Trapped: Buried Alive
Trapped: Buried Alive
| 01 February 2002 (USA)
Trapped: Buried Alive Trailers

The management of a ski resort blatantly ignores a local expert's warning that a mass of snow has build up which is just waiting to come down the ski slopes in a terrible avalanche. Instead of clearing the endangered area, skiers are allowed to remain 'for the rest of the day'. Nature doesn't wait till after business hours, so the crystallized wave rushes down and crushes everything on its path, including a brand new hotel; among the guests is the architect Michael Cooper's own family, which now tries to remember the plans well enough to find the way out, as he tries to instruct the rescue operation above, where a second, even larger avalanche is expected.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
cult_hero13 This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. What happened to pride in one's work? The writer, surely should have known that so much of this was unbelievable. The director seemed to have no say in how the actors supposedly acted. Obviously, the actors themselves have no pride in their work as was evident throughout.I wouldn't even rate this as B film. At least B films know they're bad and try to make that part of the movie. This movie tries to portray itself as something to take seriously.I hope my review can help push the overall rating of this movie closer to 1 and aide the next poor soul who stumbles upon this and wonders if it'll be any good.
The_Light_Triton Trapped: buried alive brings us to a resort that has just opened, and is soon to close.We start with a guy in gear blowing up drifts, to avoid the possibility of avalanches. somehow, that doesn't make sense. anyways, he's about to blow away one particularly big one, when he notices the resort is open. despite his best efforts, higher authority tells him his day is over.soon, as everyone expects, an avalanche hits.Look, i'm not gonna reveal any more, all i can say is this was a B-movie designed for the family channel (which i just saw it on, and the fact it had no commercials proves it's a B-movie) anyways, it's a pretty decent film, but it's partially unreal.firsthand, when people are buried by ice and snow, they're buried. not just traced by powder. or, what about a CD for a screwdriver? it's not possible. and finally, what i can't stress enough, is that an explosion cannot stop a avalanche, guaranteed.furthermore, it's worth a rental or a TV viewing, but not owning. 7/10.The movie is rated PG, but maybe it should have received something a little more strong. a boy nearly loses his foot in an elevator, but his leg is cut around the ankle, a guy is toasted by electricity and diesel, and in the weight room, dead people are laying around.enjoy.
amint I can't figure out how anyone can get a budget for a movie this bad. It's like the TV station are desperate for anything, anything at all. They're buried underneath a bunch of snow, the electricity constantly flashes on and off, yet magically there is a background light that stays constant. Where does all this (fake) light come from? That, and all that stupid bickering between the characters. They seem to be more interested in complaining to each other than trying to invent ways to survive. It tries to create that feel of emergency and people helping. But because it's such bad directing and acting, you will not your Florence Nightingale fix with this flick, sorry. I'm joining the negative feedback, and I concur that this is one of the worst movies ever.
Brianweimer73 Trapped beneath the snow is mildly entertaining if you happen to have two hours with nothing better to do. Jack Wagner (Trapped in Space, Nowhere to Land) stars as a father who is on vacation with his new wife and teenage daughter at a mountain resort. Through a series of planned detonations, an avalanche is triggered, coming right down on the resort where people are inside, including Wagner's wife and daughter. Most of the film is dedicated to Wagner and a group of men trying to rescue the trapped victims. The most exciting scenes involve the avalanche, watching the powerful ice descent down the mountain. The special effects are done very well, and these scenes are very realistic, similiar to those in Vertical Limit. There is also a subplot between the teenage daughter and stepmom. The daughter's real mom has died relatively recently, and she refuses to accept her dad's new wife. There are some good emotional moments throughout the movie. The acting is decent, and the movie has an overall feel of a movie of the week, but it's enjoyable.