| 01 February 2004 (USA)
Megalodon Trailers

A skeptical news reporter is invited by the CEO of Nexecon Petroleum to document the safety of Colossus, the largest drilling and refining platform ever constructed. As the powerful drill tears through the seabed, a fissure forms, revealing a hidden mirror ocean teeming with prehistoric life. When a team is sent to access the damage, it comes face to face with the most powerful oceanic predator that ever lived: Carcharodon Megalodon.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Micransix Crappy film
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
TheLittleSongbird Megadolon is more a mediocre movie than a terrible one. It is also at least better than the Shark Attack movies(then again almost anything is), now those are examples of terrible movies. There are things to like, the acting is decent especially from Mark Sheppard, there are some nice underwater sequences, there is one cool attack scene and much of the CGI is not bad(the helicopter crash agreed was an exception), not great but could have been worse. Also the movie doesn't fall into the dull category, the pace is quite brisk and there are glimpses of great entertainment. Megadolon is let down by a number of things. The standard of the CGI was better than expected, but there could have been much less of it at the same time. The editing has times where it's hurried and others where it's sloppy, the dialogue at best is a load of exposition and cornball and the characters are shallow and development is next to nil. The story is not badly paced, but it is very predictable and the suspense and horror is severely lacking(they're exchanged with unintentional comedy, some of which is funny but others are frustrating), and the repetitive attack scenes and anticlimactic and quite ridiculous ending hinder it further. The shark is a very mixed bag design wise, there are times where it has a very menacing great white shark look but there are other times where it is like an over-sized plastic toy you'd find in the bathroom(coming from someone who used to have one, it could sing too!). The lack of personality is a big problem, there was definitely a big effort to make it authentic but generally it needed to be more fearsome and have more variety in movement and how it reacted to things. Overall, mediocre but did have its merits. 4/10 Bethany Cox
iansmom99 I've seen many reviews stating this movie is boring, plain, or horrible. I beg to differ. Even though this movie isn't as exciting or intense as Deep Blue Blue (1999), I actually thought it had a lot of values to offer. The storyline was decent, yet a little slow. People were saying the CGI effects were crap. Are you kidding, the CGI sea animals, ocean, and oil rig were very impressive to me. The jellyfish sting that "Elliot" had on his stomach and back looked so real. The whole oil production idea in the movie was actually a good touch. The acting was pretty good, the only performance I thought was bad was Leighanne Littrell as "Christen Giddings". Besides the slow moving plot, I thought this is an incredibly interesting film. Its more Sci-Fi than horror which doesn't bother me.
sams-small i thought that the director and the designers and the producer could of come up with something better then that it was awful. The computer graphics did nothing for the film and the producer really didn't think it through, i mean the scale of the shark was just ridiculous and most of the film was in computer graphics i think in total there was bout half an hour that wasn't done by computer.You could only just tell the shark was swimming in the water and it kept blinking while it was "swimming" so since when did fish start to blink, and it was poorly made, i mean come on its the 21st century all the technology there is these days the director and the producer could have made it much better that even the shark in jaws looked more real then the Megolodon did! my summary of the film is that it was rubbish and should of been scraped!
Wite Stik This movie was released the same year as Spider-man 2, Shrek 2, Shark Tale, The Incredibles, and The Day After Tomorrow, you would expect some descent graphics. 2004 was a year of amazing CG achievements. This movie just kills that reputation. It looks like they hired a relative of the producers who knew how to work a PC. Everything is computer animated. Everything looks like crap. They try to blur the images by putting tons of light around it, but it doesn't hide the disgrace. I am a pacific islander, I grew up with fish right in my backyard. The fish in this movie don't look like fish and especially don't move like them.This is not worth your time, rent it and let your grandparents watch it, it should please them.
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