Maybe... Maybe Not
Maybe... Maybe Not
| 05 October 1994 (USA)
Maybe... Maybe Not Trailers

The heterosexual man Axel is thrown out of his girlfriends home for cheating and ends up moving in with a gay man. Axel learns the advantages of living with gay men even though they are attracted to him and when his girlfriend wants him back he must make a tough decision.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
alaskanadian Very funny and original, even if you don't speak German. A lot of the story and bits transcend language. I'm surprised that it has not yet been remade in the USA. The film is entitled "Maybe, Maybe Not" in English. This film also introduced me to two of the best actors in the industry-Katja Riemann and Til Schweiger. Katya Riemann also gives a stellar performance in the WWII Drama Rosenstrausse. A must-see! I can't wait to see her in the upcoming werewolf horror film "Blood & Chocolate"! Til is starting to appear in Engish speaking films like King Arthur and Deuce Bigalow 2. When will we see Katja in an English speaking role?!? Keep up the good work!Andrea G, Anchorage,Alaska
Marie Hunter (RieRieZILLA) `Maybe, Maybe Not' is one of the most odd movies I've ever seen. I liked it. I think I liked it because it is so completely different than all the American movies I'm used to seeing. In the beginning, the main character, Axel, decides to randomly have sex with some girl in the bathroom of his workplace. A woman in the next stall recognizes the key chain that dropped from one of the fornicating couple's clothes. She peeks over the stall to find her boyfriend of three years mindlessly humping another woman. She kicks him out of their apartment and throughout the rest of the movie he struggles with where to live. Initially he calls old girlfriends who all readily turn him away. Then he ends up at a `men's group' with a lot of gay guys. After that, he gets drunk at a party and goes home to sleep at one of their houses. This is when the gender preference battle begins. A lot of stereotypes were defied in this movie and I found that extremely refreshing. For example, it is commonly thought in American society that gay men are promiscuous, however in this movie, no homosexual sex is shown. There is one man-to-man kiss in the club and in another scene homosexual activity is inferred while watching slides but not directly shown on the screen. There are, however, two comparatively graphic heterosexual scenes. Another stereotype defied was the `effeminate gay men' stereotype. The main gay character, Norbert, didn't act effeminate at all, not even in drag. My favorite part of the movie however perpetuated and made fun of an existing stereotype - the stupid Stallone-loving straight guy. The guys in the movie theater were very intriguing. I thought they added welcome comic relief to an otherwise tense and dark movie.
Juergen N. This movie is an example of how good comedy made in Germany can be. Young actors (back then the upcoming new German stars), funny, yet believable situations and characters which have not been overdone or seem crude. No matter if gay or straight, if you are not biased against German comedy (or maybe even if you are, and rightly so), watch this one. If you liked "In And Out" and "The Birdcage", you will surely like "Der Bewegte Mann". Maybe it's not as glamorous or exalted like it's US counterparts - after all, we are conservative here ;-) - it's still worth watching. My rating: 8.5 out of 10.
Stefan Kahrs This is yet another of those cases where Anglosaxon audiences might be tempted to think that it reenforces their prejudice that German humour is a no-show.The problem can be described in one word: subtitles. I (a native German speaker) watched the UK release which is the original German version with English subtitles. The dialogue of this film is very funny and sharp; it is quite different from contemporary funny English dialogue which usually goes for funny one-liners, it has more in common with the humour you find in Oscar Wilde, for example in The Importance of Being Earnest. In other words, the characters are constantly trying to (literally) outwit each other whilst keeping the conversation afloat. This kind of dialogue is quite fashionable in certain parts of German culture, but at least in Britain it has become fairly rare. Consequently, the translators had a difficult job on their hands.Occasionally my eyes wandered towards the subtitles to see what the translators did with the latest banter - and I was appalled with what I found. Yes, the translation was factually accurate, i.e. the content of what was said was accurately translated, but all the wit, the sharpness, the humour had gone. As already mentioned, this was a difficult translation job, but the translators did not try hard enough.