Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
PG-13 | 12 June 2015 (USA)
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl Trailers

Greg is coasting through senior year of high school as anonymously as possible, avoiding social interactions like the plague while secretly making spirited, bizarre films with Earl, his only friend. But both his anonymity and friendship threaten to unravel when his mother forces him to befriend a classmate with leukemia.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Gavin Purtell 'Me and Earl and the Dying Girl' is a solid coming-of-age film - it's charming and funny and definitely not as depressing as the title may have you believe. It's a simple concept - the not-quite nerdy, not-quite cool high-schooler, Greg (Mann), is forced by his mum to hang out with a classmate who has just being diagnosed with leukaemia, Rachel (Cooke). It's starts off as an awkward friendship, but slowly turns into genuine friendship.Earl (Cyler) is great as Greg's only friend (or "co-worker" as he calls him) and lots of the film's fun comes from the parodies they make together of classic films - such as 'Senior Citizen Cane', 'The Seven Seals', 'A Sockwork Orange', 'Eyes Wide Butt' & my favourite, 'Grumpy Cul-de-Sacs'! - most featuring clever animation and hilarious ultra-low-budget imitations. Earl acts as Greg's conscience when he turns into a shellfish teenager and forgets about Rachel's actual problems. The parents (Shannon, Offerman & Britton) all have some great scenes.The film's score, by Brian Eno, is fantastic and really adds to the emotion, especially towards the end. The finale is handled well and shows impact we can have others' lives by just being there for them. Sure, it's sad in parts, but it's realistic and it is nice to watch how Greg and Rachel handle the situation mostly with good-humour. The funny moments outweigh the sad ones and make this an enjoyable film.
alfCycle I very much enjoyed this film. It is full of humor, relatable characters, and heartfelt moments. The tribute/parody films made by the characters were hilarious and definitely spoke to my inner film nerd. The film transitions from being very lighthearted to a more serious tone in the later part of the movie. However, this change was gradual and came across naturally. This film is cleaver with its use of humor and tasteful with its use of sorrow. It doesn't come across as sappy or cheesy when the emotional moments occur. Overall, I highly recommend this film for anyone looking to laugh and/or cry.8/10...but that's just like, my opinion, man# Of Times Watched: Once
A Nice handling of the "going through YOUR stuff" threat weird dad.Molly Shannon is bizarre, in a good way, as always.Man. Madison is irritating.That is some thick white paint on Rachel's door.Unusual camera angles.Earl is awesome.Who's that girl smiling at this event?!No your typical someone is dying movie. Not your typical high school movie, where high school is barely a setting. The gestalt is something more interesting and poignant in a kind of casual manner.
RubenJansen97 Tiltle: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015) – No Spoilers!Characters and acting: One of the biggest pro's I can give this this movie is that all of the characters felt real in their motivations, reactions, emotions and the way they delivered their lines. The main character is portrayed by Thomas Mann. I haven't seen him in any other films, but judging by his age, he has a great career to look forward to. His chemistry with Rachel (played by Olivia Cooke) is spectacular. Not only is the build up done so well, but the way they deliver lines at each other and how the create inside jokes is a pleasure to witness on screen. I could talk for ages about the great actors in this movie, but the best way to describe them is 'real'.Story and Dialogue: The story is surprisingly simple, but that doesn't take away from the fact that the execution of it has been done with care. Thankfully the filmmakers knew about the fact that you have probably heard this story numerous times, so they found a believable way to sort of make fun of it without taking away from the tone. The dialogue is often so fun and relate able. It is filled with clever jokes or comments about high school, life or sickness. This is the type of movie where you want to grab your phone or your notes every few minutes to write down that awesome quote.Editing and Pacing: In these types of movies I'm always kind of nervous if there isn't a long middle-part where the pace hugely goes down. The length is as perfect as it can be. If it was longer it could have become boring and if it was shorter it would have been too rushed. In the terms of editing it has definitely some stand-out moments, there are some really fun stop-motion segments or creative filmmaking bits (keeping things vague because of spoilers).Cinematography and Effects: The cinematography in this film is just lovely to watch. Not only are there some really neat camera tricks but it makes use of the entire screen instead of just the middle. Aside from that, the colors and the symmetry in the short look awesome, it actually manages to make high school look beautiful. Also a lot of repetition is found between several shots with different meanings, you can really see that the filmmakers put effort in making a film with usage of visual ques to tell a story.Rewatchability: In a lot of movies like this I feel like there normally isn't much rewatchability value. Once you finally know what's going to happen it could make your second viewing less interesting. I feel like the value in this film is much greater though, mostly because of the combination of great characters mixed with genuine dialogue. I was so invested in the characters that I would mind seeing them a second, third or perhaps even a fourth time. In terms of foreshadowing, there is quite a lot of it, some of it in some small character moments that you wouldn't even notice when paying not enough attention. This would definitely make your second watching worth wile.Deeper Meaning or Motives/Themes: This movie has quite a lot to say about dealing with illness (obviously), finding your place in school or in your social life, having friends, showing yourself and being who you are and showing your creativity.Tone: The tone of the movie is so interesting. I should say it's a drama, but on the other hand, this movie is funny as hell, but I also wouldn't consider this a comedy. It's like a drama with great comedic elements. Aside from that the tone is really consistent and it didn't do anything that took me out of the movie, I stayed invested throughout the entire film.Personal Response: With the smart and fun dialogue this movie grabbed me pretty quick. Then after a while I became invested in the characters. After like half an hour I was wondering if they would go the easy way with the story. Then the movie surprisingly took a few turns that I didn't expect and it kept me interested in the story. Something really interesting that this movie did to me which had never occurred to me before was that I felt the emotion several minutes after the movie had ended. Normally there are certain scenes that give you the feels, but this time I felt it after and it still kept me engaged. When a movie can accomplish something like that, it earns my deepest respect. Conclusion: 'Me and Earl and the Dying Girl' is a believable film with wonderful portrayed characters and with great things to say about illness, social life and creativity. 10/10
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