The Wolfpack
The Wolfpack
R | 12 June 2015 (USA)
The Wolfpack Trailers

Locked away from society in an apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Angulo brothers learn about the outside world through the films that they watch. Nicknamed ‘The Wolfpack’, the brothers spend their childhood reenacting their favorite films using elaborate home-made props and costumes. Their world is shaken up when one of the brothers escapes and everything changes.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
eddie_baggins While the film around it feels a little to haphazard to truly fly and certain situations are not fully explained, the story at the heart of Crystal Moselle's fascinating documentary is one that is utterly unique and a sometimes scary, sometimes insightful examination on the way in which films play an important part in the lives of the everyday people who here in the Wolfpack happen to be the anything but run of the mill Angulo family.Virtually locked away inside their cramped New York City apartment by their strange and possible quite sinister father, the Angulo family which consists of one solitary sister and a haggle of movie loving boys find solace, entertainment and also in many ways a reason to live in their large collection of movies that they have found joys in recreating and living in through their bizarre early years.Meeting the family at a time where they've become more progressive and less inclined to heed to their fathers strange wishes, Moselle found the family at an ideal time where they were willing to both speak about and showcase their unique set of circumstances and while this is intriguing, Wolfpack truly shines in its presentation of the Angulo's when their movie making mojo is in full swing through an abundance of footage the family shot of their endeavours.Whether it's faithful re-enactments of Reservoir Dogs (Tarantino seems to be a favourite of the clan), scarily good Dark Knight recreations or even original films they've written and developed, it's unlikely that viewers would've seen anything quite like what's shown in Moselle's film and its fascinating to witness the growth in these children as they slowly discover the difference between life in the movies and life as we know it, not to mention the divide between watching the world pass by through a window and walking through it.It's frustrating that the Wolfpack is not a more proficient production but despite its amateurish nature and lack of hard investigation it's still a memorizing watch thanks to its stranger than fiction story and the Wolfpack will provide a buzz to any budding film aficionados as to what can be achieved through effort and a love for the medium.3 Coney Island beach outings out of 5
SnoopyStyle The Angulos are an unusual family on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The mother had met the Peruvian father while visiting. He fears dark government conspiracies and locked his family inside their apartment. They rarely go out and didn't go outside during one year. There are six boys and one girl who has mental difficulties. Their mother homeschooled the kids. The boys are movie fans and start recreating the films in their apartment.Every family is unusual in their own way. Some families are unusual in every way. The cinematic hook for these boys is obviously their film reenactments. Their effort is pretty good considering the conditions. The movie does skim over some aspects which is not necessarily the filmmaker's fault. The father is probably the most fascinating character but he gets only a few scenes. Those scenes are very compelling but I want more. The filmmakers need to follow the guy. They need to find out what he does outside of the family. What does the family do for money? There's a blonde girl who suddenly shows up at the end. Who is she? There are a few questions that need better answers. The most compelling scene happens off screen. It's the first walk that the oldest boy takes outside without permission. He recounts the walk but it's not the same. It's a fascinating family but the movie leaves a few things unanswered.
Danny Blankenship Just watched one of this year's most talked about documentary films and that was "The Wolfpack" and it was interesting and took a neat look at how people live. Proving that life is so different for many. Based on a true story the film is actually made from footage of six Angulo brothers and it shows how each spent much of their life locked away and sheltered from society all while living in an apartment on the lower east side of New York City. All they have ever known of life and take from the world is what they seen thru movies and TV. And they have watched with a fine tooth comb knowing line by line and even acting out scenes and dressing up like many of their favorite characters from the movies they watch! Plus neat and nice was seeing in the footage the costumes and props that each brother would make homemade to try and copy the actual stuff from their favorite films! They said this was to fight off being alone and this was the craving for their dreams maybe so as I grew up with movies since a kid and I still dream big with them. It's been a family tradition as my aunts got me into watching a lot of movies, still I knew real life and would journey out. Much like the one brother in this picture once he escapes the apartment everything changes for everyone as a journey and discovery of going out sheds new light as "The Wolfpack" can say that leaving the apartment can act as a new dream they can live out just like the dreams and hopes that the movies gave them all!
Red-Barracuda The Angulo family live in an apartment in New York's Lower East Side. Including the mother and father, there are nine of them. The boys spend considerable time re-enacting the contents of their favourite movies using home-made props and make-up. They are obsessed with movies in actual fact. But this can possibly be explained on account of the fact that these boys have more or less remained indoors their whole lives. Their domineering father being the primary reason this decision has been enforced, although the mother seems quite happy with the idea also. The boys seem okay with this situation, which from the outside seems incredibly unnatural and absurd. The boys existence makes me think of the life of a house cat; a type of feline that has been brought up and conditioned to stay indoors, such that it knows no different way of living, despite the fact that such an existence goes completely against the natural way of this type of animal. When its human beings submitting to this sort of thing though, it starts to seem more than a little bit strange.The Wolfpack certainly has an unusual story to tell. For this reason I was somewhat disappointed with the film. While there is considerable interview material, for some reason there isn't all that much insight and I came away still being none the wiser about how this situation arose and was maintained for so many years. It's about people cut off from society through choice, yet you have to wonder how the social services could have allowed it. Children will go along with things because they know no different, unaware of what damage may be being done. I can't help think that these boys have been deprived of a considerable amount that they may come to fully realise in later life and their mother and father consequently seem unfit parents. The father in particular did not come out of this very well, his position was he was protesting against the system by choosing to not work and instead laze around at home drinking alcohol and watching TV. I wasn't very convinced by this stance. The boys seem surprisingly balanced considering their restrictive upbringing but I never even got a sense of what they felt when they finally emerged outside. So while the source material here is certainly of some interest, I can't say I thought too much of the execution and I left somewhat underwhelmed.