movie than "The Omega Code", of which this movie is a sequel. "The Omega Code" was really one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I don't even remember what it was about, or what happened in it. It was that forgettable and bad. Not bad in a funny- or cheesy campy kind of way, it was just plain bad. I was surprised- and have to admit that "Megiddo: The Omega Code 2" is a far better movie, that at least entertains, although it obviously also is far from a brilliant- or must-see movie.The movie didn't really began well. The movie seemed like an huge "The Omen" rip-off and just literally used that movie its main premise. A child who turns out to be the devil himself, the child who kills his own father by throwing him of the balcony, the devil going to military school and wants to take over the world through his political power, Armageddon and even the town of Megiddo plays a prominent role. They only changed a couple of minor things to avoid being called a total "The Omen" rip-off but the resemblances are still too obvious all to consider this movie an original one. The movie in the beginning also dragged on for too long and the story flow was poor. Really were all those sequences of the devil at military school and his childhood really necessary for the story? But when things and the story are finally starting to take shape and Michael York and Michael Biehn become the real main characters, the movie turns into a pretty descent thriller about the world's Apocalypse.Sure, it's far from credible all and the movie features a bit too many implausibilities and other silly moments. such as all the references to the German-Nazi regime were too overdone all. It's getting a bit tiresome and cheap, all those movies falling back on that time period. but by thriller standards this movie really isn't a bad one. The Christianity themes only get a bit annoying and too overdone toward the end of the movie. I remember that the first movie was much worse and annoying when it came down to the religious undertone of the whole movie.The Apocalypse is of course movie-wise a pretty interesting concept to use. The movie handles the concept well. It takes its time to build up and shape things. It builds up to the movie its spectacular climax, in which some of the worlds biggest superpowers (Americans, Chinese, the World Union, which is the army of Satan/Stone Alexander on Earth) clash. It results in an huge and surprisingly good looking climatic battle.Michael York obviously seemed to be enjoying himself playing in this movie as the bad guy for a change. Michael Biehn is also good for most part, although he is far from believable when he acts as and becomes the president of the United States. The movie also further more features R. Lee Ermey, Guy Siner and Udo Kier in some good and smaller roles.The movie is a mixed bag when it comes down to its visual looking. Obviously this is no big-budget movie and that shows in its sets, action sequences and special effects. Yet at the same time the movie also has some impressive and good looking effects as well. It makes the movie look unbalanced. At the one moment laughable at the other impressive. The same goes for its story and the movie in general actually; laughable at times but at others impressive. It doesn't make "Megiddo: The Omega Code 2" the most consistent, or most watchable movie around.Definitely better than the first, so I can recommend this movie, also since this movie can also be viewed apart as a standalone movie. But the whole subject is still handled better in the Omen movies, for if you're interested in it.6/10
dmcoppola I watched Megiddo. It was brilliant! Awesome scenes, especially the battle at the end and when Jesus returns and Satan calls out, "Nazerene, you are Lord"! Oh yes. It is worth the fee to but or rent, yet it probably is not as amazing in comparison in what Jesus has in store for that day when that God has sends him. I encourage all who want to try to explain the book of Revalation to anyone, especially loved ones, to use this powerful tool. The film makers also took a little liberty with parts like when Stone's wife is in Mexico and the old woman dies in her arms. It seemed that the antichrist caused it, but Jesus concerned death hell and the grave, so I encourage you who do see this to be prepared to expect a little bit of this kind of thing throughout the movie and remember, it's just man's attempt to translate the tribulation onto film That's a tough task for even the best.
amidalasky I admit, I have a strange fondness for bad movies. Movies that are enjoyably bad, or movies that really aren't as bad as the critics/public insisted, though they're certainly not good.However, there are some movies so irredeemably, stupefyingly, unimaginably bad that they don't even have the semi-out of being funny. "Megiddo" is one such movie.I sat through it because I was bored and it was an exceedingly dismal night for TV. And even though I didn't pay to see it, I still want my money back. What a turkey.The plot, if you can call it that, is a mishmash of rah-rah super-patriotism, shockingly blatant racism and xenophobia, paranoia, pseudo-Biblical gibberish, "Omen" ripoffs, "X-Files" ripoffs, "Exorcist" ripoffs, a pitiful love triangle, hideous acting, even more hideous dialog, and cut-rate special effects that offer a silly Satan who's about as frightening as a pair of bunny slippers -- as well as being shockingly stupid. I guess I'm just used to the idea of the devil being brilliant, but'd think that old Scratch would at least be clever enough to deduce that one of his "allies," reluctant to start with, is going to back-stab him.All this talk about Beelzebub, and no mention of the actor who plays him. It's Michael York, hammier than a pig farm. Many an actor has said that they prefer to play villains, as they're more fun than heroes, so you'd think that York would be having a blast playing the ultimate villain. However, his performance seems to strain him as much as it does the audience. Just like his computer-animated counterpart, who shows up at the very end, he isn't scary. He's just peevish and annoying.Poor Michael Biehn (who hasn't aged well at all -- he used to be so cute) is stuck playing the good guy, York's "brother." I use quotes because I think that that the devil actually inhabits York's character when he's a child and uses him as a puppet, though I'm not sure...the movie is muddy on this point, as on so many others. Anyway, Biehn's performance mainly consists of looking constipated, barking out painfully stupid dialog, and clenching his jaw...perhaps to keep from dissolving into gales of laughter at the sheer absurdity of all that is going on around him. I suppose it is to his credit that he doesn't, in fact, collapse in hilarity; he must take his craft seriously, even when applying it to something this appalling.