PG | 30 July 2004 (USA)
Thunderbirds Trailers

Dangerous missions are the bread and butter of the Thunderbirds, a high-tech secret force employed by the government. Led by Jeff Tracy (Bill Paxton), the Thunderbirds are at the top of their game, but their nemesis, The Hood (Ben Kingsley), has landed on their island and is attempting a coup by using the team's rescue vehicles. He'll soon discover that the Thunderbirds won't go down.

Micransix Crappy film
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
sbradfor-863-215238 I grew up watching the Thunderbirds on TV. I was really happy to find this movie on Amazon streaming. People unfamiliar with the series may not get some of the jokes and things that they are doing here, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how true this was to the series. It has the same fun, adventurous attitude. It's sad that so many fanboys have decided to hate it because it isn't a carbon copy. It is OK to like both.
Leofwine_draca At some point in Hollywood's history, somebody had the genius idea of making a live action version of the classic puppet show THUNDERBIRDS. Being Hollywood, at the same time they made it suitable for American audiences by destroying all of the old fashioned British style that people loved it for in the first place. So in this version of THUNDERBIRDS, we get dumb humour, sexual innuendo, martial arts, and extremely exaggerated acting.What's most amazing about this film is that they somehow wasted fifty-seven million dollars on making it. Pity poor Jonathan Frakes, STAR TREK actor and director, for ruining his movie directorial career with this film (he's only worked in television since). Watching it, you'll wonder where all that money was spent. THUNDERBIRDS the film is a cheap and cheesy vehicle of excess that makes SPICE WORLD look like a movie classic. The whole thing looks like it was filmed on a green screen with awful CGI effects throughout.The character work is even worse. Pity poor old Bill Paxton, who has never been so stiff as the senior Tracy. Sophia Myles, an actress I usually love in most stuff, is awfully wooden as the plummy Lady Penelope. Only Anthony Edwards and Ron Cook as Brains and Parker respectively get close to their original puppet characters. The less said about Ben Kingsley's ham acting, the better. As for the kids, they're the worst thing about this; they look like boy band rejects and it comes as little surprise that the awful boy band Busted sing an updated version of the theme song over the closing credits. As an action lover, the worst thing about this for me were the fight scenes, which are among the worst ever seen; stars like Myles throw their hands around randomly and are doubled for every little leap. It's cringe worthy. THUNDERBIRDS is the type of film that'll make any sane viewer want to tear their own eyeballs out; it really is that awful.
Kayley Fisher They had to do it, didn't they? The American's HAD to take one of our classics, up the budget by $50000000 and turn it into an action title. Look, there's a moral in all of this - stop stealing our stuff. You guys can create extremely good movies when you want to. I mean, my favorite movie of all time is The Godfather Part I. That's American.Don't steal our stuff. We let the Aussies do it because all they want are game shows. You tried with Red Dwarf and that was bad enough. I mean, we hardly go around stealing F.R.I.E.N.D.S now do we?Okay, I'm fourteen. I guess that I'm too OLD for the target market of this film. I have seen the entire 60's series (which I love to pieces) and both Supermarionation movie... and then I saw this.Oh. My. Gosh.What an abomination! I mean, Alan is such a little brat in the film. I have a major crush on the marionette (who by the way is better looking than this guy) and the marionette can act better.The entire film is a rip off of Spy Kids which was actually a half decent set of movies when you are eight. The movie would have been a lot better if they'd just shown us the Thunderbirds logo and slapped a Ford sticker over it. That's what this movie is, an advisement. Even Penelope's FAB 1 is Ford. No! It should be a Rolls Royce! Arrrg!The Tracy brothers are hardly mentioned, the continuity is laughable, the plot is thin and terrible, the acting is laughable and the 'jokes' aren't.Mel J said something witty about Brain's supposed son: (Yes, Brains' son despite this being a man who could surely never score a woman if he tried; maybe he grew the kid in a petri dish). They got names wrong as well. We never found out Brain's last name, only an alias.Jeff Tracy doesn't go on missions! His performance was boring as well.The Hood's power is very limited in the TV series to vague mind control. He never had a gang like that which were leveled down to a bunch of morons rather than a threat.The Thunderbird's looked okay, but they were way too easy to pilot. Unrealistically easy.The only three decent characters were The Hood, Lady Penelope and Parker.I'm giving this review two stars, one for Lady Penelope's performance (which was underused. She could have turned this whole movie around) and one for effort, I guess. No, scratch that. There was no effort in that. One for The Hood's performance then. He (Along with Lady P and Parker) were the only ones who actually had a shred of talent in this piece of filth.This movie is awful. Don't watch it. Watch the 60's series instead. That's a masterpiece. :)
brassduke Why a 4.0/10? Hey? What's the point on seeing you guys realise that such a sturdy teen movie mixed with wacky special effects would make up a film that you HAD TO HATE!?! I'm getting sick and tired from the back teeth of all your bad reviews, why can't you just show some respect?! Gerry Anderson brought these mighty puppets to live back in the 60's and Star Trek Executive 'Jonathan Frakes' was eager to turn it into a menacing family film with a lot of friendly and general actors (Sure Anthony Edwards is annoying, And they had Americans in London). I Think it's about time i dealt with your film dialogue and my innocence because i'm getting so fed-up of this, i'm LEAVING this site! This is my final review EVER!! (BTW, That Bingo Thing was to prove how cross i was)Oh Yes, and there is NO bad language because i promised myself ^^SEE YOU IN HELL!!!